1. Phlomis fruticosa Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 584. 1753.
橙花糙苏 cheng hua cao su
Stems woody, 25-45 cm tall, gray, densely appressed stellate tomentose; branches spreading. Petiole of basal stem leaves 1-2.5 cm; upper stem leaves sessile, ovate, corrugate, with simple and pilose stellate hairs adaxially, densely gray-white stellate tomentose abaxially, base rounded-cuneate, shallowly crenate. Verticillasters 10-15-flowered, 1 or 2 inserted at apex of stems; bracts oblong-lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, 1.0-1.4 cm × 2-4 mm, appressed to flowers, sparsely ciliate inside, stellate tomentose and densely ciliate near margin outside. Calyx 1.5-1.7 cm, densely stellate tomentose and with simple hairs outside; teeth 1.5-2.5 mm, apex subtruncate, with spines ca. 1.5 mm. Corolla orange, densely orange stellate villous outside, ca. 2 × as long as calyx, upper lip shorter than lower lip, orange pubescent on inside margin near apex; middle lobe of lower lip broadly ovate, emarginate; lateral lobes lanceolate. Posterior filaments with a long, oblique, reflexed appendage at base and far above hairy annulus of corolla tube inside. Nutlets glabrous.
Cultivated in Shaanxi [Russia; Africa, SW Asia, Europe]
An ornamental plant.
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