1 |
Involucre 8-12(-15) mm, spherical or broadly campanulate; capitula usually few, arranged in sparse to compound corymbiform synflorescences, or sometimes solitary |
(2) |
+ |
Involucre 4-8 mm, obovate, campanulate, or semispherical; phyllaries obtuse or rounded at apex, rarely acuminate, usually expanding after flowering; capitula usually numerous, rarely few, congested to compound corymbiform or corymbiform at apex of stems or branches |
(11) |
2 (1) |
Leaves not decurrent on stems; involucre spherical, capitula usually lax |
(3) |
+ |
Leaves somewhat decurrent and winglike on stems; capitula densely congested forming globose corymbs, or solitary |
(6) |
3 (2) |
Rhizome thickish; cauline middle leaves linear-lanceolate, cinereous or yellowish lanate; capitula congested, densely corymbiform. |
54 A. acutifolia |
+ |
Rhizome slender, sarmentose; cauline leaves oblong, oblanceolate, or spatulate; capitula usually lax corymbiform or solitary |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Phyllaries white or yellowish white, base reddish brown; both surfaces of leaves gray lanate; Taiwan. |
53 A. nagasawae |
+ |
Phyllaries white, base dark brown; leaves adaxially arachnoid, abaxially densely gray lanate |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Stems slender, lower parts 1-2 mm in diam.; leaf base not obviously amplexicaul, 3-veined, occasionally 1-veined; capitula few (or many) or solitary. |
51 A. nepalensis |
+ |
Stems thickish, lower parts up to 4 mm in diam.; leaves broad and large, base amplexicaul, 3- or 5-veined. |
52 A. triplinervis |
6 (2) |
Perennial herbs, rhizome slender; involucre broadly campanulate or semispherical, 8-11 mm |
(7) |
+ |
Small or pulvinate subshrubs; involucre spherical |
(8) |
7 (6) |
Phyllaries yellowish white, yellow, or sulfureous, rarely reddish; leaves gray or yellowish white arachnoid tomentose on both surfaces. |
49 A. flavescens |
+ |
Phyllaries white; leaves somewhat green, both surfaces with capitate glandular hairs and canescent arachnoid tomentum on margin. |
50 A. hancockii |
8 (6) |
Stems and both surfaces of leaves grayish, tangled-cottony, felty-papery tomentose. |
45 A. chlamydophylla |
+ |
Stems and both surfaces of leaves usually without above indumentum |
(9) |
9 (8) |
Stems and both surfaces of leaves yellowish brown long lanate; phyllaries wax-yellow or dark yellow; stems 6-20 cm. |
46 A. pannosa |
+ |
Stems and both surfaces of leaves yellowish or grayish white lanate; stems 3-8 cm or acaulescent |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Both surfaces of leaves yellowish green, grayish white, or yellowish white tomentose; phyllaries white or yellowish white, base brown. |
48 A. viridis |
+ |
Both surfaces of leaves cinereous or grayish white lanate; phyllaries white, base dark brown. |
47 A. cinerascens |
11 (1) |
Leaves not or scarcely decurrent on stems |
(12) |
+ |
Leaves decurrent to broadly or narrowly winged on stems |
(21) |
12 (11) |
Leaf base cordate or auriculate, semiamplexicaul, margin recurved, thin or submembranous |
(13) |
+ |
Leaf base attenuate, not obviously amplexicaul, margin flat or recurved, thick |
(14) |
13 (12) |
Plants tall, stems thickish, lower parts 2-4 mm in diam.; leaves large, 1.5-6 cm, arachnoid or glabrous adaxially. |
8 A. contorta |
+ |
Plants short, stems slender, lower parts ca. 1 mm in diam.; leaves 0.5-1.5 cm, lanate on both surfaces. |
9 A. hondae |
14 (12) |
Multibranched subshrubs, usually fastigiate; leaves narrowly linear, margin recurved, densely white tomentose on both surfaces. |
10 A. virgata |
+ |
Perennial herbs, or stem base woody, or subshrubs, unbranched or branched but not fastigiate; leaves not linear, margin flat or recurved |
(15) |
15 (14) |
Leaves gradually larger upward from middle, densely arranged to radiate under synflorescences, usually longer than compound corymb or corymb |
(16) |
+ |
Leaves gradually smaller upward from middle, not dense under synflorescences, upper ones shorter than compound corymb or corymb |
(17) |
16 (15) |
Upper leaves elliptic, apex acuminate; phyllaries white. |
32 A. oxyphylla |
+ |
Upper leaves oblong-lanceolate, apex acute; phyllaries purple-red or margin white. |
33 A. porphyrolepis |
17 (15) |
Stems gray tangled papery tomentose; leaves white cottony tomentose. |
7 A. contortiformis |
+ |
Stems gray tomentose; leaves arachnoid or later glabrous adaxially, densely gray to rufous tomentose abaxially, or both surfaces white tomentose |
(18) |
18 (17) |
Leaves densely white tomentose, 0.8-1 cm, margin recurved; middle phyllaries with longitudinal corrugation, apex rounded. |
6 A. plicata |
+ |
Leaves arachnoid or later glabrous adaxially, densely gray to rufous tomentose abaxially, 1.5-10 cm; middle phyllaries without longitudinal corrugation |
(19) |
19 (18) |
Leaves linear or linear-lanceolate, 5-10 cm, margin flat, base not decurrent on stems; phyllaries milky white, apex obtuse or rounded, rarely acuminate. |
3 A. margaritacea |
+ |
Leaves usually linear or linear-oblong, 1.5-3.5 cm, base slightly decurrent on stems; phyllaries snow white or yellowish white |
(20) |
20 (19) |
Involucre 5-7 mm, phyllaries snow white; Xizang. |
4 A. royleana |
+ |
Involucre ca. 5 mm, phyllaries yellowish white; Taiwan. |
5 A. morrisonicola |
21 (11) |
Stems, leaves, and involucre base with rust-colored stalked adhesive hairs; involucre obovate, phyllaries beige, membranous, translucent, not expanding. |
1 A. bulleyana |
+ |
Stems, leaves, and involucre base gray, white, or yellowish brown lanate, with squarrose or capitate-stalked glandular hairs, or arachnoid, or somewhat glabrous; involucre campanulate or semispherical, phyllaries white or reddish, usually scarious, opaque, rarely membranous, somewhat expanding |
(22) |
22 (21) |
Biennial herbs with thickish taproot. |
2 A. busua |
+ |
Perennial herbs with rhizome, or multibranched subshrubs or small subshrubs |
(23) |
23 (22) |
Both surfaces of leaves arachnoid at first, later glabrous except midvein and margin, without glandular hairs, dark green when dry; perennial herbs. |
11 A. delavayi |
+ |
Both surfaces of leaves or only abaxially tomentose, or both surfaces or adaxially with squarrose or capitate-stalked glandular hairs, or adaxially glabrous and green when dry; subshrubs or perennial herbs |
(24) |
24 (23) |
Subshrubs or small subshrubs, stems multibranched |
(25) |
+ |
Perennial herbs with rhizome, sometimes with taproot, stems unbranched or lower part woody and with developing axillary buds or short branches |
(29) |
25 (24) |
Involucre 6-8 mm, broadly campanulate; both surfaces of leaves arachnoid tomentose or adaxially glabrous |
(26) |
+ |
Involucre 4-5 mm, narrowly campanulate or campanulate, very rarely up to 6 mm in male plants; leaves tomentose or adaxially glandular or squarrose tomentose |
(27) |
26 (25) |
Phyllaries dark yellow or adaxially wax-yellow; leaves spatulate or oblong-spatulate, margin flat, both surfaces tomentose. |
34 A. yunnanensis |
+ |
Phyllaries white or pale reddish white; leaves obovate or ovate-oblong, adaxially arachnoid tomentose or glabrous, abaxially tomentose. |
35 A. muliensis |
27 (25) |
Leaves spatulate-obovate; phyllaries white or pale red. |
36 A. suffruticosa |
+ |
Leaves narrower, not spatulate-obovate; phyllaries white |
(28) |
28 (27) |
Leaves narrowly oblong or linear-oblong, both surfaces arachnoid tomentose or abaxially densely white or yellowish white tomentose. |
37 A. stenocephala |
+ |
Leaves linear or linear-lanceolate, adaxially arachnoid or capitate glandular or squarrose tomentose, abaxially densely gray tomentose. |
38 A. gracilis |
29 (24) |
Phyllary claw with glandular dots at apex; both surfaces of leaves gray or yellowish white tomentose, or only with capitate-stalked glandular hairs. |
12 A. latialata |
+ |
Phyllary claw without glandular dots at apex |
(30) |
30 (29) |
Stem slender, 1-2 mm in diam., densely many clustered; leaves narrowly linear, margin undulate recurved. |
29 A. tibetica |
+ |
Stems slender or thickish, not densely many clustered; leaf margin flat or slightly reflexed or recurved and blade not narrowly linear |
(31) |
31 (30) |
Leaves adaxially at first arachnoid, later glabrous, without glandular hairs, or with appressed thick hairs, abaxially usually white tomentose |
(32) |
+ |
Leaves adaxially with lanate or squarrose or capitate-stalked glandular hairs, not glabrous |
(34) |
32 (31) |
Involucre 4-5 mm, campanulate; leaves 3-veined. |
27 A. corymbifera |
+ |
Involucre 6-8 mm, broadly or narrowly campanulate; leaves 1- or 3-veined |
(33) |
33 (32) |
Middle leaves oblong-lanceolate, 2-3 × 0.4-1 cm, margin usually reflexed or slightly recurved, obviously 3-veined. |
15 A. likiangensis |
+ |
Leaves oblanceolate or narrowly winged, 0.4-1.3 × 0.2-0.25 cm, margin flat, 1-veined. |
16 A. tenuissima |
34 (31) |
Phyllaries scarious at upper parts or apex, white, opaque, middle and lower parts membranous, somewhat transparent, apex obtuse or slightly acuminate |
(35) |
+ |
Phyllaries all scarious, opaque |
(36) |
35 (34) |
Leaves oblanceolate or linear-oblong, 2.5-4.5 × 0.5-2 cm; involucre 6-7 mm. |
14 A. hymenolepis |
+ |
Leaves linear-spatulate, 2.5-5 × 0.2-0.5 cm; involucre 4-5 mm. |
26 A. flaccida |
36 (34) |
Stems 50-100 cm, lower parts woody, persistent, usually with developing axillary buds or branches. |
30 A. surculosa |
+ |
Stems 3-50 cm, herbaceous, unbranched, rarely lower parts slightly woody, with developing axillary buds or branches |
(37) |
37 (36) |
Both surfaces of leaves tangled to cottony-papery tomentose; phyllaries wax-yellow when dry. |
28 A. pachylaena |
+ |
Both surfaces of leaves or abaxially white, gray, or yellowish white tomentose or arachnoid, or adaxially with squarrose or capitate-stalked glandular hairs |
(38) |
38 (37) |
Plants with thickish woody roots or rhizome; stems unbranched |
(39) |
+ |
Plants with long slender rhizome |
(46) |
39 (38) |
Both surfaces of leaves white, gray, or cinereous tomentose, without obvious capitate glandular hairs |
(40) |
+ |
Both surfaces of leaves with obvious capitate glandular hairs or arachnoid, or margin and abaxially or rosette leaves tomentose |
(43) |
40 (39) |
Involucre ca. 5 mm, phyllaries white, apex obtuse or subrounded. |
43 A. szechuanensis |
+ |
Involucre 6-8 mm, rarely only ca. 5 mm, phyllaries white, reddish, or red-purple |
(41) |
41 (40) |
Phyllaries purple-red or white, usually yellowish white when dry, inner ones with apex acute; leaves cinereous tomentose; flowering and sterile stems congested to pulvinate. |
42 A. rhododactyla |
+ |
Phyllaries milky white or somewhat red, apex obtuse or rounded; leaves densely white or gray tomentose; flowering stems and rosette leaves usually caespitose |
(42) |
42 (41) |
Involucre (5-)6(-7) × 5-7 mm; capitula numerous, densely compound corymbiform. |
39 A. lactea |
+ |
Involucre ca. 7 × 8 mm; capitula 4-8, densely corymbiform or headlike. |
40 A. batangensis |
43 (39) |
Leaves (dried) thin, yellowish green, cauline leaves with glandular hairs, only arachnoid along veins; phyllaries yellowish white, apex obtuse or rounded. |
18 A. virens |
+ |
Leaves thick, both surfaces with arachnoid and glandular hairs; phyllaries white or sometimes pale red |
(44) |
44 (43) |
Stems 3-7 cm, rarely taller; flowering stems and rosette leaves somewhat congested to pulvinate. |
44 A. xylorhiza |
+ |
Stems 15-50 cm, rarely shorter; flowering stems and rosette leaves somewhat clustered |
(45) |
45 (44) |
Lower stems woody, persistent; middle leaves elliptic or oblong-lanceolate, margin and midvein abaxially arachnoid tomentose; involucre 6-7 mm, phyllaries ivory white or somewhat reddish. |
19 A. elegans |
+ |
Stems herbaceous; middle leaves oblanceolate-oblong or linear, both surfaces arachnoid tomentose; involucre 5-7 mm, phyllaries white. |
41 A. souliei |
46 (38) |
Lower stem slightly woody, with tomentose axillary buds or short branches; leaves adaxially arachnoid, later glabrous, abaxially thinly arachnoid tomentose and glandular, upper leaves usually tomentose on both surfaces. |
17 A. deserti |
+ |
Stems unbranched, or sometimes branched from broken stems; leaves adaxially tomentose, or with squarrose or glandular hairs |
(47) |
47 (46) |
Involucre 6-8 mm; both surfaces of leaves gray, yellowish white, or rarely yellowish brown tomentose or lanate |
(48) |
+ |
Involucre 4-5 mm or to 6 mm; both surfaces of leaves or abaxially white or gray tomentose |
(50) |
48 (47) |
Both surfaces of leaves gray tomentose, or upper stems and leaves fulvous tomentose. |
13 A. bicolor |
+ |
Both surfaces of leaves yellowish white lanate or arachnoid lanate, 3-veined |
(49) |
49 (48) |
Leaves lingulate or linear-oblong, gradually smaller upward. |
20 A. chungtienensis |
+ |
Leaves oblanceolate, gradually larger upward. |
31 A. larium |
50 (47) |
Both surfaces of leaves dark cinereous, densely tomentose and with capitate glandular hairs |
(51) |
+ |
Leaves adaxially with squarrose or capitate glandular hairs, abaxially or both surfaces white or gray tomentose |
(52) |
51 (50) |
Leaves obovate or oblanceolate-spatulate; capitula numerous, congested in compound corymb. |
22 A. spodiophylla |
+ |
Leaves broadly elliptic or subrounded; capitula few, arranged in compound corymb. |
23 A. yangii |
52 (50) |
Involucre semispherical; stems 10-18 cm; Taiwan. |
24 A. transnokoensis |
+ |
Involucre campanulate or subobconic; stems 20-60 cm |
(53) |
53 (52) |
Involucre 4-5 mm, phyllaries white or sometimes pale red; stems densely leafy, internode 0.5-2 cm; leaves 1- or 3-veined. |
21 A. sinica |
+ |
Involucre 5-6 mm or more, phyllaries white or yellowish white; upper stems sparsely leafy, internode 4-10 cm; leaves 3- or 5-veined. |
25 A. aureopunctata |