7. Veronicastrum villosulum (Miquel) T. Yamazaki, J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sect. 3, Bot. 7: 130. 1957.
毛叶腹水草 mao ye fu shui cao
Rhizomes short. Stems arching and rooting apically, terete, sometimes apically narrowly angular. Leaves alternate; petiole short; leaf blade rhomboid-ovate, 4-15 X 1.5-7 cm, glabrous or hairy, base mostly broadly cuneate to rarely rounded, margin dentate, apex acute to acuminate. Inflorescences capitate, axillary, 1-1.5 cm; bracts lanceolate, as long as or shorter than corolla, ciliate. Calyx shorter than bracts; lobes subulate. Corolla straight; limb actinomorphic; lobes 1-2 mm. Stamens conspicuously exserted; filaments hairy; anthers 1.2-1.5 mm. Capsule ovoid, ca. 2.5 mm. Seeds black, globose. Fl. May-Sep.
Forests, grasslands at forest margins, thickets; 400-900 m. Anhui, N Fujian, E to N Jiangxi, Zhejiang [Japan].
Lower Taxa
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