1 |
Leaves simple |
50 T. rotundifolium |
+ |
Leaves pinnately or ternately compound. |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Flowers unisexual or bisexual; stigma flagelliform, longer than ovary |
58 T. smithii |
+ |
Flowers always bisexual, never unisexual; stigma never flagelliform, rarely longer than ovary. |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Leaflets linear |
19 T. foeniculaceum |
+ |
Leaflets ovate, obovate, or orbicular, often lobed. |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Leaflets peltate; petiolule inserted above base |
28 T. ichangense |
+ |
Leaflets not peltate; petiolule inserted at base. |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Flowers solitary, axillary |
60 T. squamiferum |
+ |
Flowers in few- to many-flowered, terminal inflorescences. |
(6) |
6 (5) |
Inflorescence racemelike; leaves all basal |
2 T. alpinum |
+ |
Inflorescence cymose; cauline leaves usually present. |
(7) |
7 (6) |
Plants hairy. |
(8) |
+ |
Plants glabrous. |
(30) |
8 (7) |
Leaves densely branched stellate hairy adaxially |
9 T. cirrhosum |
+ |
Leaves not as above. |
(9) |
9 (8) |
Style reflexed or recurved, often hooded, stigma inconspicuous. |
(10) |
+ |
Style erect, never hooded, stigma conspicuous. |
(19) |
10 (9) |
Achenes sessile or subsessile. |
(11) |
+ |
Achenes stipitate. |
(14) |
11 (10) |
Leaflets 3--8 cm |
48 T. robustum |
+ |
Leaflets 1.2--3 cm. |
(12) |
12 (11) |
Leaflets glandular hairy |
6 T. brevisericeum |
+ |
Leaflets pubescent, not glandular hairy. |
(13) |
13 (12) |
Anthers apically obtuse |
76 T. yunnanense |
+ |
Anthers apically mucronate |
54 T. scabrifolium |
14 (10) |
Sepals purplish, 10--15 mm |
12 T. diffusiflorum |
+ |
Sepals white, 2--3 mm. |
(15) |
15 (14) |
Inflorescence many flowered. |
(16) |
+ |
Inflorescence few flowered. |
(17) |
16 (15) |
Inflorescence paniculate; achene body 2--2.2 mm |
69 T. uncinulatum |
+ |
Inflorescence racemelike, monochasial; achene body 8.5--11 mm |
23 T. fusiforme |
17 (15) |
Leaflets papery |
32 T. laxum |
+ |
Leaflets herbaceous. |
(18) |
18 (17) |
Leaflet veins flat; plants to 60 cm tall |
49 T. rostellatum |
+ |
Leaflet veins raised abaxially, at least on larger leaflets; plants ca. 1 m tall |
7 T. chayuense |
19 (9) |
Sepals reddish pink, 9--13 mm |
46 T. reniforme |
+ |
Sepals white, 3--8 mm. |
(20) |
20 (19) |
Filaments conspicuously dilated distally. |
(21) |
+ |
Filaments uniformly linear or only slightly thickened distally. |
(23) |
21 (20) |
Achene stipe equaling or longer than body |
44 T. przewalskii |
+ |
Achene stipe obviously shorter than body. |
(22) |
22 (21) |
Styles conspicuous |
15 T. fargesii |
+ |
Styles inconspicuous or very short |
1 T. acutifolium |
23 (20) |
Leaves pubescent on both surfaces. |
(24) |
+ |
Leaves glabrous, at least adaxially. |
(25) |
24 (23) |
Achenes 1--3; stigma not winged |
72 T. viscosum |
+ |
Achenes 4--8; stigma winged |
24 T. glandulosissimum |
25 (23) |
Inflorescence flat topped, few flowered. |
(26) |
+ |
Inflorescence not flat topped, many flowered. |
(27) |
26 (25) |
Achenes laterally compressed, crescent-shaped |
73 T. wangii |
+ |
Achenes not laterally compressed, obliquely globose |
65 T. tsawarungense |
27 (25) |
Stigma not winged. |
(28) |
+ |
Stigma winged. |
(29) |
28 (27) |
Pedicels pubescent |
55 T. shensiense |
+ |
Pedicels glabrous |
17 T. finetii |
29 (27) |
Stigma broadly winged, triangular; achenes laterally compressed, shortly hairy |
20 T. foetidum |
+ |
Stigma narrowly winged, narrowly triangular; achenes only slightly laterally compressed, glabrous |
10 T. cultratum |
30 (7) |
Basal leaves absent; cauline leaves ternate; inflorescence few flowered; sepals white |
71 T. virgatum |
+ |
Basal leaves present or absent, when absent, cauline leaves 2--4-pinnately compound; inflorescence few to many flowered; sepals pink, blue, or white. |
(31) |
31 (30) |
Styles reflexed or recurved, often hooded, stigma inconspicuous. |
(32) |
+ |
Styles erect, never hooded, stigma conspicuous or rarely inconspicuous. |
(46) |
32 (31) |
Achenes stipitate. |
(33) |
+ |
Achenes sessile or subsessile. |
(37) |
33 (32) |
Achenes 6--12, crescent-shaped, strongly compressed |
68 T. uncatum |
+ |
Achenes 10--50, fusiform, not strongly compressed. |
(34) |
34 (33) |
Achenes 30--50 per flower |
51 T. rubescens |
+ |
Achenes 10--25 per flower. |
(35) |
35 (34) |
Achenes 7--9 mm |
35 T. macrorhynchum |
+ |
Achenes 4--6 mm. |
(36) |
36 (35) |
Leaflets leathery |
70 T. urbainii |
+ |
Leaflets herbaceous |
43 T. philippinense |
37 (32) |
Filaments filiform, sometimes weakly dilated distally . |
(38) |
+ |
Filaments oblanceolate, ± enlarged distally. |
(39) |
38 (37) |
Plants 18--30 cm tall; carpels 25--70 |
53 T. saniculiforme |
+ |
Plants 9--15 cm tall; carpels 10--13 |
56 T. simaoense |
39 (37) |
Leaflets 3--8 mm |
38 T. myriophyllum |
+ |
Leaflets more than 8 mm. |
(40) |
40 (39) |
Inflorescence a monochasium. |
(41) |
+ |
Inflorescence a panicle or pleiochasium. |
(43) |
41 (40) |
Monochasium elongate, racemelike, densely flowered |
4 T. atriplex |
+ |
Monochasium not elongate, sparsely flowered. |
(42) |
42 (41) |
Achenes 3--6, fusiform; sepals 3--4.5 mm; rootlets often enlarged |
22 T. fortunei |
+ |
Achenes 8--16, narrowly ovoid; sepals ca. 2 mm; rootlets never enlarged |
45 T. ramosum |
43 (40) |
Leaflets ovate, apex acute or shortly acuminate. |
(44) |
+ |
Leaflets cuneate, orbicular, or broadly ovate, apex rounded, truncate, or obtuse. |
(45) |
44 (43) |
Leaflets 3-lobed, base rounded or subcordate; achenes 3--6 |
14 T. faberi |
+ |
Leaflets entire, base broadly cuneate; achenes 10--13 |
25 T. grandidentatum |
45 (43) |
Leaflets 3--7 cm |
40 T. omeiense |
+ |
Leaflets 1.2--2.5 cm |
30 T. javanicum |
46 (31) |
Stigma not conspicuously thicker than style. |
(47) |
+ |
Stigma conspicuously thicker than style, often winged. |
(48) |
47 (46) |
Plants 20--30 cm tall; sepals pink, 13--20 × 5--10 mm; leaflet margin entire |
26 T. grandiflorum |
+ |
Plants 60--200 cm tall; sepals pale purple, 5.5--9(--12) × 2.2--4.5(--5) mm; leaflet margin 3-lobed |
11 T. delavayi |
48 (46) |
Distal cauline leaves with axillary buds |
8 T. chelidonii |
+ |
Distal cauline leaves without axillary buds. |
(49) |
49 (48) |
Filaments conspicuously enlarged distally. |
(50) |
+ |
Filaments linear or only slightly enlarged distally. |
(65) |
50 (49) |
Achenes sessile or subsessile. |
(51) |
+ |
Achenes stipitate. |
(55) |
51 (50) |
Inflorescence a sparsely flowered monochasium or 3- or 4-flowered cincinnus |
74 T. wuyishanicum |
+ |
Inflorescence a flat-topped, densely flowered pleiochasium. |
(52) |
52 (51) |
Styles inconspicuous |
47 T. reticulatum |
+ |
Styles conspicuous. |
(53) |
53 (52) |
Filaments conspicuously broader than anthers |
42 T. petaloideum |
+ |
Filaments narrower than or as broad as anthers. |
(54) |
54 (53) |
Leaflets 0.7--2.2 × 0.7--2.9 cm; styles 1.5--2 mm |
31 T. lancangense |
+ |
Leaflets 1--2.8 × 1--4.6 cm; styles 0.2--0.3 mm |
34 T. leve |
55 (50) |
Cauline leaves 3--5, 3- or 4-pinnately ternate; styles conspicuous. |
(56) |
+ |
Cauline leaves 1 or 2, or absent, simple, ternate, or 2-ternate; styles inconspicuous. |
(60) |
56 (55) |
Achene stipe equaling or longer than achene. |
(57) |
+ |
Achene stipe 1--2 mm, shorter than achene. |
(58) |
57 (56) |
Achenes obovoid, with 3 or 4 wings |
3 T. aquilegiifolium |
+ |
Achenes strongly compressed, wingless |
59 T. sparsiflorum |
58 (56) |
Achenes ovoid or broadly ellipsoid |
5 T. baicalense |
+ |
Achenes fusiform. |
(59) |
59 (58) |
Achenes 2--5 |
15 T. fargesii |
+ |
Achenes 6--13 |
75 T. xingshanicum |
60 (55) |
Cauline leaves 2, opposite, simple |
16 T. filamentosum |
+ |
Cauline leaves alternate, ternate or 2-ternate. |
(61) |
61 (60) |
Achenes 1.5--1.8 mm |
36 T. microgynum |
+ |
Achenes 2--3 mm. |
(62) |
62 (61) |
Inflorescence globose, few flowered; stamens 3--7; filaments narrower than anthers |
39 T. oligandrum |
+ |
Inflorescence flat topped, many flowered; stamens more than 10; filaments broader than anthers. |
(63) |
63 (62) |
Leaflets obovate or orbicular |
67 T. umbricola |
+ |
Leaflets ovate. |
(64) |
64 (63) |
Rootlets with tubers; cauline leaves often opposite |
66 T. tuberiferum |
+ |
Rootlets without tubers; cauline leaves often alternate |
1 T. acutifolium |
65 (49) |
Stigma wingless. |
(66) |
+ |
Stigma winged. |
(69) |
66 (65) |
Inflorescence 1- or 2-flowered |
63 T. tenuisubulatum |
+ |
Inflorescence several to many flowered. |
(67) |
67 (66) |
Inflorescence a racemelike pleiochasium; achenes reflexed |
52 T. rutifolium |
+ |
Inflorescence an elongated panicle; achenes erect. |
(68) |
68 (67) |
Leaflets 1.5--4 mm |
13 T. elegans |
+ |
Leaflets 4.4--8.5 mm |
27 T. honanense |
69 (65) |
Leaflets entire |
62 T. tenue |
+ |
Leaflets lobed or ± toothed. |
(70) |
70 (69) |
Stigma elongate, narrowly winged |
33 T. leuconotum |
+ |
Stigma not elongate, broadly winged. |
(71) |
71 (70) |
Leaflets 1.5--4 mm |
29 T. isopyroides |
+ |
Leaflets more than 6 mm. |
(72) |
72 (71) |
Inflorescence spreading, slender; anther apex obtuse |
64 T. trichopus |
+ |
Inflorescence not spreading, stout; anther apex acute. |
(73) |
73 (72) |
Panicles flat topped; achenes 5--6 mm |
61 T. squarrosum |
+ |
Panicles racemelike; achenes less than 4 mm. |
(74) |
74 (73) |
Cauline leaves and inflorescence branches erect |
57 T. simplex |
+ |
Cauline leaves and inflorescence branches spreading. |
(75) |
75 (74) |
Stigmas broadly winged, triangular. |
(76) |
+ |
Stigmas narrowly winged, linear or narrowly triangular. |
(78) |
76 (75) |
Veins abaxially on leaflets raised |
37 T. minus |
+ |
Veins abaxially on leaflets flat. |
(77) |
77 (76) |
Leaflets 0.6--1(--1.5) cm; achenes strongly compressed |
20 T. foetidum |
+ |
Leaflets 4--7 cm; achenes slightly compressed |
18 T. flavum |
78 (75) |
Veins abaxially on leaflets flat; filaments weakly clavate |
41 T. osmundifolium |
+ |
Veins abaxially on leaflets raised; filaments filiform. |
(79) |
79 (78) |
Achenes stipitate, body strongly compressed; leaflets abaxially powdery white when dry |
10 T. cultratum |
+ |
Achenes sessile, body slightly compressed; leaflets abaxially not powdery white when dry |
21 T. foliolosum |