1 |
Capsule short, ellipsoid, middle turgid, both ends contracted and rostrate; seeds rounded |
(2) |
+ |
Capsule elongate, fusiform, clavate, or linear-cylindric; seeds oblong or obovoid |
(7) |
2 (1) |
Inflorescences sessile; flowers solitary or 2- or 3-fascicled in leaf axils |
(3) |
+ |
Inflorescences pedunculate, 2- or 3-5-flowered, subumbellate or racemose, rarely solitary flowers |
(5) |
3 (2) |
Leaves opposite, sessile or subsessile, linear or linear-lanceolate, base rounded or subcordate, margin remotely serrate; capsule glabrous. |
1 I. chinensis |
+ |
Leaves alternate, petiolate, lanceolate to ovate, base cuneate, margin sharply serrate to crenate or nearly entire; capsule tomentose or densely pubescent |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Leaf blade lanceolate or narrowly elliptic, base with few pairs of black glands, margin sharply serrate, glabrous or pubescent; capsules and flowers densely pubescent (cultivated). |
2 I. balsamina |
+ |
Leaf blade ovate or ovate-lanceolate, basal margin often long ciliate, inconspicuously crenate or nearly entire; petioles, both surfaces of leaves, and flowers with multicellular hairs; capsule tomentose. |
3 I. aureliana |
5 (2) |
Leaves alternate, broadly elliptic or ovate, glabrous; flowers 2, rarely 3-5, red, crimson-red, pink, purple-red, purplish violet, or white; bracts linear-lanceolate or subulate (cultivated). |
4 I. walleriana |
+ |
Leaves opposite, alternate, or subverticellate, ovate, ovate-lanceolate, or elliptic-lanceolate, hairy or only veins sparsely pilose; flowers 1 or 2, or 4-8 in subumbels or dense racemes, purple, pink-purple, or golden-yellow; bracts linear or ovate-lanceolate |
(6) |
6 (5) |
Leaves opposite or alternate, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, adaxially appressed pilose, abaxially pubescent on veins; flowers 4-8 in subumbels or dense racemes, pink-purple, small; bracts linear, ciliate. |
5 I. bracteata |
+ |
Leaves alternate or subverticillate in upper part, lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, adaxially veins slightly scabrid, abaxially glabrous; flowers 1 or 2, golden-yellow, throat purple spotted, 2-2.5 cm; bracts ovate-lanceolate, setose. |
6 I. xanthina |
7 (1) |
Distal lobes of lateral united petals connate or coadnate into lamella or at least auricle connate; capsule fusiform or clavate |
(8) |
+ |
Distal lobes of lateral united petals free; capsule clavate or linear-cylindric |
(12) |
8 (7) |
Lateral sepals 2; flowers yellow, white, or pink, spotted |
(9) |
+ |
Lateral sepals 4; flowers pink-purple |
(10) |
9 (8) |
Inflorescences not pedunculate, 1-flowered; pedicel without bracts; flowers white or pink, orange spotted |
10 I. morsei |
+ |
Inflorescences shortly pedunculate, 1-flowered, rarely 2-flowered; pedicel with small bracts at base; flowers yellowish, purple spotted. |
11 I. hainanensis |
10 (8) |
Inflorescences not pedunculate, 1-flowered; pedicel without bracts; leaf margin crenate-serrate. |
9 I. musyana |
+ |
Inflorescence very shortly pedunculate, 2-flowered, rarely 1-flowered; pedicel with persistent bracts at base; leaf margin serrulate |
(11) |
11 (10) |
Lateral united petals not clawed, basal lobes pyriform, distal lobes dolabriform (axe-shaped), lower sepal shortly saccate or cup-shaped, with an incurved spur; leaf blade 2.5-3.5 cm wide, lateral veins 8-15 pairs. |
7 I. obesa |
+ |
Lateral united petals clawed, basal lobes orbicular, distal lobes suborbicular, lower sepal funnelform, with a 2-lobed, short spur; leaf blade 5-7 cm wide, lateral veins 16-21 pairs. |
8 I. polyneura |
12 (7) |
Basal and distal lobes of lateral united petals apically acuminate, apex elongated into a filamentous hair or at least basal lobes apically with a long, filamentous hair (except I. gongshanensis) |
(13) |
+ |
Basal lobes of lateral united petals apically not acuminate, not elongated into a long filamentous hair |
(31) |
13 (12) |
Lateral sepals coarsely denticulate, irregularly lacerate, or acutely 4- or 5-denticulate on one side |
(14) |
+ |
Lateral sepals entire |
(18) |
14 (13) |
Lateral sepals coarsely denticulate or at least 4- or 5-denticulate |
(15) |
+ |
Lateral sepals inconspicuously denticulate or irregularly lacerate |
(16) |
15 (14) |
Lateral sepals often coarsely dentate; lateral united petals not clawed, basal and distal lobes lanceolate, apically with a long, filamentous hair; lower sepal with a 2-lobed, incurved, short spur. |
209 I. dicentra |
+ |
Lateral sepals inequilateral, 4- or 5-denticulate on one side, purple spotted; lateral united petals clawed, basal lobes oblong, apically with a filamentous hair 6-7 mm, distal lobes without a filamentous hair; lower sepal with 2 or 3, 2-lobed, short spurs. |
210 I. paradoxa |
16 (14) |
Inflorescences 1-flowered; bracts narrowly lanceolate; flowers orange-yellow or yellow; lateral sepals subovate-orbicular, inconspicuously denticulate; lower sepal with a hooked, 2-lobed spur; capsule ellipsoid. |
211 I. fissicornis |
+ |
Inflorescences 1-4-flowered; bracts oblong-ovate or narrowly ovate; flowers yellow or pale purple; lateral sepals orbicular or broadly ovate, irregularly lacerate, and sometimes irregularly fimbriate; lower sepal with an incurved, broad or 2-lobed spur; capsule linear |
(17) |
17 (16) |
Flowers yellow, to 4.5 cm; lateral sepals orbicular or broadly ovate-orbicular, margin and abaxial midvein irregularly fimbriate, lacerate; lower sepal narrowed into a hooked, incurved, 2-lobed spur 5-6 mm. |
212 I. lacinulifera |
+ |
Flowers pale purple, 2-3 cm; lateral sepals broadly ovate or suborbicular, margin irregularly lacerate; leaves basally with a few teeth and glandular hairs; lower sepal saccate, with an incurved, broad spur. |
213 I. platyceras |
18 (13) |
Basal and distal lobes of lateral united petals apically with a long, filamentous hair |
(19) |
+ |
Basal lobes of lateral united petals apically with a filamentous hair only, distal lobes apically without a filamentous hair or with a seta |
(22) |
19 (18) |
Peduncles very short, inflorescences 1-3-flowered; flowers smaller, white; lateral sepals broadly ovate-cordate, ca. 1 cm in diam., abaxial midvein cristate; lateral united petals broadly clawed; lower sepal broadly funnelform or subsaccate, with a 2-lobed, long spur. |
214 I. toxophora |
+ |
Peduncles longer, 1-3 cm, inflorescences 1- or 2-flowered, rarely 3-flowered; flowers 3-4 cm, yellow or bicolored; lateral sepals orbicular, 1-1.5 cm in diam., abaxial midvein not cristate; lower sepal saccate, with a 2-lobed, incurved, short spur |
(20) |
20 (19) |
Lateral sepals purple-red or purple spotted, many veined; upper petal with abaxial midvein broadly cristate, purple or yellow; lower sepal deeply saccate, with a 2-lobed, incurved, short spur; inflorescences terminal. |
215 I. platychlaena |
+ |
Lateral sepals green or yellow-green, abaxial midvein basally with a small sac or turgid; lower sepal saccate or saccate-funnelform, with a 2-denticulate or -lobed, incurved or not, stout spur; inflorescences axillary |
(21) |
21 (20) |
Inflorescences 1-flowered, peduncle 0.9-1.1 cm; upper petal orbicular, abaxial midvein large, rounded cristate, lateral united petals broadly shortly clawed, basal lobes purple spotted; lower sepal purple striate, with a 2-lobed, incurved, stout spur; leaf blade with 5 or 6 pairs of lateral veins. |
216 I. vittata |
+ |
Inflorescences 1- or 2-flowered, peduncle 2-3 cm; upper petal subreniform, abaxial midvein narrowly cristate, apex hooked-cuspidate, lateral united petals not clawed, basal lobes not spotted; lower sepal not purple striate, with a 2-denticulate, short, stout spur; leaf blade with 8-10 pairs of lateral veins. |
217 I. robusta |
22 (18) |
Flowers purple or pink-purple; lower sepal funnelform |
(23) |
+ |
Flowers yellow or white; lower sepal funnelform or saccate |
(25) |
23 (22) |
Lateral sepals broadly ovate, 10-12 mm wide, margin 4- or 5-denticulate on one side; distal lobes of lateral united petals apically with a long filamentous hair. |
225 I. weihsiensis |
+ |
Lateral sepals orbicular or obliquely ovate, 5-6 mm or 10-15 mm wide, margin entire |
(24) |
24 (23) |
Flowers pink; lateral sepals papery, orbicular, 10-15 mm in diam., glabrous, abaxial midvein carinate; distal lobes of lateral united petals broad, apically with a long seta; leaves alternate, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, or oblong-ovate, or upper ones rounded or cordate. |
226 I. lecomtei |
+ |
Flowers blue-purple; lateral sepals obliquely ovate, 5-6 mm wide, adpressed puberulent, 5-7-veined; distal lobes apically without a seta; leaves crowded at apex of stem, narrowly lanceolate. |
227 I. gongshanensis |
25 (22) |
Leaves rigid, base rounded, without glands; lateral sepals broadly ovate, apex acuminate, abaxial midvein narrowly cristate; distal lobes of lateral united petals apically rounded, apically with or without a seta. |
218 I. soulieana |
+ |
Leaves membranous, base acute, rounded, or subcordate, with stipitate glands or filamentous glands; lateral sepals with abaxial midvein cristate or carinate, or not thickened; distal lobes of lateral united petals apically obtuse, without a seta |
(26) |
26 (25) |
Lateral sepals with abaxial midvein not thickened, 7-9-veined; inflorescences 1-flowered, above middle 2-bracteate |
(27) |
+ |
Lateral sepals with abaxial midvein thickened, cristate or carinate; inflorescences 1- or 2-flowered, at middle bracteate |
(28) |
27 (26) |
Peduncles ca. 1 cm; bracts ovate-lanceolate, ca. 3 mm; flowers yellowish; upper petal with abaxial midvein green cristate; lower sepal saccate, with a hooked spur ca. 8 mm. |
223 I. davidii |
+ |
Peduncles 1.5-4.5 cm; bracts linear or ovate; flowers yellow, pink or reddish spotted; upper petal with abaxial midvein camel-backed, cristate; lower sepal broadly funnelform, with a 2-lobed, incurved spur ca. 25 mm. |
224 I. tayemonii |
28 (26) |
Peduncles 3-4 cm, inflorescences 2-flowered; flowers ca. 4 cm. |
222 I. waldheimiana |
+ |
Peduncles 0.5-1.5 cm, inflorescences 1- or 2-flowered; flowers smaller |
(29) |
29 (28) |
Flowers pale yellow; lower sepal shortly saccate, with spur 4-5 mm; leaf blade with 7-9 pairs of lateral veins. |
221 I. conaensis |
+ |
Flowers white; lower sepal funnelform, with spur shorter than limb; leaf blade with 4-7 pairs of lateral veins |
(30) |
30 (29) |
Peduncles very short, inflorescences 1-flowered; flowers ca. 3 cm in diam.; bracts subulate; lateral sepals 12-20 mm wide, 7-veined, abaxial midvein acutely carinate; leaf blade 6-10 cm, apically acuminate or caudate. |
219 I. brevipes |
+ |
Peduncles 5-10 mm, inflorescences 1- or 2-flowered; flowers 1.5-2 cm in diam.; bracts ovate, apex aristate; lateral sepals ca. 8 mm wide, abaxial midvein narrowly cristate; leaf blade 2-5 cm, apically acute. |
220 I. mussotii |
31 (12) |
Lowest pedicels of inflorescence without bract at base |
(32) |
+ |
Pedicels bracteate at base or middle |
(80) |
32 (31) |
Lower sepal navicular, without spur outside |
(33) |
+ |
Lower sepal cornute, narrowly funnelform, saccate, or dilated and incurved, with spur outside |
(34) |
33 (32) |
Middle and upper leaves sessile, base cordate, amplexicaul, margin nearly entire or shallowly undulate; flowers white, very small; distal lobes of lateral united petals oblong-lanceolate. |
207 I. nubigena |
+ |
All leaves shortly petiolate, base truncate or cuneate, margin remotely coarsely crenate; flowers yellow, medium-sized; lower sepal purple brown; distal lobes of lateral united petals linear, apically elongate 1.7-1.8 cm. |
208 I. tenerrima |
34 (32) |
Lateral sepals 4 |
(35) |
+ |
Lateral sepals 2 |
(45) |
35 (34) |
Lower sepal cornute or narrowly funnelform |
(36) |
+ |
Lower sepal saccate or dilated and incurved |
(38) |
36 (35) |
Peduncles 4-6 cm, inflorescences 4-6-flowered, racemose; bracts membranous, broadly ovate, green or pink-purple, caducous; flowers yellow, tinged purple; lower sepal cornute, with a clavate, curved slender spur 4-5 mm; leaf blade to 8.5 × 3.5 cm, lateral veins 6-8 pairs; plants to 50 cm tall. |
168 I. cornucopia |
+ |
Peduncles 1-1.5 cm, inflorescences 1- or 2-flowered; bracts leaflike, lanceolate, persistent; flowers golden-yellow; lower sepal narrowly funnelform, with a curved or involute spur 15-20 mm; leaf blade to 3 × 1.5 cm, lateral veins 2-6 pairs; plants to 16 cm tall |
(37) |
37 (36) |
Peduncles glabrous; outer 2 sepals orbicular, inner 2 ovate; lower sepal purple spotted; leaves glabrous. |
169 I. xanthocephala |
+ |
Peduncles yellow-brown pubescent; outer 2 sepals ovate-lanceolate, inner 2 very small, linear; lower sepal and upper petal puberulent, not spotted; leaves pilose on veins. |
170 I. hengduanensis |
38 (35) |
Lower sepal dilated and incurved, base abruptly contracted into an erect spur. |
167 I. gasterocheila |
+ |
Lower sepal saccate, abruptly narrowed into a short or very short, 2-lobed, curved spur |
(39) |
39 (38) |
Stem and both surfaces of leaves pubescent; lateral sepals, upper petal, and lower sepal villous or barbate. |
160 I. barbata |
+ |
Stem, leaves, lateral sepals, upper petal, and lower sepal glabrous |
(40) |
40 (39) |
Stem, branches, and peduncles purple or red-brown spotted; outer 2 sepals linear-lanceolate. |
161 I. stenosepala |
+ |
Stem, branches, and peduncles not spotted; outer 2 sepals not linear-lanceolate |
(41) |
41 (40) |
Inflorescences 2-4-flowered; flowers pink or pale purple |
(42) |
+ |
Inflorescences 1- or 2-flowered; flowers yellow or orange |
(43) |
42 (41) |
Flowers pale purple; outer sepals with abaxial midvein carinate, inner sepals subulate; leaves basally rounded or cordate, margin sharply serrate. |
162 I. lushiensis |
+ |
Flowers pink; outer sepals 5-7-veined, inner sepals narrowly oblong; leaves basally broadly cuneate, margin crenate-serrate. |
163 I. anhuiensis |
43 (41) |
Leaves rigidly papery, narrowly oblong or narrowly lanceolate, margin sharply serrate, lateral veins 9-11 pairs; flowers not spotted. |
166 I. chiulungensis |
+ |
Leaves membranous or thinly membranous, ovate to ovate-lanceolate or ovate-oblong, margin crenate, lateral veins 4-7 pairs; flowers purple spotted |
(44) |
44 (43) |
All leaves homomorphic, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, shortly petiolate, caudate; upper petal with abaxial midvein conspicuously cristate, distal lobes of lateral united petals entire. |
164 I. corchorifolia |
+ |
Leaves heteromorphic, upper leaves ovate-lanceolate, subsessile, lower leaves ovate or ovate-oblong, long petiolate; upper petal midvein fine, carinate, distal lobes of lateral united petals denticulate. |
165 I. dimorphophylla |
45 (34) |
Anthers acute |
(46) |
+ |
Anthers obtuse |
(53) |
46 (45) |
Flowers purple-red or pale purple |
(47) |
+ |
Flowers yellow or yellowish |
(48) |
47 (46) |
Bracts linear-subulate, ca. 2 mm, flowers dark purple; upper petal orbicular, abaxial midvein with elephant-trunk-shaped long rostrum; lower sepal broadly funnelform. |
177 I. nasuta |
+ |
Bracts lanceolate, 3-4 mm, flowers pale violet; upper petal subreniform, abaxial midvein with recurved long rostrum near apex; lower sepal saccate. |
178 I. compta |
48 (46) |
Bracts orbicular or broadly ovate, margin denticulate |
(49) |
+ |
Bracts ovate, lanceolate, or subulate, margin crenate or entire |
(50) |
49 (48) |
Leaves rigid, oblong or ovate-oblong, lateral veins 6 or 7 pairs; bracts orbicular, 3-4 mm in diam., persistent; lateral sepals membranous, broadly ovate, 4-8-veined. |
175 I. latebracteata |
+ |
Leaves membranous, ovate or elliptic, lateral veins 3-5 pairs; bracts broadly ovate, 4-5 mm, caducous; lateral sepals obliquely ovate. |
176 I. oligoneura |
50 (48) |
Leaf margin shallowly crenate or nearly entire. |
174 I. odontopetala |
+ |
Leaf margin crenate |
(51) |
51 (50) |
Leaves ovate or ovate-elliptic, base cuneate or rounded, adaxially dark green, abaxially green; bracts lanceolate; lateral sepals ovate, 5-6 mm. |
171 I. noli-tangere |
+ |
Leaves elliptic or ovate-oblong, base rounded or cordate, adaxially green, abaxially pale green or gray-green; bracts ovate, very small; lateral sepals orbicular or broadly ovate, 6-8 mm |
(52) |
52 (51) |
Bracts 2-3 mm; lateral sepals subcordate, green veined, mucronulate; lateral united petals long clawed, distal lobes narrowly elliptic; flowers yellowish; lower sepal purple spotted. |
172 I. longialata |
+ |
Bracts very small or basal pedicels without bracts; lateral sepals orbicular, reticulate veined; lateral united petals not clawed, distal lobes dolabriform; flowers yellow-white. |
173 I. sutchuenensis |
53 (45) |
Leaf margin coarsely crenate or undulate |
(54) |
+ |
Leaf margin serrate, rarely crenate-serrate |
(60) |
54 (53) |
Lower and median leaves long petiolate, upper leaves sessile or subsessile, base cordate-amplexicaul, margin coarsely crenate; lower sepal cup-shaped, subglobose, or saccate |
(55) |
+ |
All leaves petiolate, base cuneate, margin crenate-dentate; flowers yellow; lower sepal navicular or salver-shaped |
(57) |
55 (54) |
Flowers yellow or pink-white; lower sepal subglobose or cup-shaped, violet or purplish yellow striate; leaf blade to 5 cm wide; plants to 90 cm tall. |
179 I. poculifer |
+ |
Flowers pale purple, purple-red, or dirty yellow; lower sepal saccate; leaf blade to 3 cm wide; plants 30-60 cm tall |
(56) |
56 (55) |
Flowers pale purple or dirty yellow; lower sepal with an incurved, short spur. |
180 I. delavayi |
+ |
Flowers purple-red; lower sepal without spur or with an erect spur shorter than 2 mm. |
181 I. subecalcarata |
57 (54) |
Bracts linear or subulate; lateral sepals ovate or suborbicular, abaxial midvein without a process; lateral united petals sessile or subsessile, distal lobes of lateral united petals abaxially lobed or incised |
(58) |
+ |
Bracts ovate or ovate-lanceolate; lateral sepals ovate or linear, abaxial midvein carinate; distal lobes of lateral united petals entire |
(59) |
58 (57) |
Leaf blade broadly ovate or orbicular, base cuneate, margin coarsely crenate; bracts linear; upper petal with abaxial midvein angular; lower sepal navicular, with an incurved spur ca. 1.5 cm. |
182 I. notolopha |
+ |
Leaf blade ovate or ovate-orbicular, base truncate or cordate, margin undulate; bracts subulate; upper petal with abaxial midvein carinate; lower sepal salver-shaped, with an involute spur ca. 2 cm. |
183 I. undulata |
59 (57) |
Bracts ovate; lateral sepals ovate, hyaline margined, abaxial midvein narrowly winged; basal lobes of lateral united petals falcate, recurved; flowers yellowish, upper petal purple-red spotted; plants to 60 cm tall. |
184 I. muliensis |
+ |
Bracts ovate-lanceolate; lateral sepals linear, abaxial midvein carinate; basal lobes of lateral united petals ovate; flowers white; lateral sepals green; plants to 30 cm tall. |
185 I. apsotis |
60 (53) |
Plant usually hairy |
(61) |
+ |
Plant glabrous |
(63) |
61 (60) |
Plants yellow-brown spreading tomentose; flowers yellow or white; margin of lateral sepals entire; leaf blade 3-8 cm. |
186 I. lasiophyton |
+ |
Stem, branches, and young leaves yellow-brown tomentulose or at least upper part and nodes yellow-brown pubescent; flowers orange or purple-red; margin of lateral sepals denticulate; leaf blade 5-12 cm |
(62) |
62 (61) |
Stem, branches, and peduncles densely yellow-brown tomentose; flowers orange; lateral sepals ovate; leaf margin serrate. |
187 I. tomentella |
+ |
Upper stem and nodes often sparsely yellow-brown pubescent; flowers purple-red; lateral sepals subovate, inequilateral, margin denticulate on one side; leaf margin serrulate. |
188 I. leptocaulon |
63 (60) |
Margin of lateral sepals ± denticulate |
(64) |
+ |
Margin of lateral sepals entire |
(67) |
64 (63) |
Leaf margin serrulate, blade 3-5 cm; flowers yellow. |
192 I. minimisepala |
+ |
Leaf margin crenate or coarsely crenate, blade 4-12 cm; flowers pink, purple, or purple-red |
(65) |
65 (64) |
Flowers pink, ca. 1.5 cm; lateral sepals ovate-cordate, 3-4 mm, margin denticulate on one side; leaf blade with 4-6 pairs of lateral veins. |
191 I. torulosa |
+ |
Flowers purple or purple-red, 3.5-4.5 cm; lateral sepals 3-6 mm wide, margin ciliate or denticulate; leaf blade with 7-12 pairs of lateral veins |
(66) |
66 (65) |
Bracts linear, 3-4 mm, caducous; lateral sepals ovate or orbicular, 3-4 mm wide, margin ciliate or remotely denticulate; upper petal subreniform, abaxial midvein narrowly thickened; lower sepal with spur to 3.5 cm. |
189 I. blepharosepala |
+ |
Bracts lanceolate, 5-7 mm, persistent; lateral sepals broadly ovate, 5-6 mm wide, margin long cuspidate, denticulate; upper petal oblate, ca. 3.5 cm wide, abaxial midvein narrowly carinate; lower sepal with spur 2-2.5 cm. |
190 I. macrovexilla |
67 (63) |
Inflorescences 3-7- or 6-8-flowered; flowers in racemes |
(68) |
+ |
Inflorescences 2- or 3-flowered, rarely 1- or 4-flowered, arranged divaricately or subumbellately |
(71) |
68 (67) |
Inflorescences 6-8-flowered; bracts subulate, 2-3 mm; flowers yellow, ca. 4 cm; lateral sepals reniform-orbicular, apex cuspidate. |
203 I. tortisepala |
+ |
Inflorescences 3-7-flowered; bracts ovate-lanceolate or broadly ovate; flowers pale purple or white, 3-3.5 cm; lateral sepals not reniform |
(69) |
69 (68) |
Flowers pale purple; bracts herbaceous, ovate-lanceolate, 2-3 mm, persistent; lateral sepals ovate, ca. 4 mm, 3-5-veined; lower sepal funnelform, with a 2-lobed, curved spur 1-4 cm; leaf blade to 12 cm. |
204 I. tienmushanica |
+ |
Flowers white or yellow; bracts membranous, broadly ovate or ovate-lanceolate, ca. 4 mm, caducous; lateral sepals elliptic or ovate, 5-5.5 mm; lower sepal saccate or funnelform, with an erect or incurved spur 1.5-2.2 cm; leaf blade 14-15 cm |
(70) |
70 (69) |
Peduncles stout, inflorescences 4-6-flowered; flowers white; lateral sepals ovate, ca. 5 mm; upper petal suborbicular, abaxial midvein narrowly carinate; lower sepal funnelform, with an erect spur 1.5-1.8 cm; leaf blade with 7-9 pairs of lateral veins. |
205 I. jiulongshanica |
+ |
Peduncles slender, inflorescences 3-6-flowered; flowers yellow; lateral sepals elliptic, ca. 5.5 mm; upper petal obovate, abaxial midvein incarinate; lower sepal saccate, with an erect or incurved spur ca. 2.2 cm; leaf blade with 5 or 6 pairs of lateral veins. |
206 I. devolii |
71 (67) |
Peduncles shorter than 1 cm, stout, inflorescences 2- or 3-flowered, not divaricate |
(72) |
+ |
Peduncles 2-3 cm, rarely to 6 cm, slender, inflorescences 2-4-flowered, divaricate |
(73) |
72 (71) |
Flowers pink, pedicel 15-25 mm; lateral sepals 1-1.5 cm; lower sepal broadly funnelform, with an involute, long spur 3-4 cm. |
201 I. platysepala |
+ |
Flowers yellow-green, pedicel 7-10 mm; lateral sepals ca. 1.8 cm; lower sepal navicular, with a recurved, slender spur ca. 1.5 cm. |
202 I. chloroxantha |
73 (71) |
Bracts membranous, not linear or linear-lanceolate, caducous or persistent |
(74) |
+ |
Bracts herbaceous, persistent |
(76) |
74 (73) |
Leaves often crowded at apex of stem, ovate-lanceolate, margin crenulate or serrate; peduncles 3-5 cm, puberulent; flowers 2, pink, 8-12 mm; lateral sepals subovate or subfalcate; lower sepal funnelform, with an erect spur ca. 1.8 cm; plants of Hubei. |
198 I. exiguiflora |
+ |
Leaves remote, ovate or ovate-elliptic, margin coarsely crenate or crenate-serrate; peduncles shorter than leaves, glabrous; flowers (1 or)2 or 3(or 4), purple or pink, 25-35 mm in diam.; lateral sepals oblong-ovate; lower sepal narrowly funnelform, with a slightly curved or incurved spur 2-2.5 cm; plants of Jiangxi |
(75) |
75 (74) |
Bracts pink, ovate-cordate, ca. 8 mm; lateral sepals 8-9 mm, apically inconspicuously mucronulate; leaf blade basally without glands, lateral veins 7-9 pairs. |
199 I. fenghwaiana |
+ |
Bracts purple, elliptic-ovate, 5-7 mm; lateral sepals apically conspicuously cuspidate; leaf blade with 1 or 2 pairs of stipitate glands on petiole, lateral veins 5 or 6 pairs. |
200 I. wuyuanensis |
76 (73) |
Peduncles longer or shorter than leaves, inflorescences 2- or 3-flowered; flowers white or green-white |
(77) |
+ |
Peduncles 2-6 cm, inflorescences 2- or 3-flowered, rarely 1- or 4-flowered; flowers yellow, purple, or pink |
(78) |
77 (76) |
Peduncles overtopping leaves, inflorescences 2-flowered; flowers 1-1.5 cm in diam.; lateral sepals ovate, 6-7 mm, S-curved; leaf blade ovate or ovate-lanceolate, 3-6 cm, margin serrulate. |
193 I. sigmoidea |
+ |
Peduncles shorter than leaves, inflorescences 2- or 3-flowered; flowers ca. 2.5 cm deep; lateral sepals obliquely orbicular, 8-10 mm in diam.; leaf blade ovate or elliptic-lanceolate, margin crenate or serrate. |
194 I. nobilis |
78 (76) |
Peduncles 4-6 cm, inflorescences 2-4-flowered; flowers yellow, ca. 4 cm; lateral sepals ovate-lanceolate, 3-4 mm; lower sepal broadly funnelform, incurved, with a slender spur ca. 1 cm; leaf blade to 15 cm, papery, margin sharply serrate, near base stipitate ciliate; plants of Yunnan. |
195 I. divaricata |
+ |
Peduncles 2-3 cm, inflorescences (1 or)2- or 3-flowered; flowers pink-purple or pink, 2-2.5 cm; lateral sepals ovate, 3-7-veined; lower sepal narrowly funnelform, with spur ca. 1.2 cm or 2-2.5 cm; leaf blade 4-7 cm, membranous, margin crenate or coarsely serrate; plants of Zhejiang |
(79) |
79 (78) |
Inflorescences 2(or 3)-flowered, subdivaricate, peduncles 2-3 cm; bracts linear or linear-lanceolate, 3-6 mm; lateral sepals ovate-orbicular, 5-9-veined; mouth of lower sepal oblique, tip rostellate; leaf blade to 7 cm, with glands, lateral veins 5-7 pairs. |
196 I. chekiangensis |
+ |
Inflorescences 1-flowered, peduncles 1.3-1.7 cm; bracts ovate-orbicular, to 3.5 mm; lateral sepals 3-veined; mouth of lower sepal vertical, tip mucronulate; leaf blade to 4 cm, without glands, lateral veins 3-5 pairs. |
197 I. taishunensis |
80 (31) |
Inflorescences 1- or 2(or 3)-flowered |
(81) |
+ |
Inflorescences more than 3-flowered |
(157) |
81 (80) |
Lateral sepals 4; anthers obtuse |
(82) |
+ |
Lateral sepals 2; anthers obtuse or acute |
(89) |
82 (81) |
Lower sepal saccate |
(83) |
+ |
Lower sepal navicular or narrowly funnelform |
(86) |
83 (82) |
Flowers purplish yellow; margin of leaf blade crenate-serrulate. |
90 I. leveillei |
+ |
Flowers purple to bluish purple; margin of leaf blade sharply serrate or serrulate |
(84) |
84 (83) |
Margin of leaf blade sharply serrulate; plant 40-50 cm tall; flowers bluish purple. |
91 I. abbatis |
+ |
Margin of leaf blade sharply serrate; plant 60-70 cm tall; flowers purple or pink |
(85) |
85 (84) |
Leaf blade linear-lanceolate or linear-oblong, 0.8-1.8 cm wide. |
93 I. linghziensis |
+ |
Leaf blade ovate or ovate-lanceolate, 2-4.5 cm wide. |
92 I. arguta |
86 (82) |
Flowers yellow |
(87) |
+ |
Flowers purplish |
(88) |
87 (86) |
Flowers ca. 2.5 cm deep; leaf blade 2.5-3 cm wide. |
55 I. luchunensis |
+ |
Flowers ca. 4 cm deep; leaf blade 4-6 cm wide. |
54 I. maguanensis |
88 (86) |
Plants 10-30 cm tall, perennial; leaf blade 1.5-2 cm, apex acuminate; lower sepal narrowly funnelform |
56 I. taronensis |
+ |
Plants 1-2 m tall, annual; leaf blade 2.5-6 cm, apex acute; lower sepal navicular. |
57 I. porphyrea |
89 (81) |
Anthers obtuse |
(90) |
+ |
Anthers acute |
(117) |
90 (89) |
Flowers deeper than 3 cm |
(91) |
+ |
Flowers shorter than 3 cm |
(101) |
91 (90) |
Lateral sepals linear to lanceolate |
(92) |
+ |
Lateral sepals ovate or oblong-ovate to orbicular |
(94) |
92 (91) |
Flowers pink; leaf blade 3-6 cm. |
148 I. begoniifolia |
+ |
Flowers yellow; leaf blade 5-15 cm |
(93) |
93 (92) |
Lower sepal navicular; abaxial midvein of upper petal cristate; leaf blade 4-7 cm wide, margin crenate. |
146 I. wuchengyihii |
+ |
Lower sepal cornute; abaxial midvein of upper petal fine; leaf blade 2-3 cm wide, margin crenulate. |
158 I. arctosepala |
94 (91) |
Flowers pink or reddish |
(95) |
+ |
Flowers yellow or yellowish |
(97) |
95 (94) |
Upper petal with abaxial midvein cristate; lower sepal navicular; leaf blade abaxially gray-green; plants of Yunnan. |
147 I. yingjiangensis |
+ |
Upper petal with abaxial midvein narrowly carinate; lower sepal funnelform; leaf blade abaxially pale green; plants of Guangdong, Guangxi, and Guizhou |
(96) |
96 (95) |
Plants 60-100 cm tall, ± hairy. |
109 I. napoensis |
+ |
Plants 30-40 cm tall, glabrous. |
149 I. chlorosepala |
97 (94) |
Abaxial midvein of upper petal cristate |
(98) |
+ |
Abaxial midvein of upper petal carinate |
(99) |
98 (97) |
Plants to 30 cm tall, hairy. |
145 I. kamtilongensis |
+ |
Plants more than 100 cm tall, glabrous. |
151 I. extensifolia |
99 (97) |
Lower sepal navicular; leaf petiole 3-4 cm, blade adaxially green; plants 30-60 cm tall. |
143 I. monticola |
+ |
Lower sepal funnelform to saccate; leaf petiole 1-3 cm, blade adaxially dark green; plants 15-40 cm tall |
(100) |
100 (99) |
Leaf blade 2.5-3.5 cm wide; stem glabrous. |
142 I. mengtszeana |
+ |
Leaf blade 1-2 cm wide; stem ± hairy. |
144 I. trichosepala |
101 (90) |
Abaxial midvein of upper petal cristate or rostellate |
(102) |
+ |
Abaxial midvein of upper petal carinate or thickened |
(109) |
102 (101) |
Plants ± hairy |
(103) |
+ |
Plants glabrous |
(105) |
103 (102) |
Plants more than 100 cm tall; leaf blade (10-)15-20 cm. |
159 I. bodinieri |
+ |
Plants 30-60 cm tall; leaf blade 3-10 cm |
(104) |
104 (103) |
Flowers ca. 2.5 cm deep; abaxial midvein of upper petal cornute-carinate; leaf petiole to 5 mm, base of leaf blade rounded, lateral veins 7-9 pairs. |
101 I. scabrida |
+ |
Flowers ca. 3 cm deep; abaxial midvein of upper petal rostellate; leaf petiole 10-20 mm, base of leaf blade cuneate, lateral veins 4-6 pairs. |
156 I. ganpiuana |
105 (102) |
Lower sepal cornute; leaf margin crenulate. |
105 I. diaphana |
+ |
Lower sepal funnelform or navicular; leaf margin crenate-serrate or serrate |
(106) |
106 (105) |
Leaf blade 5-8 cm, lateral veins 6-10 pairs. |
155 I. martinii |
+ |
Leaf blade 2-4 cm, lateral veins 3-5 pairs |
(107) |
107 (106) |
Plants 40-60 cm tall; lower sepal broadly funnelform or navicular; abaxial midvein of upper petal with conspicuous crista or sac. |
152 I. rostellata |
+ |
Plants 10-30 cm tall; lower sepal funnelform; abaxial midvein of upper petal cristate |
(108) |
108 (107) |
Plants 10-20 cm tall; flowers solitary, ?pink; leaf blade 2-2.5 cm wide. |
104 I. trichopoda |
+ |
Plants 20-30 cm tall; flowers 2-4, yellow; leaf blade 1-2 cm wide. |
153 I. alpicola |
109 (101) |
Distal lobes of lateral united petals falcate basally. |
103 I. falcifer |
+ |
Distal lobes of lateral united petals not falcate basally |
(110) |
110 (109) |
Lower sepal without a spur. |
102 I. serrata |
+ |
Lower sepal with a spur |
(111) |
111 (110) |
Plants (30-)40-80 cm tall; lower sepal navicular. |
154 I. crassiloba |
+ |
Plants 15-40 cm tall; lower sepal saccate-funnelform, funnelform, or deeply navicular |
(112) |
112 (111) |
Lower sepal deeply navicular or rarely subfunnelform |
(113) |
+ |
Lower sepal saccate-funnelform, funnelform, or rarely narrowly funnelform |
(114) |
113 (112) |
Plants ca. 25 cm tall; leaf blade linear-oblong or lanceolate, 5-8 cm, margin serrulate, lateral veins 7 or 8 pairs. |
150 I. ernstii |
+ |
Plants 40-60 cm tall; leaf blade elliptic-ovate or ovate-lanceolate, 8-18 cm, margin crenate-serrate, lateral veins 9-11 pairs. |
72 I. cymbifera |
114 (112) |
Flowers yellow, ca. 1.5 cm deep; plants of Zhejiang. |
139 I. suichangensis |
+ |
Flowers pink or pinkish purple, 1.5-2.5 cm deep; plants of Xizang and Yunnan |
(115) |
115 (114) |
Plants 20-30 cm tall, perennial; flowers 2-2.5 cm deep; leaf blade 5-9 cm, abaxially yellow-brown when dry. |
51 I. microcentra |
+ |
Plants 5-20 cm tall, annual; flowers 1.5-2 cm deep; leaf blade 1-3.5(-5) cm, abaxially green, or purple spotted |
(116) |
116 (115) |
Flowers ca. 2 cm deep; leaf blade 1-2 cm, papery, lateral veins 3 or 4 pairs. |
62 I. tsangshanensis |
+ |
Flowers 1.5-2 cm deep; leaf blade 2-3.5(-5) cm, membranous, lateral veins 5 pairs. |
50 I. medogensis |
117 (89) |
Flowers yellow |
(118) |
+ |
Flowers purple |
(131) |
118 (117) |
Lower sepal saccate |
(119) |
+ |
Lower sepal funnelform or navicular |
(122) |
119 (118) |
Upper petal with horn ca. 1 cm; leaf margin crenulate-serrate. |
30 I. longicornuta |
+ |
Upper petal without a conspicuous horn; leaf margin serrate or coarsely serrate |
(120) |
120 (119) |
Basal lobes of lateral united petals larger than distal lobes; apex of leaf blade subacute. |
97 I. yunnanensis |
+ |
Basal lobes of lateral united petals smaller than distal lobes; apex of leaf blade acuminate |
(121) |
121 (120) |
Abaxial midvein of upper petal rostellate at middle, basal lobes of lateral united petals orbicular; peduncle 1-1.5 cm; leaf lateral veins 5-7 pairs. |
29 I. conchibracteata |
+ |
Abaxial midvein of upper petal keeled, basal lobes of lateral united petals ovate; peduncle 4-5 cm; leaf lateral veins 4 or 5 pairs. |
157 I. lepida |
122 (118) |
Stems prostrate or procumbent |
(123) |
+ |
Stems erect |
(125) |
123 (122) |
Leaf blade rhombic or subrhombic, base cuneate; lower sepal navicular, with an erect, slender spur. |
112 I. rhombifolia |
+ |
Leaf blade ovate, ovate-elliptic, or ovate-lanceolate, base attenuate; lower sepal with an incurved spur |
(124) |
124 (123) |
Flowers 2 or 3, yellow, ca. 2.5 cm deep; lateral sepals ovate, 3-5 mm, curved-falcate; distal lobes of lateral united petals dolabriform; leaf blade 5-7 cm, margin crenate-serrate or serrate. |
110 I. reptans |
+ |
Flowers 1 or 2, golden yellow, 1.5-2 cm deep; lateral sepals obliquely ovate, slightly thick, 3-4 mm, with falcate process; distal lobes of lateral united petals obovate-oblong; leaf blade 2-3 cm, margin serrulate. |
111 I. procumbens |
125 (122) |
Flowers pale yellow |
(126) |
+ |
Flowers yellow |
(127) |
126 (125) |
Lower sepal funnelform; leaf blade 5-10 × 3-4.5 cm. |
136 I. potaninii |
+ |
Lower sepal navicular; leaf blade 3-5(-7) × 2.5-3 cm. |
137 I. bellula |
127 (125) |
Leaf blade 1.5-2 cm wide, margin spinescent-serrate. |
95 I. atherosepala |
+ |
Leaf blade 2-4 cm wide, margin serrate or crenate |
(128) |
128 (127) |
Margin of leaf blade serrulate; abaxial midvein of upper petal cornute below middle |
96 I. labordei |
+ |
Margin of leaf blade coarsely or moderately serrate or crenate; abaxial midvein of upper petal keeled or with a small sac at middle |
(129) |
129 (128) |
Abaxial midvein of upper petal with a small sac at middle; apex of leaf blade acute. |
125 I. lucorum |
+ |
Abaxial midvein of upper petal keeled; apex of leaf blade caudate-acuminate |
(130) |
130 (129) |
Base of leaf blade cuneate, attenuate into petiole, margin crenate or serrate, lateral veins 6-8 pairs. |
131 I. meyana |
+ |
Base of leaf blade broadly cuneate, margin coasely serrate, lateral veins 4 or 5 pairs. |
157 I. lepida |
131 (117) |
Lower sepal saccate |
(132) |
+ |
Lower sepal funnelform, navicular, or cornute |
(134) |
132 (131) |
Stems winged. |
115 I. uniflora |
+ |
Stems wingless |
(133) |
133 (132) |
Abaxial midvein of upper petal conspicuously carinate with an apical horn, distal lobes of lateral united petals falcate-flabellate; leaf blade abaxially pale green; plants of Sichuan and Yunnan. |
129 I. forrestii |
+ |
Abaxial midvein of upper petal inconspicuously carinate with an apical horn, distal lobes of lateral united petals dolabriform; leaf blade abaxially purple; plants of Henan and Shanxi. |
119 I. henanensis |
134 (131) |
Lower sepal cornute |
(135) |
+ |
Lower sepal not cornute |
(136) |
135 (134) |
Flowers not more than 2 cm in diam.; pedicels and bracts puberulent; peduncle 2-3 cm; leaf blade membranous. |
120 I. imbecilla |
+ |
Flowers more than 2 cm in diam.; pedicels and bracts glabrous; peduncle 5-10 cm; leaf blade papery. |
122 I. faberi |
136 (134) |
Stems prostrate or procumbent |
(137) |
+ |
Stems erect |
(139) |
137 (136) |
Leaf blade membranous, to 1.8 cm wide, adaxial surface pilose on veins, lateral veins 5 or 6 pairs; lateral sepals apically reflexed, long mucronulate; lateral united petals not clawed, distal lobes broadly dolabriform; plants to 100 cm tall. |
108 I. tienchuanensis |
+ |
Leaf blade rigidly papery, 3-3.5 cm wide, margin and adaxial surface strigose on veins, lateral veins 5-7 pairs; lateral sepals apically cuspidate or mucronulate; lateral united petals clawed or ± clawed, distal lobes suborbicular or dolabriform; plants 40-60 cm tall |
(138) |
138 (137) |
Bracts lanceolate or linear-lanceolate; lateral united petals clawed, distal lobes suborbicular, indistinctly auriculate; margin of leaf blade serrate; plants to 40 cm tall. |
106 I. commelinoides |
+ |
Bracts ovate or ovate-lanceolate; lateral united petals ± clawed, distal lobes dolabriform, with lunate inflexed auricle; margin of leaf blade crenate-serrate; plants to 60 cm tall. |
107 I. fanjingshanica |
139 (136) |
Stems simple or rarely branched at middle |
(140) |
+ |
Stems branched or repent basally |
(144) |
140 (139) |
Leaf blade 3-5 cm; plants less than 20 cm tall. |
114 I. pudica |
+ |
Leaf blade 5-15 cm; plants 30-100 cm tall |
(141) |
141 (140) |
Abaxial midvein of upper petal inconspicuously keeled and without any appendage; plants ca. 30 cm tall. |
98 I. trigonosepala |
+ |
Abaxial midvein of upper petal conspicuously keeled and cristate |
(142) |
142 (141) |
Apex of upper petal with a beak ca. 5 mm. |
99 I. recurvicornis |
+ |
Apex of upper petal not beaked |
(143) |
143 (142) |
Leaf blade elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, margin crenate. |
89 I. puberula |
+ |
Leaf blade ovate to ovate-lanceolate or ovate-oblong, margin coarsely and sharply serrate. |
94 I. lemeei |
144 (139) |
Limb of lower sepal funnelform; flowers solitary |
(145) |
+ |
Lower sepal cornute or navicular (but funnelform or saccate in a few species); inflorescences of 2 or 3 fascicled flowers, racemose, or flowers solitary (I. piufanensis and I. odontophylla) |
(147) |
145 (144) |
Leaves basally without glands; lateral sepals lanceolate, basally denticulate, abaxial midvein keeled; lower sepal with a slender spur 1-1.5 cm; peduncle to 6 cm. |
118 I. linocentra |
+ |
Leaves basally with 1 or 2 glands; lateral sepals narrowly ovate, margin sometimes denticulate on one side, abaxial midvein with a narrow wing; lower sepal with a long, incurved spur to 4.5 cm; peduncle 3-4.4 cm |
(146) |
146 (145) |
Margin of leaf blade crenate, base with 2 globose glands; lateral sepals ovate, margin sometimes denticulate on one side; distal lobes of lateral united petals broadly oblong; lower sepal narrowly funnelform with a slender, incurved spur. |
116 I. pterosepala |
+ |
Margin of leaf blade serrate, base with 1-3 pairs of globose glands; lateral sepals ovate-orbicular, inequilateral, margin entire; distal lobes of lateral united petals oblong; lower sepal broadly funnelform with a slightly incurved spur ca. 3.5 cm. |
117 I. neglecta |
147 (144) |
Auricle of lateral united petals elongate and linear, inserted in spur of lower sepal; lower sepal erect or incurved |
(148) |
+ |
Auricle of lateral united petals not elongate, not inserted in spur of lower sepal; lower sepal incurved or involute |
(150) |
148 (147) |
Flowers more than 2 cm in diam., purple-red; pedicels and bracts glabrous; peduncle 5-10 cm; leaf blade papery. |
122 I. faberi |
+ |
Flowers not more than 2 cm in diam.; pedicels and bracts puberulent; peduncle 2-3 cm; leaf blade membranous |
(149) |
149 (148) |
Flowers reddish or pink; bracts linear-lanceolate, caducous; distal lobes of lateral united petals dolabriform, apex rounded; lower sepal cornute, with an erect spur; leaf blade adaxially dark green, abaxially gray-green. |
120 I. imbecilla |
+ |
Flowers pink-purple; bracts lanceolate, persistent; distal lobes of lateral united petals broadly incised; lower sepal navicular, with an incurved, short spur; leaf blade adaxially green, abaxially pale green. |
121 I. distracta |
150 (147) |
Limb of lower sepal navicular |
(151) |
+ |
Limb of lower sepal funnelform |
(152) |
151 (150) |
Leaf blade rigid, margin crenate or crenate-serrate, basally with stipitate glands; flowers pink-purple; lateral sepals rigid, cordate; abaxial midvein of upper petal rostrate or shortly carinate at middle, distal lobes of lateral united petals large, dolabriform, apically broadly incised. |
140 I. amabilis |
+ |
Leaf blade membranous, margin serrate, base without glands; flowers purple; lateral sepals herbaceous, ovate; abaxial midvein of upper petal green, clavate, erect, rostellate at middle, distal lobes of lateral united petals dolabriform, apically incised. |
141 I. rectirostrata |
152 (150) |
Stem base or nodes of lower part swollen to tuberiform with adventitious roots |
(153) |
+ |
Stem base and lower nodes without swollen globose tuber |
(154) |
153 (152) |
Stem basally procumbent, lower nodes swollen to tuberiform; leaf blade ovate-lanceolate, lateral veins 4 or 5 pairs, abaxially spinose on veins; basal lobes of lateral united petals rounded-obtuse; lower sepal with spur ca. as long as limb. |
126 I. piufanensis |
+ |
Stem erect, base with subglobose tuber; leaf blade narrowly oblong or linear-lanceolate, lateral veins 7 pairs, adaxially brown pilose; basal lobes of lateral united petals mucronulate; lower sepal with a slender spur 10-12 mm. |
127 I. epilobioides |
154 (152) |
Leaf blade rigidly papery, margin inconspicuously serrulate. |
133 I. bachii |
+ |
Leaf blade membranous, margin coarsely serrate or serrate |
(155) |
155 (154) |
Inflorescences 2- or 3-flowered; lateral sepals orbicular. |
128 I. oxyanthera |
+ |
Inflorescences 1- or 2-flowered; lateral sepals ovate or ovate-lanceolate |
(156) |
156 (155) |
Peduncles ca. as long as leaves, inflorescences 1- or 2-flowered; bracts lanceolate; flowers violet, 3-5 cm deep; lateral sepals ovate-falcate, ca. 7 mm, 5-veined; lower sepal with an incurved, slender spur ca. 2 cm; leaf blade adaxially dark green, abaxially pale green; plants to 60 cm tall. |
130 I. lilacina |
+ |
Peduncles shorter than leaves, inflorescences 1-flowered; bracts linear-lanceolate; flowers pink, ca. 2 cm deep, purple spotted; lateral sepals ovate-lanceolate, ca. 5 mm, 3-veined; lower sepal with a short, curved spur; leaf blade adaxially green, abaxially gray-green; plants to 25 cm tall. |
132 I. odontophylla |
157 (80) |
Flowers 4-5 cm; lower sepal saccate or saccate-funnelform |
(158) |
+ |
Flowers medium-sized or smaller, not more than 4 cm; lower sepal funnelform, cup-shaped, narrowly funnelform, or cornute |
(175) |
158 (157) |
Lateral sepals 2 |
(159) |
+ |
Lateral sepals 4, outer 2 ovate or obliquely ovate, inner 2 narrowly linear or linear-lanceolate |
(162) |
159 (158) |
Flowers white, red striate; bracts herbaceous, lanceolate. |
31 I. rubrostriata |
+ |
Flowers yellow; bracts fleshy, broadly ovate |
(160) |
160 (159) |
Leaves submembranous, adaxially green; upper part of stem sparsely pubescent; lateral veins 5 or 6 pairs; lateral sepals obliquely ovate. |
28 I. hunanensis |
+ |
Leaves papery, adaxially dark green; upper part of stem gray-brown or yellow-brown tomentose; lateral veins 5-9 pairs; lateral sepals obovate or orbicular |
(161) |
161 (160) |
Leaf blade ovate or ovate-elliptic, lateral veins 7-9 pairs; lateral sepals thickening, obovate, many veined; lateral united petals shortly clawed, distal lobes dolabriform. |
26 I. duclouxii |
+ |
Leaf blade ovate-lanceolate, lateral veins 5-7 pairs; lateral sepals membranous, orbicular, veins reticulate; lateral united petals not clawed, distal lobes broadly ovate. |
27 I. cyclosepala |
162 (158) |
Leaves remote on stem; peduncles axillary, much longer than leaves; lower sepal subglobose or cup-shaped. |
12 I. chimiliensis |
+ |
Leaves crowded at upper part of stem; peduncles terminal or axillary, shorter than leaves or equaling leaves; lower sepal saccate or broadly funnelform |
(163) |
163 (162) |
Flowers yellow, yellowish, or pink; lower sepal saccate |
(164) |
+ |
Flowers yellow or white; lower sepal saccate or saccate-funnelform |
(169) |
164 (163) |
Plants perennial |
(165) |
+ |
Plants annual |
(166) |
165 (164) |
Peduncles shorter than leaves, inflorescences 4-7-flowered; bracts membranous, ovate-oblong; flowers yellowish, throat red or red-purple spotted; lateral united petals clawed, to 3 cm. |
13 I. hongkongensis |
+ |
Peduncles longer than leaves or ca. as long as leaves, inflorescences 3-8(-13)-flowered; bracts leathery, ovate or navicular; flowers yellow, lower sepal red-brownish striate; lateral united petals broadly clawed, ca. 2 cm. |
14 I. pritzelii |
166 (164) |
Flowers yellow; lower sepal saccate |
(167) |
+ |
Flowers pink; lower sepal broadly funnelform |
(168) |
167 (166) |
Leaves lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, apex acuminate; peduncles shorter than leaves, inflorescences 3- or 4-flowered; abaxial midvein of outer sepals with a narrow wing; lateral united petals shortly clawed, ca. 1.5 cm, distal lobes obovate; lower sepal with spur ca. 2 cm. |
15 I. tubulosa |
+ |
Leaves obovate or spatulate, apex acute; peduncles ca. as long as leaves, inflorescences 2-4-flowered; outer sepals with conspicuous veins; lateral united petals not clawed, to 2 cm, distal lobes subdolabriform, emarginate; lower sepal with a short spur. |
16 I. spathulata |
168 (166) |
Leaf blade ovate-oblong, lateral veins 5-7 pairs; inflorescences 2-5-flowered; flowers 2-3.5 cm; basal lobes of lateral united petals obliquely ovate, distal lobes oblong, apically obtuse. |
17 I. chishuiensis |
+ |
Leaf blade oblong-lanceolate or lanceolate, lateral veins 7-11 pairs; inflorescences 3-8(-11)-flowered; flowers 4-4.5 cm; basal lobes of lateral united petals obovate, distal lobes oblong-dolabriform, apically slightly acute. |
18 I. guizhouensis |
169 (163) |
Flowers to 5 cm; lower sepal saccate, with an involute or cochleate, slender spur 2-3 cm. |
19 I. apalophylla |
+ |
Flowers smaller; lower sepal saccate to funnelform, with a stout or short spur ca. 1/2 as long as limb |
(170) |
170 (169) |
Anthers apically acute |
(171) |
+ |
Anthers apically obtuse |
(172) |
171 (170) |
Petiole 3.5-5 cm, leaf blade 9-12 × 3.5-4 cm; peduncle ca. 1.5 cm; pedicel ca. 1.5 cm; flowers ca. 2 cm, spur ca. 8 mm. |
21 I. clavigeroides |
+ |
Petiole to 2.5 cm, leaf blade 7-9 × 2.5-3.5 cm; peduncle 2-2.5 cm; pedicel ca. 1 cm; flowers ca. 3 cm, spur ca. 4 mm. |
22 I. linearisepala |
172 (170) |
Lower sepal with an involute or incurved, short spur, not longer than 1 cm |
(173) |
+ |
Lower sepal with spur ca. 1 cm, ca. 1/2 as long as limb |
(174) |
173 (172) |
Flowers yellow, upper petal triangular-orbicular, apex obtuse; lower sepal narrowly funnelform, with an involute, stout spur; leaf petiole 4-6 cm, not glandular; inflorescences terminal. |
24 I. omeiana |
+ |
Flowers white, upper petal elliptic, apex mucronulate; lower sepal saccate, with a very short, curved spur; leaves shortly petiolate or subsessile, base remotely glandular; inflorescences axillary. |
25 I. wilsonii |
174 (172) |
Stem robust, usually winged; leaf blade membranous, oblanceolate or obovate, margin crenate-serrate, lateral veins 5 or 6 pairs, petiole 1-2 cm; bracts smaller, caducous. |
20 I. clavigera |
+ |
Stem fleshy, wingless; leaf blade rigid, oblong or ovate-oblong, margin inconspicuously denticulate, serrulate, or nearly entire, lateral veins 9-12 pairs, petiole 5-12 cm; bracts ca. 1.5 cm, herbaceous. |
23 I. balansae |
175 (157) |
Distal lobes of lateral united petals loriform or narrowly lanceolate |
(176) |
+ |
Distal lobes of lateral united petals dolabriform or semilunar or ovate |
(187) |
176 (175) |
Lateral sepals 4, outer 2 ovate or falcate-elliptic, inner 2 minute, linear or subulate |
(177) |
+ |
Lateral sepals 2 |
(178) |
177 (176) |
Leaves crowded at apices of stem and branches, oblong-ovate or oblong-lanceolate; inflorescences 4-6-flowered; lower sepal with a cylindric, erect spur ca. as broad as limb. |
52 I. holocentra |
+ |
Leaves along stem remotely arranged, linear or linear-oblong; inflorescences 8-12-flowered; lower sepal with a narrowed, curved, slender spur ca. 14 mm. |
53 I. tongbiguanensis |
178 (176) |
Apices of lateral sepals and tip of mouth of lower sepal rostellate or with a long horn; flowers purple or pink-purple. |
49 I. tenuibracteata |
+ |
Apices of lateral sepals and tip of mouth of lower sepal cuspidate, rostellate or long aristate; flowers yellow or golden-yellow |
(179) |
179 (178) |
Lateral sepals navicular or narrowly oblong, apex cuspidate; tip of mouth of lower sepal shortly rostellate or acuminate; bracts persistent |
(180) |
+ |
Lateral sepals ovate-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, acuminate or hooked-falcate; tip of mouth of lower sepal slightly acute, cornute-rostellate or long aristate; bracts caducous |
(182) |
180 (179) |
Flowers yellow, purple spotted; lateral sepals ovate, apex apiculate; lower sepal navicular, mouth abruptly curved, tip of mouth acuminate, with spur ca. 15 mm; plants to 80 cm tall. |
42 I. dolichoceras |
+ |
Flowers golden-yellow or yellow, not spotted; lateral sepals oblong, ovate-oblong, or navicular, apex often obtuse; tip of mouth of lower sepal acute or shortly rostellate; plants 40-60 cm tall |
(181) |
181 (180) |
Flowers yellow, to 2 cm; lateral sepals oblong, 2-3 mm, apex obtuse, slightly thickening, midvein stout; lower sepal cornute, mouth ascending, tip of mouth acute. |
40 I. dichroa |
+ |
Flowers golden-yellow, ca. 3 cm; lateral sepals navicular, ca. 5 mm, membranous, broader on one side, 3-5-veined; lower sepal narrowly funnelform, mouth ascending, tip of mouth shortly rostellate. |
41 I. siculifer |
182 (179) |
Lateral sepals ovate-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, apex acuminate; tip of mouth of lower sepal not aristate |
(183) |
+ |
Lateral sepals falcate or hooked-curved, apex long aristate; tip of mouth of lower sepal with a long horn or long aristate |
(184) |
183 (182) |
Peduncles distinctly overtopping leaves, 3-5.3 cm; bracts subulate or subulate-lanceolate, apically without glands; tip of mouth of lower sepal obtuse or slightly acute, with a hooked, long spur; plants occurring at ca. 4100 m elevation. |
43 I. longipes |
+ |
Peduncles usually shorter than leaves; bracts ovate-lanceolate; tip of mouth of lower sepal cornute-rostellate, with a slightly curved, slender, long spur; plants occurring up to 3000 m elevation. |
44 I. stenantha |
184 (182) |
Flowers ca. 2.5 cm, pink, purple-brown striate; bracts linear, persistent. |
48 I. ceratophora |
+ |
Flowers smaller, yellow or orange-yellow, red spotted; bracts ovate or ovate-lanceolate, caducous |
(185) |
185 (184) |
Leaves rigid, blade to 2.5 cm wide; peduncles overtopping leaves or ca. as long as leaves, inflorescences 3-5-flowered; lateral sepals hooked-curved, with awn 3-4 mm; tip of mouth of lower sepal fibrous, sometimes involute aristate; plants to 30 cm tall. |
45 I. principis |
+ |
Leaves membranous, blade 4-6 cm wide; peduncles overtopping or shorter than leaves, inflorescences 5-12-flowered; lateral sepals falcate, with a long awn; tip of mouth of lower sepal with a long horn or rostellate; plants 60-110 cm tall |
(186) |
186 (185) |
Bracts ovate-lanceolate, smaller, glandular cuspidate; upper petal orange-yellow, abaxial midvein slightly spurred; tip of mouth of lower sepal with a long green horn, with a helicoid, incurved spur; leaf blade apically acuminate; plants to 110 cm tall. |
46 I. drepanophora |
+ |
Bracts navicular-ovate, 8-10 mm, aristate; upper petal yellowish, abaxial midvein without a process; tip of mouth of lower sepal rostellate, with a slender, erect or curved spur; leaf blade apically acute; plants to 60 cm tall. |
47 I. ruiliensis |
187 (175) |
Flowers medium-sized, usually deeper than 2 cm |
(188) |
+ |
Flowers small, usually less than 1.5(-2) cm deep except spur |
(213) |
188 (187) |
Flowers yellow or whitish, rarely with purplish shade |
(189) |
+ |
Flowers purple, blue-purple, pink, pale purple, or pale pink, very rarely with light yellow shade |
(197) |
189 (188) |
Upper petal with cristate midvein |
(190) |
+ |
Upper petal without cristate midvein |
(191) |
190 (189) |
Flowers golden yellow, ca. 2.5 cm deep, with a saccate lower sepal; leaf blade lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate. |
100 I. cristata |
+ |
Flowers yellow, ca. 1.8 cm deep, with a funnelform lower sepal; leaf blade ovate-elliptic. |
153 I. alpicola |
191 (189) |
Flowers with pale purplish spots. |
73 I. urticifolia |
+ |
Flowers without purple spots |
(192) |
192 (191) |
Inflorescences (1 or)2-5-flowered. |
70 I. nyimana |
+ |
Inflorescences (5 or)6-13 flowered |
(193) |
193 (192) |
Leaf blade rhombic-ovate or rhombic-lanceolate. |
58 I. furcillata |
+ |
Leaf blade not rhombic-ovate, nor rhombic-lanceolate |
(194) |
194 (193) |
Flowers 3-3.5 cm deep; plants with dense yellow-brown glandular hairs. |
32 I. cyathiflora |
+ |
Flowers 2-2.5 cm deep; plants glabrous or with sparse glandular hairs |
(195) |
195 (194) |
Bracts caducous, apex scarcely mucronate, cuspidate. |
35 I. scutisepala |
+ |
Bracts persistent, apex acuminate or glandular aristate |
(196) |
196 (195) |
Flowers pale yellow with a saccate lower sepal; petiole with 2 globose glands at base. |
33 I. clavicuspis |
+ |
Flowers yellow with a funnelform lower sepal; petiole without basal glands. |
34 I. loulanensis |
197 (188) |
Leaf blade rhombic-ovate or rhombic-lanceolate |
(198) |
+ |
Leaf blade not rhombic-ovate or rhombic-lanceolate |
(199) |
198 (197) |
Stems and peduncles with dense red-purple glandular hairs; flowers 2.5-4 cm deep. |
59 I. textorii |
+ |
Stems and peduncles with sparse glandular hairs or without glandular hairs; flowers ca. 2 cm deep. |
58 I. furcillata |
199 (197) |
Flowers blue-purple to blue-violet or rarely purple to pale blue-purple |
(200) |
+ |
Flowers pink or pinkish |
(205) |
200 (199) |
Bracts caducous |
(201) |
+ |
Bracts persistent |
(203) |
201 (200) |
Inflorescences 3- or 4-flowered. |
37 I. blinii |
+ |
Inflorescences more than 5-flowered |
(202) |
202 (201) |
Distal lobes of lateral united petals with a rounded apex; pedicel 9-11 mm. |
36 I. cyanantha |
+ |
Distal lobes of lateral united petals with a retuse apex; pedicel 16-20 mm. |
64 I. hancockii |
203 (200) |
Lower sepal broadly sigmoid-curved-saccate. |
71 I. bicornuta |
+ |
Lower sepal obliquely or broadly funnelform |
(204) |
204 (203) |
Flowers 3.5-5 cm deep; distal lobes of lateral united petals lanceolate. |
38 I. purpurea |
+ |
Flowers 2-2.5 cm deep; distal lobes of lateral united petals dolabriform. |
67 I. fragicolor |
205 (199) |
Bracts caducous |
(206) |
+ |
Bracts persistent |
(208) |
206 (205) |
Inflorescences 3-5-flowered; flowers 2.5-3 cm deep. |
61 I. uliginosa |
+ |
Inflorescences 6-12-flowered; flowers 3-4 cm deep |
(207) |
207 (206) |
Leaf blade 4-7 cm wide; flowers ca. 3 cm deep. |
39 I. pseudokingii |
+ |
Leaf blade 1.5-2.5 cm wide; flowers 3.5-4 cm deep. |
60 I. aquatilis |
208 (205) |
Flowers 3-3.5 cm deep |
(209) |
+ |
Flowers 1.5-2.5 cm deep |
(210) |
209 (208) |
Flowers ca. 3 cm deep; lower sepal navicular-cornute; leaves alternate. |
124 I. lateristachys |
+ |
Flowers 3-3.5 cm deep; lower sepal saccate; leaves opposite or verticillate. |
65 I. sulcata |
210 (208) |
Bracts ovate-lanceolate |
(211) |
+ |
Bracts linear or narrowly lanceolate to lanceolate |
(212) |
211 (210) |
Flowers ca. 2 cm deep; all leaves sessile; bases of upper and middle leaves amplexicaul |
68 I. amplexicaulis |
+ |
Flowers 1.5-1.7 cm deep; lower and middle leaves shortly petiolate; bases of upper and middle leaves not amplexicaul. |
69 I. chungtienensis |
212 (210) |
Flowers 1.5-2.5 cm deep; basal lobes of lateral united petals rounded at apex, distal lobes of lateral united petals slightly acute at apex; apex of bract without glandular hairs. |
63 I. jinggangensis |
+ |
Flowers ca. 2 cm deep; basal lobes of lateral united petals acute at apex, distal lobes of lateral united petals rounded at apex; apex of bract with glandular hairs. |
66 I. thomsonii |
213 (187) |
Lower sepal without spur, navicular. |
88 I. margaritifera |
+ |
Lower sepal with spur, funnelform, navicular, or obconical |
(214) |
214 (213) |
Bracts caducous or nearly persistent |
(215) |
+ |
Bracts persistent |
(222) |
215 (214) |
Stem slender; flowers pale purple, 8-9 mm; lateral sepals falcate; capsule shortly clavate, 5-angled, tuberculate. |
84 I. tuberculata |
+ |
Stem relatively stout, rigid; flowers yellow, 5-10 mm in diam.; lateral sepals falcate; capsule linear or narrowly terete, not tuberculate |
(216) |
216 (215) |
Lateral sepal falcate-ovate, narrowly ovate, oblong, or obliquely lanceolate |
(217) |
+ |
Lateral sepal ovate to orbicular or subcordate |
(219) |
217 (216) |
Stem and branches sparsely stipitate glandular; bracts lanceolate, apex glandular aristate; flowers orange; lateral sepals obliquely lanceolate, glandular aristate; seeds tuberculate |
85 I. polyceras |
+ |
Stem and branches without glands; bracts ovate or oblong, apex not aristate; flowers yellow; lateral sepals ovate or oblong, not glandular aristate; seeds smooth |
(218) |
218 (217) |
Inflorescences racemose; peduncles many, crowded at apices of branches, usually shorter than leaves; lateral sepals falcate-ovate, 3-veined; abaxial midvein of upper petal narrowly cristate; lower sepal with an incurved spur 2-2.5 cm. |
86 I. desmantha |
+ |
Inflorescences corymbose; peduncles slender, in axils of upper part, distinctly overtopping leaves; lateral sepals narrowly ovate or oblong, midvein stout, not veined; abaxial midvein of upper petal without a process, lower sepal with a curved spur ca. 2 × as long as limb. |
87 I. gracilipes |
219 (216) |
Flowers less than 1 cm deep; leaves often crowded. |
138 I. fargesii |
+ |
Flowers 1-2 cm deep; leaves not crowded |
(220) |
220 (219) |
Flowers ca. 1 cm deep, white; lateral sepals lorate; margin of leaf blade serrulate or crenate-mucronulate. |
113 I. membranifolia |
+ |
Flowers 1-2 cm deep, yellow; lateral sepals orbicular or subcordate; margin of leaf blade crenate or crenulate |
(221) |
221 (220) |
Flowers 1-1.5 cm deep, yellow; leaf lateral veins 6-8 pairs. |
134 I. crenulata |
+ |
Flowers 1.5-2 cm deep, pale yellow; leaf lateral veins 2-4 pairs. |
135 I. henryi |
222 (214) |
Flowers many, pale purple to yellowish white, fascicled or verticillate, radiately arranged. |
74 I. radiata |
+ |
Flowers several, alternate, white, pink, or yellow, in racemes or corymbs |
(223) |
223 (222) |
Lateral united petals very shortly auriculate or without auricle; lower sepal conic or navicular |
(224) |
+ |
Lateral united petals auriculate; lower sepal navicular, with a long, curved spur |
(226) |
224 (223) |
Flowers white or pink; lateral sepals ovate or ovate-subulate, 3-veined, apex glandular apiculate, margin without glands; lower sepal navicular, with an erect, short spur. |
76 I. laxiflora |
+ |
Flowers yellow or yellowish; lower sepal conical, with an incurved, long spur |
(225) |
225 (224) |
Lateral sepals falcate or obliquely ovate, apex aristate; leaf blade membranous, lateral veins 7-9 pairs. |
75 I. racemosa |
+ |
Lateral sepals ovate-orbicular, apex obtuse; leaf blade papery, lateral veins 6 or 7 pairs. |
123 I. microstachys |
226 (223) |
Flowers ca. 1 cm in diam |
(227) |
+ |
Flowers more than 1 cm in diam |
(229) |
227 (226) |
Flowers pink; upper petal with abaxial midvein not carinate; lower sepal navicular, with an incurved spur ca. 1 cm; plants of Yunnan. |
77 I. bahanensis |
+ |
Flowers yellowish or white; lower sepal navicular, with a short, erect spur; plants of Xinjiang |
(228) |
228 (227) |
Flowers pale yellow, throat reddish spotted; lower sepal navicular, with a conical, erect spur 5-7 mm; leaf blade to 11 cm. |
78 I. parviflora |
+ |
Flowers white, not spotted; lower sepal with a cuneate-triangular, short spur shorter than 1 mm; leaf blade to 15 cm. |
79 I. brachycentra |
229 (226) |
Flowers sulfur-colored; bracts setaceous or lanceolate to linear, 1-1.5 mm; lower sepal with a rectangular or involute spur 1-1.2 cm or ca. 3.5 cm |
(230) |
+ |
Flowers yellow or pale yellow; bracts ovate or ovate-lanceolate, 3-4 mm; lower sepal with an incurved or suberect spur 2-2.5 cm |
(231) |
230 (229) |
Lateral sepals obliquely ovate or sigmoid, 2-4 mm; lower sepal navicular, with a rectangular spur ca. 3.5 cm; peduncle 7-15 cm; leaf blade to 17 cm. |
80 I. rectangula |
+ |
Lateral sepals broadly ovate or orbicular, apically mucronulate; lower sepal navicular, mouth vertical, with an incurved, slender spur 1-1.2 cm; peduncle 3-6 cm; leaf blade to 8 cm. |
81 I. thiochroa |
231 (229) |
Stem robust, ca. 1 cm in diam. at base, many branched from lower part; peduncles axillary or terminal, inflorescences few flowered; flowers ca. 1.5 cm in diam.; lateral sepals narrowly triangular-ovate, 1-veined; leaf blade with 4 or 5 pairs of lateral veins. |
82 I. crassicaudex |
+ |
Stem slightly slender, branched; peduncles axillary, inflorescences 3-10-flowered, corymbose or racemose; flowers 1.5-2 cm; lateral sepals obliquely ovate or falcate, 3-6 veined; leaf blade with 6-8 pairs of lateral veins. |
83 I. infirma |