45. Thalictrum ramosum B. Boivin, J. Arnold Arbor. 26: 115. 1945.
多枝唐松草 duo zhi tang song cao
Plants 12--45 cm tall, glabrous. Rootlets never enlarged. Stems branched, sulcate. Leaves both basal and cauline; petiole 7--9 cm; leaf blade 2- or 3-ternate, 7--15 cm; leaflet blade broadly ovate, broadly obovate, or orbicular, 0.7--2 × 0.5--1.5 cm, herbaceous, base rounded or subcordate, apex obtuse, inconspicuously 3-lobed; lobes acute at apex; veins raised abaxially, flat adaxially. Inflorescence monochasial. Pedicel filiform, 5--10 mm. Sepals 4, early deciduous, white, tinged purplish, ovate, ca. 2 mm. Filament base filiform, 4--6 × as long as anther, apex narrowly oblanceolate; anther tinged yellow, ca. 0.7 mm. Carpels (6--)8--16; style recurved, slender, ca. 2 mm, slightly longer than ovary. Achenes sessile; body narrowly ovoid or lanceolate, 3.5--4.5 mm; veins ca. 8. Fl. Apr, fr. May--Jun.
* Scrub, hills; 500--1000 m. Guangxi, Hunan, Sichuan.
This species is similar to Thalictrum fortunei, but differs in having small sepals and many narrowly ovoid achenes; it is also similar to T. javanicum, which differs in being taller and having inflorescences much branched and many flowered, sepals long, and filaments broader than anthers.
Thalictrum ramosum is used medicinally.