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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae | Caesalpinia

16. Caesalpinia enneaphylla Roxburgh, Fl. Ind., ed. 1832. 2: 363. 1832.

九羽见血飞 jiu yu jian xue fei

Mezonevron enneaphyllum (Roxburgh) Wight & Arnott.

Climbers, large. Branches with scattered, blackish brown, recurved prickles. Leaves alternate; rachis 25-30 cm; pinnae 8-10 pairs, stalked, opposite, 6-8 cm, with blackish brown prickles in pairs at base; petiolules short; leaflets 8-12 pairs, opposite, oblong, (10-)15-25 × 5-8 mm, membranous, both ends obtuse-rounded. Panicles terminal or racemes axillary, 10-20 cm, pubescent. Flowers fragrant, papilionaceous, large; pedi­cels 1-2.5 cm. Receptacle discoid, persistent after anthesis. Se­pals 5, glabrous, unequal, lowermost one cucullate. Petals yel­low, upper one suborbicular, apex 2-lobed forming fishtail-shape. Stamens 10; filaments slender, thickened and densely yellowish brown villous from middle downward; anthers dull brown. Ovary subsessile, inserted at base of receptacle, gla­brous, 3-7-ovuled; style long. Legume reddish brown, sub­sessile, compressed, broadly lanceolate or elliptic-oblong, 10-14 × 3-3.5 cm, smooth, without prickles, winged along ventral suture, wing 5-6 mm wide. Seeds 3-7, ovoid, with swollen ridge at middle. Fl. Sep-Oct, fr. Oct-Feb.

Among bushes on mountain slopes, at foot of mountains, open forests; ca. 600 m. S and SW Guangxi, Yunnan [Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Viet­nam].


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