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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 12 | Malvaceae | Hibiscus

10. Hibiscus paramutabilis L. H. Bailey, Gentes Herb. 1: 109. 1922.

庐山芙蓉 lu shan fu rong

Shrubs deciduous or small trees, erect, 1-4 m tall. Branchlets, stipules, and petioles stellate puberulent. Stipules filiform, ca. 6 mm, caducous; petiole 3-14 cm; leaf blade palmately 5-7-lobed or sometimes 3-lobed, 5-14 × 6-15 cm, papery, palmate veins 5, stellate on both surfaces, base truncate or nearly cordate, lobe margin sinuately dentate, apex acuminate. Flowers solitary, axillary on upper branches and branchlets. Pedicel 2-12 cm, articulate near apex, densely puberulent and strigose with long hairs ca. 3 mm. Epicalyx lobes ovate, 8-12 mm wide, apex obtuse or acute. Calyx campanulate, lobes 5, ovate-lanceolate, connate for 1/4 of length, densely yellow-ferruginous stellate tomentose. Corolla white with purple-red center, 10-12 cm in diam.; petals obovate, 5-7 cm, stellate abaxially, veined, white barbate at base, apex rounded or emarginate. Staminal column ca. 3.5 cm. Style branches 5, villous. Capsule oblong-ovoid, ca. 2.5 × 2 cm; mericarps 5, densely yellow-ferruginous stellate tomentose and long hirsute. Seeds reniform, villous, hairs red-brown, ca. 3 mm. Fl. Jul-Aug.

● Scrub, slopes, valleys; 500-1100 m. Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi.

1 Pedicel 2-4 cm.   10a var. paramutabilis
+ Pedicel 4-12 cm.   10b var. longipedicellatus


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