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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 2-3 | Polypodiaceae

34. Chrysogrammitis Parris, Kew Bull. 53: 909. 1998.

金禾蕨属 jin he jue shu

Authors: Shannjye Moore & Barbara S. Parris

Plants small, epiphytic. Rhizomes dorsiventral, with stipes in 2 rows; scales not clathrate, reddish brown or yellowish brown, glabrous or with glandular hairs on margin. Stipe not articulate, phyllopodia absent. Lamina deeply pinnately divided to narrow wing along rachis; veins on pinnae pinnately branched, free; vein endings without hydathodes on adaxial surface of lamina. Sori superficial, more than 1 per pinna. Sporangia glabrous. Hairs pale yellowish brown, simple glandular and 1- or 2-forked with glandular branches.

Two species: Sri Lanka and China to Pacific islands; one species in China.

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