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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 17 | Lamiaceae | Phlomis

5. Phlomis oreophila Karelin & Kirilow, Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou. 15: 426. 1842.

山地糙苏 shan di cao su

Stems erect, 30-80 cm tall, retrorse appressed villous. Petiole of basal leaves 6-15 cm, others 2-6 cm; basal leaf blade ovate to broadly ovate, 6.5-13 × 5-10 cm, base cordate, margin crenate, apex obtuse; stem leaf blade circular, 6-11 × 3.2-7 cm, adaxially densely strigose, abaxially densely pilose. Verticillasters close together; floral leaves sessile, ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate-linear, 3-6 × 0.4-2 cm, upper ones narrower, subentire, longer than verticillasters; bracts ca. 1.5 cm, filiform, densely villous to stellate pannose, sometimes also glandular villous. Calyx tubular, ca. 1.2 cm, stellate pannose or densely stellate puberulent except for finely villous veins; teeth broadly ovate, apex subulate-acuminate, 1.5-2 mm. Corolla purple, ca. 2 × as long as calyx, densely pubescent and villous on upper lip and basal part of tube outside, villous annulate inside; upper lip bearded inside, margin irregularly dentate; lower lip with broadly obovate-cordate middle lobe, lateral lobes broadly ovate. Filaments inserted on corolla throat, villous, without appendages. Nutlets apex stellate puberulent.

Grassy slopes; 2100-3000 m. Xinjiang [Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikistan]

1 Bracts densely villous or sometimes intermixed with glandular villous hairs; calyx stellate puberulent, finely villous on veins outside   5a var. oreophila
+ Bracts and calyx stellate pannose   5b var. evillosa

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