16. Salsola korshinskyi Drobow, Trudy Bot. Muz. Imp. Akad. Nauk. 16: 142. 1916.
褐翅猪毛菜 he chi zhu mao cai
Climacoptera korshinskyi (Drobow) Botschantzev.
Herbs annual, 30-60 cm tall. Stem erect, much branched above; branchlets obliquely spreading, densely pubescent mixed with erect, long hairs when young. Leaves spreading, gray-green, semiterete, 1-1.5 cm × 1.5-2.5 mm, densely pubescent mixed with suberect, long hairs, base decurrent, apex obtuse. Inflorescence spicate; bracts narrowly ovate, subequaling bractlets; bractlets ovate, slightly shorter than or subequaling perianth. Perianth (including wings) 10-12 mm in diam. in fruit; segments lanceolate, membranous, abaxially winged from middle, pubescent; portion of segment above wing connivent with others into a cone; 3 wings yellow-brown or red-brown, reniform or obovate; other 2 wings smaller. Anther appendage shortly stalked, purple-red or white, narrowly ovate, 1/3-1/2 as long as anther. Stigmas subulate, subequaling style. Seed horizontal. Fl. Jul-Aug, fr. Aug-Sep.
Gobi desert, saline lake shores. N Xinjiang [C Asia].
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