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3. Litsea Lamarck, Encycl. 3: 574. 1792.

木姜子属 mu jiang zi shu

Authors: Puhua Huang, Jie Li, Xi-wen Li & Henk van der Werff

Hexanthus Loureiro; Iozoste Nees; Malapoënna Adanson; Pseudolitsea Yen C. Yang; Tetranthera Jacquin.

Trees or shrubs, evergreen or deciduous, dioecious. Leaves alternate, rarely opposite or verticillate, pinninerved. Umbels, or umbellate cymes or panicles, solitary or clustered in leaf axils; involucral bracts 4-6, decussate, persistent at flowering. Perianth tube long or short, segments usually 6, in 2 whorls of 3 each, equal or unequal, rarely lacking or 8. Flowers unisexual. Male flowers: fertile stamens 9 or 12, rarely more, in 3 or 4 whorls of 3 each; filaments of 1st and 2nd whorls usually eglandular, of 3rd and 4th 2-glandular at base; anthers all introrse, 4-celled, cells opening by lids; rudimentary pistil present or lacking. Female flowers: staminodes as many as stamens of male flowers; ovary superior; style conspicuous. Fruit seated on perianth tube; perianth tube ± enlarged, shallowly discoid or deeply cup-shaped or unaltered at fruit.

About 200 species: mainly in tropical and subtropical Asia, a few species in Australia and from North America to subtropical South America; 74 species (47 endemic) in China.

Litsea mishmiensis J. D. Hooker (Fl. Brit. India 5: 161. 1886; see FRPS 31: 336. 1982) was described from the border region between NE India and SE Xizang.

Tetranthera floribunda Champion ex Bentham (Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 5: 199. 1853) was described from Hong Kong but could not be treated here because no material was seen by the present authors.

Litsea chaffanjonii H. Léveillé (Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 12: 182. 1913) is a synonym of Symplocos stellaris Brand in the Symplocaceae (see Fl. China 15: 250. 1996), according to Lauener (Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 35: 279. 1977).

Litsea mairei H. Léveillé and L. myricopsis H. Léveillé (Cat. Pl. Yun-Nan, 150. 1916) are synonyms of Myrica nana A. Chevalier and M. esculenta Buchanan-Hamilton ex D. Don, respectively, in the Myricaceae (see Fl. China 4: 275-276. 1999), according to Lauener (Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 40: 505. 1983).

1 Leaf blade papery or membranous and deciduous   (2)
+ Leaf blade leathery or thinly leathery and evergreen   (15)
2 (1) Petiole 2-8 cm; leaf blade orbicular or orbicular-elliptic to broadly ovate   (3)
+ Petiole less than 2 cm; leaf blade not as above   (4)
3 (2) Leaf blade more than 9.5 cm, auriculate at base; fruit ovoid, 1.3-1.7 × 1.1-1.3 cm, perianth tube cup-shaped.   1 L. auriculata
+ Leaf blade less than 8 cm, base orbicular or cuneate; fruit globose, 0.5-0.6 cm in diam., perianth tube shallowly discoid.   2 L. populifolia
4 (2) Branchlets glabrous   (5)
+ Branchlets covered with hairs   (10)
5 (4) Leaf blade glabrous abaxially   (6)
+ Leaf blade hairy abaxially or at least in axils of veins   (8)
6 (5) Leaf blade elliptic or lanceolate-elliptic; flowers 10-12 per umbel; filaments glabrous; pedicels hairy.   5 L. rubescens
+ Leaf blade lanceolate or oblong; flowers 4-6 per umbel; filaments glabrous or with hairs below middle; pedicels glabrous   (7)
7 (6) Terminal bud ± hairy; leaf blade ± hairy abaxially when young or in bud.   3 L. cubeba
+ Terminal bud glabrous; leaf blade glabrous on both surfaces even when young or in bud.   4 L. kingii
8 (5) Young leaves gray-white tomentose abaxially; leaf blade obovate or obovate-elliptic, often larger, 7-11 × 3-5 cm.   8 L. tsinlingensis
+ Young leaves hairy only in axils of veins or on each side of midrib; leaf blade often smaller, 2-5 × 1-3 cm   (9)
9 (8) Leaf blade usually obovate or rotund, sometimes glandular-domed in axils of veins; lateral veins 4-6 pairs.   6 L. ichangensis
+ Leaf blade elliptic, elliptic-lanceolate, or elliptic-obovate, not glandular-domed in axils of veins; lateral veins 5-8 pairs.   7 L. chunii
10 (4) Branchlets and leaf blade abaxially covered with pubescence or tomentum, indumentum of young branchlets scarcely deciduous, persistent in 2-year-old branchlets   (11)
+ Branchlets and leaf blade abaxially sericeous, indumentum of young branchlets soon deciduous, mostly glabrous in 2-year-old flowering and fruiting branchlets   (13)
11 (10) Leaf blade sericeous-pubescent or with white pubescence abaxially; flowers 4-6 per umbel.   11 L. mollis
+ Leaf blade densely gray-yellow tomentose abaxially; flowers 8-14 per umbel   (12)
12 (11) Leaf blade ovate, rhombic-ovate, or oblong, 4-15 × 1.5-7 cm; umbel solitary.   9 L. moupinensis
+ Leaf blade elliptic or oblong, 1-13.5 × 3.2-4.5 cm; umbels in pairs seated on common peduncle.   10 L. taronensis
13 (10) Young branchlets and leaf blade abaxially shortly gray sericeous; leaf blade lanceolate or obovate-lanceolate.   12 L. pungens
+ Young branchlets and leaf blade long yellow or brown sericeous; leaf blade oblong-lanceolate, obovate-oblong, or obovate   (14)
14 (13) Leaf blade oblong-lanceolate, apex acuminate; peduncles glabrous.   13 L. sericea
+ Leaf blade obovate or obovate-oblong, acute or obtuse at apex; peduncles hairy.   14 L. veitchiana
15 (1) Perianth segments imperfect, lacking, or 3 or 4   (16)
+ Perianth segments 6-8   (17)
16 (15) Perianth segments imperfect or lacking; fertile stamens usually 15 or more; fruit globose; leaf blade gray-yellow tomentose or subglabrous abaxially.   15 L. glutinosa
+ Perianth segments 3 or 4; fertile stamens 9; fruit ellipsoid; leaf blade along veins shortly hirsute abaxially.   16 L. morrisonensis
17 (15) Perianth tube not or slightly enlarged at fruit; fruiting tube complanate or shallowly discoid   (18)
+ Perianth tube very enlarged at fruit; fruit ± surrounded by discoid or cup-shaped fruiting tube   (35)
18 (17) Leaves verticillate, usually 3-6 per whorl   (19)
+ Leaves opposite or alternate   (20)
19 (18) Young branchlets and petioles densely ferruginous tomentose; leaf blade leathery, obovate- lanceolate, 3.5-6.8 × 0.9-2.8 cm; umbels lateral in leaf axils.   17 L. verticillifolia
+ Young branchlets and petioles densely yellow or ferruginous hirsute; leaf blade subleathery, lanceolate or oblanceolate-oblong, 7-25 × 2-6 cm; umbels usually clustered at apex of branchlet.   18 L. verticillata
20 (18) Leaves opposite or subopposite (rarely alternate on same tree)   (21)
+ Leaves alternate   (22)
21 (20) Leaf blade glabrous or subglabrous abaxially; leaves and buds usually tinged with red after autumn.   19 L. variabilis
+ Leaf blade yellow-brown or ferruginous tomentose abaxially; leaves and buds not tinged with red after autumn.   20 L. lancifolia
22 (20) Peduncles and pedicels absent.   21 L. rotundifolia
+ Peduncles and pedicels present, if peduncles absent, pedicels still present   (23)
23 (22) Perianth segments deciduous at fruit; fruit long ellipsoid or long ovoid to globose   (24)
+ Perianth segments persistent at fruit; fruit globose or subglobose   (29)
24 (23) Flowers 2 or 3 per umbel   (25)
+ Flowers 4-6 or more per umbel   (26)
25 (24) Leaf blade smaller, 4-11 × 1.5-3.5 cm, yellow-brown pubescent abaxially.   29 L. balansae
+ Leaf blade larger, 9-16.5 × 3-6.5 cm, glabrous abaxially.   30 L. biflora
26 (24) Leaf blade long caudate at apex, foveolate on both surfaces; fruit globose.   31 L. beilschmiediifolia
+ Leaf blade acuminate, acute, obtuse, or rounded at apex, not foveolate on both surfaces; fruit long ellipsoid or long ovoid   (27)
27 (26) Branchlets and petioles glabrous; leaf blade yellow-brown puberulent abaxially.   32 L. salicifolia
+ Branchlets and petioles hairy; leaf blade ferruginous pubescent, pubescent along veins, or glabrous abaxially   (28)
28 (27) Branchlets and petioles ferruginous pubescent; leaf blade abaxially ferruginous pubescent, apex obtuse or rounded.   33 L. monopetala
+ Branchlets and petioles gray appressed pubescent; leaf blade glaucous, glabrous, or pubescent along veins abaxially, apex acuminate.   34 L. albescens
29 (23) Peduncles absent; fruiting pedicels stout; persistent perianth segments 6, regular, usually erect   (30)
+ Peduncles present; fruiting pedicels usually slender; persistent perianth segments 2-4, irregular, reflexed   (31)
30 (29) Young branchlets and young leaf blade abaxially glabrous or densely gray-yellow villous; leaf blade obovate-elliptic, obovate-lanceolate, oblong, or lanceolate, 4.5-9.5 × 1.4-4 cm.   22 L. coreana
+ Young branchlets gray pubescent and young leaf blade abaxially glaucous and gray- white villous along midrib; leaf blade narrowly lanceolate or lanceolate to elliptic, 10-13 × 2-3.5 cm.   23 L. hupehana
31 (29) Branchlets, petioles, and filaments glabrous; fruit larger, 2-3 cm in diam   (32)
+ Branchlets, petioles, and filaments hairy; fruit smaller, less than 1 cm in diam   (33)
32 (31) Leaf blade not foveolate on both surfaces and adaxially glabrous but ± hairy abaxially along veins; fruit globose, fruiting pedicel somewhat thickened at apex, as peduncle ± hairy and not verrucose.   24 L. honghoensis
+ Leaf blade foveolate and glabrous on both surfaces; fruit ovoid, fruiting pedicel shallowly cup-shaped at apex, as peduncle glabrous and verrucose.   25 L. cangyuanensis
33 (31) Leaf blade abaxially, petioles, and peduncles densely ferruginous tomentose.   28 L. umbellata
+ Leaf blade abaxially, petioles, and peduncles covered with brown pubescence or long gray-yellow pubescence   (34)
34 (33) Leaf blade greenish abaxially; umbels 2 in leaf axils at tips of branchlets; fruiting pedicels shorter, less than 2 mm.   26 L. foveola
+ Leaf blade blue-green abaxially; several umbels axillary on shortened branchlets; fruiting pedicels longer, more than 6 mm.   27 L. coelestis
35 (17) Some umbels inserted on long or slightly long peduncles in panicles, racemes, or near corymbs   (36)
+ Umbels solitary or fascicled   (43)
36 (35) Young branchlets and leaf blade abaxially glabrous   (37)
+ Young branchlets and leaf blade abaxially hairy (only in L. panamanja glabrous abaxially)   (39)
37 (36) Leaf blade larger, 21-50 × 11-14.5 cm, lateral veins 15-22 pairs.   35 L. dilleniifolia
+ Leaf blade smaller, 10-21 × 3-8 cm, lateral veins 7-12 pairs   (38)
38 (37) Leaf blade midrib prominent adaxially, lateral veins 10-12 pairs; fertile stamens 26-32.   36 L. liyuyingii
+ Leaf blade midrib impressed adaxially, lateral veins 7-9 pairs; fertile stamens 9.   37 L. szemaois
39 (36) Leaf blade abaxially and petiole glabrous; fruit compressed globose.   38 L. panamanja
+ Leaf blade abaxially and petiole yellow-brown or ferruginous pubescent (at least young leaves so); fruit oblong or compressed globose   (40)
40 (39) Petiole more than 2 cm; perianth segments 8; fertile stamens 12-14; fruit compressed globose.   39 L. semecarpifolia
+ Petiole less than 2 cm; perianth segments 6; fertile stamens 9; fruit oblong   (41)
41 (40) Leaf blade obovate to obovate-oblong, rounded, mucronate at apex.   42 L. longistaminata
+ Leaf blade elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, acuminate, long acuminate, or falcate-acuminate at apex   (42)
42 (41) Leaf blade lateral veins 6-8 pairs; fruiting tube deeply cup-shaped.   40 L. martabanica
+ Leaf blade lateral veins 8-12 pairs; fruiting tube shallowly discoid.   41 L. tibetana
43 (35) Leaves clustered toward apex of branchlet, subverticillate.   74 L. machiloides
+ Leaves alternate   (44)
44 (43) Young branchlets glabrous or subglabrous; petiole usually glabrous when young   (45)
+ Young branchlets and petioles hairy (petioles glabrous in L. baviensis and L. chinpingensis)   (54)
45 (44) Leaf blade smaller, mostly less than 9 cm   (46)
+ Leaf blade larger, mostly more than 10 cm   (49)
46 (45) Young branchlets glabrous or densely pubescent; leaf blade midrib prominent adaxially; peduncles slender.   43 L. pedunculata
+ Young branchlets glabrous; leaf blade midrib plane or impressed adaxially; peduncles stouter and shorter   (47)
47 (46) Leaf blade oblong or narrowly oblong, usually 4 × as long as wide, slightly acute or obtuse at apex.   46 L. kwangtungensis
+ Leaf blade elliptic, obovate, obovate-lanceolate, or lanceolate, ca. 2-3 × as long as wide, rounded-obtuse or shortly acute or acuminate at apex   (48)
48 (47) Leaf blade elliptic or rarely obovate, 2 × as long as wide, rounded-obtuse at both ends or base cuneate; fruiting tube cup-shaped.   44 L. pittosporifolia
+ Leaf blade obovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, 3 × as long as wide, shortly acute or acuminate at apex, cuneate or acute at base; fruiting tube discoid.   45 L. hunanensis
49 (45) Branchlets with corky cortices or spots   (50)
+ Branchlets without corky cortices or spots   (51)
50 (49) Branchlets with corky cortices; leaf blade oblanceolate or narrowly long elliptic; fertile stamens 9; filaments villous.   47 L. suberosa
+ Branchlets with corky spots; leaf blade elliptic; fertile stamens 12(-14); filaments pubescent.   48 L. chengshuzhii
51 (49) Fruit compressed globose, 2-2.2 × ca. 3 cm   (52)
+ Fruit ellipsoid or oblong, 1-2.5 × 0.3-1.4 cm   (53)
52 (51) Leaf blade lateral veins 6-10 pairs.   49 L. depressa
+ Leaf blade lateral veins 16-20 pairs.   50 L. garciae
53 (51) Leaf blade midrib conspicuously prominent on both surfaces; fruit oblong, larger, 1.5-2.5 × 1-1.4 cm; fruiting tube discoid.   51 L. lancilimba
+ Leaf blade midrib impressed adaxially; fruit ellipsoid, smaller, ca. 1.5 × 0.8 cm; fruiting tube cup-shaped.   52 L. subcoriacea
54 (44) Young branchlets and petioles puberulent or pubescent, soon deciduous, 2-year-old flowering and fruiting branchlets mostly glabrous   (55)
+ Young branchlets and petioles covered with tomentum or pubescence, indumentum late deciduous, 2-year-old branchlets still covered with more hairs   (63)
55 (54) Terminal bud scaly; fruit smaller, less than 1.5 × 1 cm   (56)
+ Terminal bud naked; fruit larger, more than 2 × 1.3 cm   (59)
56 (55) Leaf blade glabrous abaxially.   53 L. greenmaniana
+ Leaf blade gray-yellow pubescent or along veins pilose abaxially   (57)
57 (56) Young branchlets pubescent; leaf blade pubescent abaxially; lateral veins 5-7 pairs.   54 L. hypophaea
+ Young branchlets puberulent or subglabrous; leaf blade puberulent abaxially; lateral veins 8-10 pairs   (58)
58 (57) Leaf blade lanceolate, oblanceolate, or oblong, usually narrower; rudimentary pistil present.   55 L. gongshanensis
+ Leaf blade elliptic, usually broader; rudimentary pistil absent.   56 L. viridis
59 (55) Fruiting peduncles and pedicels 2-3 mm   (60)
+ Fruiting peduncles more than 5 mm; fruiting pedicels more than 10 mm   (61)
60 (59) Leaf blade lateral veins 7 or 8 pairs; fruiting tube thickly woody, larger, warty outside.   60 L. baviensis
+ Leaf blade lateral veins 10-12 pairs; fruiting tube leathery, smaller, not warty outside.   61 L. litseifolia
61 (59) Leaf blade gray puberulent or along veins pubescent abaxially; fruiting tube cup-shaped.   57 L. yunnanensis
+ Leaf blade glabrous abaxially; fruiting tube discoid or cup-shaped   (62)
62 (61) Leaf blade lanceolate or narrowly elliptic, usually narrower, less than 4 cm in diam.; lateral veins 7-11 pairs; fruiting tube discoid, not dehiscent.   58 L. chinpingensis
+ Leaf blade elliptic, usually broader, more than 4 cm in diam.; lateral veins 5-7 pairs; fruiting tube cup-shaped, with many lenticels.   59 L. vang
63 (54) Leaf blade broadly linear; fruit long ovoid.   62 L. pseudoelongata
+ Leaf blade not broadly linear; fruit not long ovoid   (64)
64 (63) Petiole less than 8 mm   (65)
+ Petiole mostly more than 10 mm   (66)
65 (64) Leaf blade lateral veins 4 or 5 pairs, impressed abaxially; perianth segments persistent at fruit.   63 L. oligophlebia
+ Leaf blade lateral veins 8-12 pairs, slightly prominent or prominent adaxially; perianth segments deciduous at fruit.   64 L. yaoshanensis
66 (64) Leaf blade glabrous or only along veins hairy abaxially   (67)
+ Leaf blade hairy abaxially   (68)
67 (66) Leaf blade obovate or oblong-obovate, along veins pubescent abaxially, lateral veins 5-8 pairs.   65 L. akoensis
+ Leaf blade lanceolate or oblong-oblanceolate, glabrous abaxially, lateral veins 8-12 pairs.   66 L. kwangsiensis
68 (66) Flowers ca. 20 per umbel.   67 L. liboshengii
+ Flowers 3-6 per umbel   (69)
69 (68) Fruit globose or subglobose; leaf buds axillary.   68 L. sinoglobosa
+ Fruit ellipsoid; leaf buds mostly inserted at apex of branchlet   (70)
70 (69) Leaf blade obovate or broadly oblong, broader, mostly more than 5 cm in diam   (71)
+ Leaf blade lanceolate, narrowly lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate to oblanceolate, or oblong to lanceolate-elliptic, usually narrower, mostly less than 4 cm in diam   (72)
71 (70) Young branchlets, leaf blade abaxially, petioles, and inflorescences covered with gray-white tomentum; fruit ca. 1.3 cm.   69 L. wilsonii
+ Young branchlets, leaf blade abaxially, petioles, and inflorescences gray-brown pubescent; fruit ca. 0.8 cm.   70 L. hayatae
72 (70) Young branchlets densely brown tomentose; leaf blade lateral veins 10-20 pairs; umbels mostly solitary.   73 L. elongata
+ Young branchlets densely gray-yellow or yellow-brown villous; leaf blade lateral veins 5-10 pairs; umbels mostly clustered   (73)
73 (72) Leaf blade lanceolate-elliptic, narrower, less than 2.5 cm in diam., midrib slightly prominent abaxially, transverse veinlets inconspicuous abaxially.   71 L. kobuskiana
+ Leaf blade lanceolate, oblanceolate, or oblong-lanceolate, broader, mostly more than 2.5 cm in diam., midrib impressed adaxially, transverse veinlets conspicuously prominent.   72 L. acutivena

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