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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 6 | Ranunculaceae | Delphinium

79b. Delphinium delavayi var. pogonanthum (Handel-Mazzetti) W. T. Wang, Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 28: 401. 1979.

须花翠雀花 xu hua cui que hua

Delphinium pogonanthum Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Sin. 7: 279. 1931.

Stem and petioles spreading hispid; hairs 2--3 mm. Leaf blade central lobe rhombic. Raceme strigose and yellow glandular puberulent. Filaments glabrous.

* Forests, scrub, grassy slopes; 2600--3600 m. W Guizhou, SW Sichuan, C, N, and SE Yunnan.


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