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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 24 | Liliaceae | Nomocharis

3. Nomocharis basilissa Farrer ex W. E. Evans, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh. 15: 25. 1925.

美丽豹子花 mei li bao zi hua

Bulb ovoid, small; scales laxly arranged, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate. Stem 35--95 cm. Proximal leaves alternate, distal ones whorled, linear to lanceolate, 5.5--9 cm × 5--7 mm. Flowers 1--5, ± nodding. Tepals red, sometimes flushed purple or blackish purple basally, margin entire; outer ones ovate to elliptic, 3.5--4.5 × 1.5--1.8 cm; inner ones broadly elliptic or broadly ovate, 3.5--4.5 × 2--2.5 cm; nectary processes 2, of purplish black, thin flanges of tissue arranged in a fan shape. Filaments 7--8 mm, swollen, cylindric, and fleshy proximally, abruptly narrowed to a filiform portion distally; anthers 6--7 mm. Ovary 6--7 mm. Style 8--10 mm; stigma rather large, 3-lobed. Fl. Jul--Aug. 2 n = 24*.

Alpine bamboo scrub, alpine grasslands; 3900--4300 m. NW Yunnan [N Myanmar].


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