64. Cremanthodium nepalense Kitamura, Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 15: 105. 1954.
尼泊尔垂头菊 ni bo er chui tou ju
Stem solitary, erect, 14-30 cm tall, slender, 1-2 mm in diam. at base, shortly black pilose and sparsely long white puberulent, or sometimes proximally glabrous. Basal leaves petiolate; petiole 1.5-8 cm, initially black pilose, glabrescent; leaf blade ovate to suborbicular, 2.5-4.5(-8.5) × 1.5-2.5(-7) cm, glabrous, pinnately veined, abaxially with prominent reticulate veins, base truncate, rounded, or shallowly cordate, margin dentate, apex obtuse or rounded. Stem leaves 2-4; proximal leaves petiolate, base sheathed; leaf blade ovate, to 10 × 7 mm; middle and distal leaves linear-lanceolate to linear, margin entire or dentate. Capitulum solitary, nodding. Involucre hemispheric, 1-1.2 × 1.5-2 cm, outside black when dry, shortly black pilose; phyllaries 10-14, in 2 rows, 2-3.5 mm wide, apex acute or acuminate; outer phyllaries lanceolate; inner phyllaries oblong. Ray florets yellow; lamina oblong, 8-15 × 2-3 mm; tube 1-1.5 mm. Tubular florets numerous, yellow, blackish gray when dry, 4-5 mm; tube ca. 1 mm; limb tubular. Achenes white, oblong, ca. 3 mm. Pappus white, as long as tubular corolla. Fl. and fr. Aug-Sep.
Grassy slopes, stream banks, rocky places; 4300-4800 m. S Xizang [Nepal].