13. Tylophora picta Tsiang, Sunyatsenia. 3: 218. 1936.
紫叶娃儿藤 zi ye wa er teng
Lianas glabrous except for sparsely yellowish pilose nodes, base of leaf blade, bracts, and exterior of calyx and corolla. Stems to 6 m. Petiole 2-4 cm, slightly flattened; leaf blade ovate-oblong to suborbicular, 6-13 × (3.5-)5-11 cm, leathery to subsucculent, base rounded to subcordate, apex mucronate; lateral veins 4-7 pairs, slightly flattened, abaxially purplish red. Inflorescences pedunculate, congested, umbel-like clusters of cymules, 2-5 × ca. 3 cm, many flowered; peduncle purplish red; bracts blackish, ca. 3 mm. Pedicel up to 5 mm. Sepals ovate-triangular, ca. 1.5 × 1 mm; glands absent. Corolla purplish red, rotate, villous inside; tube ca. 1 mm; lobes ovate-oblong, ca. 3 × 1 mm. Corona lobes ovate, pouched, reaching base of anthers. Pollinia oblong, horizontal. Ovaries glabrous. Stigma head subdepressed, slightly longer than anthers. Follicles lanceolate in outline, ca. 8 × 1 cm, glabrous. Seeds ovate, ca. 10 × 5 mm; coma to 4 cm. Fl. May-Sep, fr. Oct-Dec.
* Moist valleys. Hainan.
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