14. Litsea veitchiana Gamble in Sargent, Pl. Wilson. 2: 76. 1914.
钝叶木姜子 dun ye mu jiang zi
Deciduous shrubs or small trees, up to 4 m tall. Young branchlets yellow-white long sericeous and becoming glabrous. Leaves alternate; petiole 1-1.2 cm, densely hairy like young branchlets and becoming glabrous; leaf blade obovate or obovate-oblong, 4-15 × 2.5-5.5 cm, densely hairy like young branchlets on both surfaces when young, becoming sparsely long sericeous abaxially, glabrous or only midrib hairy adaxially, pinninerved, lateral veins 6-9 pairs, base cuneate or broadly cuneate, apex acute or obtuse. Umbels solitary at apex of 1-year-old branchlets, 10-13-flowered, flowering before leaves or with leaves. Male flowers: pedicel 5-7 mm; perianth segments 6, elliptic or rotund, 3-nerved and glandular; fertile stamens 9; filaments pubescent at base, of 3rd whorls each with 2 large glands at base; rudimentary pistil ovoid. Fruit globose, ca. 5 mm in diam., young fruit glabrous or appressed puberulent, black at maturity; fruiting pedicel 1.5-2 cm, sparsely long hairy. Fl. Apr-May, fr. Aug-Sep.
● Roadsides or thickets on mountain slopes; 400-3800 m. Guizhou, Hubei, Sichuan, NW Yunnan.
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Young fruit glabrous; leaf blade smaller, mostly less than 10 cm. |
14a var. veitchiana |
+ |
Young fruit appressed puberulent; leaf blade larger, mostly more than 10 cm. |
14b var. trichocarpa |
Lower Taxa
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