1. Chrysogrammitis glandulosa (J. Smith) Parris, Kew Bull. 53: 912. 1998.
金禾蕨 jin he jue
Ctenopteris glandulosa J. Smith, Hist. Fil. 185. 1875; C. merrittii (Copeland) Tagawa; C. subcorticola Tagawa; Polypodium merrittii Copeland.
Stipe 2-8 mm, with frequent to dense, simple and forked, glandular hairs 0.1-0.2 mm. Lamina linear to narrowly elliptic, 3-10 × 0.6-10 mm, base attenuate, apex bluntly acute; pinnae inclined or widely ascending; longest pinnae oblong to triangular, 4-7 × 2-2.5 mm, decurrent on basiscopic margin at base, lobed, acuminate to acute at apex; lobes 1-3 pairs in longest pinnae, longest lobes 0.8-1.6 × 0.3-0.8 mm; rachis prominent on both sides, dark brown or brown; costa and veins obscure, but visible with transmitted light; hairs similar to those on stipe on all parts of lamina, occasional to scattered on abaxial surface, occasional to sparse or absent on adaxial surface and margin. Sori orbicular or slightly oval, 1-3 per row on longest pinnae, 1 per lobe.
On moss-covered tree trunks in dense wet mountain forests; 1400-1800 m. Taiwan (Hualian, Pingdong, Taidong) [Borneo, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka].
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