59. Thalictrum sparsiflorum Turczaninow ex Fischer & C. A. Meyer, Index Sem. Hort. Petrop. 1: 40. 1835.
散花唐松草 san hua tang song cao
Thalictrum clavatum Hooker (1829), not de Candolle (1818); T. richardsonii A. Gray.
Plants ca. 90 cm tall, glabrous. Roots dense, ca. 10 cm. Stems branched, smooth. Basal and proximal cauline leaves withered at anthesis. Cauline leaf petiole ca. 3 cm; leaf blade 3- or 4-ternate, 6--9 cm; leaflet blade obovate or orbicular, 1.3--2 × 1.2--1.8 cm, thinly herbaceous, base cuneate, rounded, or subcordate, margin 3-lobed; lobes crenate, apex shortly acute; veins flat on both surfaces. Inflorescence few flowered. Pedicel 0.5--1.5 mm, 10--30 mm in fruit. Sepals white, ovate, 2.5--3 mm. Stamens 10--15; filament filiform; anther ovate, ca. 1 mm, apex obtuse. Carpels 4--7; style equaling ovary, ca. 1 mm. Achene stipe 2--3 mm; body obliquely obovoid or hemiobovoid, strongly compressed, ca. 7 mm; veins ca. 3. Fl. Jun.
Pinus forests, forest margins, slopes. E Heilongjiang, E Jilin [Korea, Russia; North America].
This species is similar to Thalictrum przewalskii, but differs in being glabrous and having stamens fewer, filaments narrower, and achenes stipitate and apically curved.