Litsea Lamark, Encycl. Meth. Bot. 3:574. 1793. Nees, Syst. Laur. 27,586,621. 1836; Meissner in DC., Prodr. 15 (1): 177, 220. 1864; Stewart & Brandis, For. Fl. N. W. Ind. 381. 1874; Benth. & Hook., Gen. Pl. 3: 161. 1880; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 5:155. 1886; Pax in Engl. & Prantl, Pfl. fam. 3(2): 109, 119. 1889; Cooke, Fl. Bombay Pres. 2:538. 1906; Kostermans in Reinwardtia 4: 240. 1957; Bibl. Laur. 782-85. 1964.
[nom. cons.]
Tetranthera Jacquin
Dioecious evergreen or deciduous trees or shrubs. Leaves entire, usually penninerved, usually spirally arranged. Flowers in stalked umbels, surrounded by usually 4 large sub-persistent bracts; the umbels in panicles or racemes. Tepals 6 or none in 2 whorls. Male flowers with 12-18 stamens in whorls of 3, the 2 outer whorls glandless, the inner with stalked or sessile glands; filaments slender, long; anthers 4-celled, usually all introrse (basal ones sometimes latrorse) ; pistil rudiment small or none. Female flower with as many staminodes with sterile, small anthers and long filaments, glands present. Ovary with a distinct style and a small peltate stigma. Fruit seated on or in the enlarged cup- or disc-shaped perianth tube; the tepals, as a rule, caducous.
A genus of about 500 species in all tropical and sub-tropics, except Africa. Represented in Pakistan by 2 species.
1 |
Branchlets densely pale tomentose. Nerves on upper surface prominulous. Umbels large. Fruit cup disc-like, hardly wider than the pedicel |
Litsea deccanensis |
+ |
Branchlets minutely rusty tomentellous. Nerves impressed on the upper surface. Umbels small. Fruit cup cup-like, shallow |
Litsea monopetala |
Lower Taxa
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