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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 17 | Lamiaceae | Phlomis

2. Phlomis cuneata C. Y. Wu, Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 65(2): 594. 1977.

楔叶糙苏 xie ye cao su

Stems sparsely and minutely hispid, densely so on nodes, branched. Petiole 7-10 mm; leaf blade of apical stem leaves triangular, 7-9.5 × 6-7 cm, adaxially densely short appressed setose, abaxially densely gray stellate villous, base broadly cuneate, margin irregularly crenate-dentate, apex acute. Verticillasters ca. 20-flowered; floral leaves ovate to lanceolate, margin irregularly crenate-dentate, much longer than verticillasters; bracts linear, 1-1.2 cm, ciliate, stellate puberulent. Calyx 1-1.1 cm, gray stellate pilose outside, basally sparsely ciliate on inside, sinus of teeth with a tuft of villous hairs; teeth ca. 2 mm, with aristae 2-3 mm. Corolla ca. 1.2 cm, tube hairy annulate inside, upper lip densely long bearded on margin. Filaments without appendages, glandular grooved between base of anterior and posterior pairs. Ovary glabrous. Style equally 2-cleft at apex. Fl. Sep.

* Forests. Xizang (Tsuijila Shan).


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