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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 15 | Styracaceae | Styrax

4. Styrax wilsonii Rehder in Sargent, Pl. Wilson. 1: 293. 1912.

小叶安息香 xiao ye an xi xiang

Shrubs 1--2 m tall, many branched. Branchlets densely chestnut colored stellate pubescent, glabrescent. Leaves alternate; petiole 1--2 mm; leaf blade obovate, rhomboid, or rarely elliptic-ovate, 1--2.5(--4) X 0.7--2(--2.6) cm, papery, abaxially densely grayish stellate tomentose, adaxially rugose and glabrous except veins, base rounded to broadly cuneate, margin 2--4 lobed or apically coarsely serrate, apex acute, secondary veins 4--6 pairs. Racemes terminal, 3--5-flowered, 2--3 cm. Pedicel 2--3 mm. Flowers 1--1.3 cm. Calyx cup-shaped, 2--3 X ca. 3.5 mm, densely stellate tomentose. Corolla 6--7 X 3.5--4 mm; lobes 5, rarely 6, oblong, yellowish stellate pubescent. Stamens 10(--12), included; filaments apically stellate pubescent; anthers linear-oblong, glabrous or stellate pubescent. Style slightly exserted. Fruit subglobose, 5--7 mm in diam., densely tomentose, apex shortly pointed. Seeds brown, ovoid to globose, glabrous. Fl. Apr-Jul, fr. Aug-Oct.

* Openings in forests or scrub; 1300--1700 m. Sichuan (Baoxing Xian).


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