1. Salsola orientalis S. G. Gmelin, Reise Russland. 4: 47. 1784.
东方猪毛菜 dong fang zhu mao cai
Caroxylon orientale (S. G. Gmelin) Tzvelev; Salsola rigida Pallas.
Subshrubs 20-50 cm tall. Stem branched from base; woody branches gray-brown, fissured; annual branches herbaceous, densely shortly sinuate pilose. Leaves semiterete, straight, 7-10 × 1-1.5 mm, densely pilose, base slightly expanded, apex obtuse. Inflorescence spicate-paniculate; bracts leaflike; bractlets broadly ovate, densely pilose, margin membranous, apex obtuse. Perianth (including wings) 7-10 mm in diam. in fruit; segments narrowly ovate, abaxially somewhat fleshy and winged from middle, densely pubescent, margin membranous; portion of segment above wing connivent with others, forming a short cone; 3 wings yellow-brown or dark brown, reniform, with numerous veins; other 2 wings smaller. Stigmas subulate, ca. 2 × as long as style. Seed horizontal. Fl. Jul-Aug, fr. Aug-Sep.
Deserts, dunes, slopes. N Xinjiang [C and SW Asia].
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