164. Impatiens corchorifolia Franchet, Bull. Soc. Bot. France. 33: 448. 1886.
黄麻叶凤仙花 huang ma ye feng xian hua
Plants annual, 30-50 cm tall. Stem erect, branched or simple. Leaves alternate; petiole 3-10 mm; leaf blade ovate or ovate-lanceolate, 3-10 × 1.5-3.5 cm, with ciliate basal glands, lateral veins 6 or 7 pairs, base obtuse or slightly acute, margin serrate, apex caudate-acuminate. Inflorescences (1 or)2-flowered; peduncles shorter than leaves, slender. Pedicels short, bracteate below flowers; bracts persistent, ovate, or with 1 or 2 linear bracts at middle. Flowers yellow, sometimes purple spotted, large, 2.5-3 cm deep. Lateral sepals 4; outer 2: ovate-oblong, apex acuminate; inner 2: oblong-lanceolate or linear, small. Lower sepal saccate, abruptly narrowed into an incurved spur; spur short, 2-fid. Upper petal orbicular, apex retuse, mucronulate, abaxial midvein cristate; lateral united petals ± clawed; basal lobes orbicular; distal lobes broadly dolabriform, larger; auricle large. Anthers obtuse. Capsule linear. Fl. Sep-Oct. 2n = 14*.
● Understories of mixed forests, forest margins, shaded moist places; 2100-3500 m. SW Sichuan, NW Yunnan.
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