5. Turpinia indochinensis Merrill, J. Arnold Arbor. 19: 43. 1933.
疏脉山香圆 shu mai shan xiang yuan
Small trees or shrubs, 2-8 m tall; bark yellowish brown to light brown. Leaves simple; petiole 6-30 mm, base swollen; leaf blade oblong, oval to obovate-elliptic, 7-13(-15) × 3.5-7.5 cm, glabrous, adaxially lustrous green, abaxially greenish, lateral veins 8-10 pairs, conspicuous adaxially and prominent abaxially, base cuneate to broadly so, margin sparsely serrate, with teeth relatively hard or bony, apex cuspidate. Panicle terminal, 12(-23) cm. Flower small, ca. 5 mm in diam.; pedicel ca. 2 mm. Sepals leathery, elliptic to obovate-elliptic, 3-5 mm. Petals membranous, spatulate, 3.5(-4) mm, white when dry, glabrous. Stamens ca. 3.5 mm; filament ca. 1.2 mm, flat, base enlarged to ca. 1 mm wide, white tomentose. Floral disk conspicuous, undulate. Ovary oval, ca. 1.5 mm in diam., white tomentose, 3-locular with 4 ovules per locule; styles 3, free. Berry subglobose, (6-)10 mm in diam., exocarp ca. 1.5 mm thick. Seeds irregularly globose, ca. 5 mm in diam., brownish. Fl. Mar-Apr, fr. Aug-Nov.
Forests; below 100-1300 m. Hainan (Baoting), SE Yunnan (Hekou, Pingbian, Xichou) [Vietnam].