Tetranthera tomentosa Roxb. ex Wall. ex Wight
Evergreen, small trees, densely, softly, pale tomentose in all its parts, except the upper leaf surfaces. Leaves spirally arranged, penninerved, chartaceous, elliptic to oblong to subovate-elliptic, 4-9 x 9-15 cm, obtuse, acute or obtusely acuminate, base acute or rounded, lower surface with 8-10 pairs of erect-patent, arcute, slender, prominulous nerves. Petiole 1-3 cm long. Panicles axillary and extra-axillary, slender; peduncle c. 3 cm long with 1-3 stalked umbels; bracts ovate-orbicular, fleshy, 5-10 mm long. Florets 5; pedicels 2-3 mm long, villous. Perianth lacking. Stamens 15-18, anthers oblong, shorter than the long villous filaments, upper cells introrse, lower latrorse; glands of whorls 3-5, toadstool-shaped, long-stipiate; pistil rudimentary. Female flower with as many staminodes, consisting of small sub-spathulate apex and long, slender filaments. Ovary globose; style long; stigma small, sub-capitellate. Fruit globose, fleshy, black, 1-1.5 cm in diameter; cup disc-like, hardly wider than the thick pedicel.
Fl. Per.: June -July.
Type: Deccan Peninsula, Herb. Wight 2531 (K).
Distribution: Pakistan, Western India, Deccan Peninsula, Sri Lanka. Not common in Pakistan.