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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 18 | Scrophulariaceae | Pedicularis

12. Pedicularis dunniana Bonati, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh. 8: 44. 1913.

邓氏马先蒿 deng shi ma xian hao

Pedicularis aequibarbis Handel-Mazzetti.

Herbs perennial, to 1.6 m tall, brown pubescent throughout. Stems 1 to several, sturdy, hollow, sometimes branched apically. Leaves clasping, linear-lanceolate. Middle leaves largest, sparsely pubescent, pinnatipartite; segments to 15 pairs, lanceolate-oblong, margin lobed or double dentate. Inflorescences to 20 cm, elongating to 26 cm in fruit, glandular pubescent; upper bracts slightly longer than calyx. Calyx to 7 mm, densely glandular pubescent or not; lobes 5, serrate. Corolla yellow, to 2 cm; tube ca. 1.2 cm, pubescent; galea navicular, margin densely bearded; lower lip ± sessile; nearly as long as galea. Capsule ovoid-oblong, ca. 1.7 cm X 9 mm, apex acute. Seeds ca. 3 X 1.2 mm, reticulate. Fl. Jul, fr. Aug--Sep.

* Grassy slopes, forests; 3300--3800 m. W Sichuan, NW Yunnan.


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