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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 20-21 | Asteraceae


鼠麴草族 shu qu cao zu

Authors: Yousheng Chen, Shixin Zhu & Randall J. Bayer

Herbs, subshrubs, or shrubs. Stems generally with fibers in phloem, without resin canals. Leaves alternate, rarely opposite, usually entire and tomentose at least abaxially. Capitula heterogamous disciform or homogamous discoid, rarely heterogamous radiate, solitary or variously grouped. Phyllaries generally papery, generally brightly colored or hyaline and with a thickened, cartilaginous basal portion (stereome) composed of compact sclerenchyma. Receptacles generally epaleate or paleate. Female outer florets generally filiform or often absent. Central florets generally bisexual, sometimes functionally male. Anthers ecalcarate, with tails; endothecial tissue almost always polarized. Pollen with 2-layered ektexine comprising an outer columellate layer and an irregularly interlaced basal layer. Style branches with hairs apically, rarely dorsally; stigmatic rows generally separated. Achenes small, oblong to obovoid, usually hairy; pericarp generally with 2, 3, or 5 vascular bundles. Pappus generally of plumose or barbellate to scabrid capillary bristles, occasionally of bristles and scales, only scales, or absent.

About 185 genera and 1,240 species: nearly worldwide, with centers of concentration in S Africa and Australia; 12 genera (one endemic, one introduced) and 121 species (63 endemic, four introduced) in China.

1 Receptacle with paleae; outer florets invaginated by paleae.   174 Filago
+ Receptacle without paleae   (2)
2 (1) Pappus bristles connate into a ring   (3)
+ Pappus bristles free or coherent by patent cilia   (7)
3 (2) Pappus monomorphic   (4)
+ Pappus dimorphic   (5)
4 (3) Leaf margins revolute.   175 Phagnalon
+ Leaf margins flat.   176 Gamochaeta
5 (3) Capitula subtended by bracteal leaves.   177 Leontopodium
+ Capitula not subtended by bracteal leaves   (6)
6 (5) Plants pulvinate; stolons absent; leaves small, ericoid.   178 Sinoleontopodium
+ Plants caespitose; stolons present; leaves larger, non-ericoid.   179 Antennaria
7 (2) Phyllaries brown or hyaline, inconspicuous   (8)
+ Phyllaries white, yellow, pink, or reddish, conspicuous   (9)
8 (7) Stereome divided.   180 Gnomophalium
+ Stereome undivided.   181 Gnaphalium
9 (7) Pappus dimorphic.   182 Anaphalis
+ Pappus monomorphic   (10)
10 (9) Outer female florets greater in number than central disk florets.   183 Pseudognaphalium
+ Outer female florets fewer in number than central disk florets   (11)
11 (10) Capitula 2-5 cm in diam., solitary; phyllaries broader, inner ones broadly lanceolate, acuminate at apex, nitid, yellow, white, red, or purple.   184 Xerochrysum
+ Capitula 4-6 mm in diam., in corymbs or compound corymbs; phyllaries narrower, acute or rounded at apex, yellow or white.   185 Helichrysum

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