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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 18 | Scrophulariaceae | Pedicularis

310. Pedicularis orthocoryne H. L. Li, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia. 101: 89. 1949.

直盔马先蒿 zhi kui ma xian hao

Pedicularis oederi Vahl var. bracteosa Bonati, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 8: 142. 1913.

Herbs perennial, less than 4 cm tall, drying black. Roots numerous, fleshy. Stems unbranched, puberulent. Basal leaf petiole 1--1.5 cm, slender, puberulent; leaf blade oblong-lanceolate, ca. 2.2 cm X 8 mm, puberulent to glabrescent, pinnatisect to pinnatipartite; segments 8--10 pairs, dentate. Inflorescences ca. 2 cm, few flowered; distal bracts rhombic-ovate to broadly ovate, crenate-serrate. Pedicel 2--3 mm. Calyx ca. 8 X 3--4 mm; lobes 5, unequal, posterior one triangular and entire, lateral lobes larger, ovate, serrate. Corolla yellow throughout, to ca. 2.3 cm; tube ca. 1.1 cm. Galea straight, rounded apically; lower lip ca. 9 mm, erose, middle lobe smaller than lateral pair, projecting. Anterior filament pair villous apically. Capsule oblong-ovoid, ca. 1.1 cm X 4 mm. Fl. Jun, fr. Jul--Aug.

* Grassy slopes; 4000--5300 m. W Sichuan, NW Yunnan.


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