17. Styrax macranthus Perkins, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 31: 487. 1902.
禄春安息香 lu chun an xi xiang
Trees to 7 m tall. Branchlets slightly flattened to terete, densely yellowish stellate puberulent or glabrous. Winter buds conical. Leaves alternate; petiole 5--10 mm; leaf blade oblong to ovate-lanceolate, 8--12 X 3--4 cm, papery to almost leathery, sparsely brownish stellate pubescent or glabrous except for veins or veins axils, base slightly oblique and rounded to broadly cuneate, margin glandular serrulate and slightly revolute, apex acute, secondary veins 5--7 pairs, tertiary veins subparallel. Racemes terminal, 3- or 4-flowered, 4--6 cm. Pedicel 0.8--1.5 cm. Flowers 1.2--2.5 cm. Calyx 3.5--6 X 4.5--5.5 mm, membranous, irregularly 5-toothed to undulate, densely yellow stellate tomentose. Corolla tube 3--4 mm; lobes obovate to obovate-elliptic, 8--16 X 5--10 mm. Stamens shorter than corolla; filaments apical half of free parts densely white stellate tomentose. Fruit obovoid-cylindrical, 1.5--2 X 1--1.5 cm, longitudinally rugose, with dense gray-yellow stellate hairs, apex shortly pointed. Fl. Apr-Jun, fr. Aug-Oct.
* Slopes and ravines, in forest thickets; 2000--2500 m. Guangxi, S Yunnan.
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