Anaphalis DC., Prodr. 6: 271. 1838; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind.3: 279. 1881; E. Georgiadou & Rech.f. in Rech.f., Fl. Iran. 145: 30. 1980; Borissova in Shishkin, Fl. USSR 15: 387. 1990 (Engl. Transl.); Anderb. in Bremer, Asteraceae, Clad. & Class. 335. 1994; P. C. Pant in Hajra et al., Fl. Ind. 13: 51. 1995; Grierson & Springate in Grierson, D. G. Long & Springate, Fl. Bhutan 2(3): 1515. 2001.
Perennial herbs or undershrubs. Stem ± erect, densely covered by cottony or woolly growth. Leaves sessile or petiolate, alternate, rarely subopposite to opposite. Capitula discoid and dioecious or disciform, arranged in flat-topped terminal corymb, rarely solitary, dimorphic and of two types borne on separate plants. Florets unisexual or functionally unisexual, either predominantly female, with a few central male florets or male or bisexual but functionally male with few outer female florets. Involucre campanulate, turbinate or subglobose, usually woolly at base; phyllaries 2 to many-seriate, scarious, white or pinkish, opaque. Receptacle convex, naked. Disc florets, yellow. Cypselas diamorphic, with short clavate not myxogenic twin hairs, in predominantly female capitula, cypselas of the male florets vestigial and usually absent in predominantly male capitula; pappus simple, just exceeding the corollas, bristles barbellate, basally with patent cilia.
A genus with about 110 species, mainly in Asia but few also in N America. Represented in Pakistan by 15 species.
Excluded species:
Anaphalis oblonga DC., Prodr. 6: 274. 1838.
Pampanini fide R. R. Stewart, l.c. reported this species from Shigar, Baltistan, probably based on misidentification as this South Indian species does not occur in our area.
Anaphalis tenella DC., Prodr. 6: 273. 1838.
R.R.Sewart, l.c. doubtfully reported this species from Kurram valley and cited, Aitchison 914 under this species. This species does not occur in our area and Aitchison 914 (K!) belongs to A. patentifolia Rech. f.
1 |
Leaves often long auricled and with a decurrent base, often short lived without a woody base or branched system. |
Anaphalis busua |
+ |
Leaves not or scarcely decurrent with a woody base or branched system. |
(2) |
2 (1) |
At least some of the leaves more than 1-veined, if one veined than plant less than 15 cm tall. |
(3) |
+ |
All leaves 1-veined, plants more than 15 cm tall. |
(6) |
3 (2) |
Capitula arranged in dense terminal as well as in lateral corymbs or glomerules arising from the axil of leathery leaves. |
Anaphalis adnata |
+ |
Capitula arranged only in terminal corymbs. Leaves not leathery. |
(4) |
4 (3) |
All leaves, sessile, at least the above leaves cinnamomeus below. Middle phyllaries 4-6 mm long. |
Anaphalis margaritacea |
+ |
At least lower leaves petiolate, not cinnamomeus. Middle phyllaries 6.5-11 mm long. |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Leaves (1-) 3-veined, not amplexicaul, all less than 3-25 mm wide. Inflorescence with 1-10(-15) capitula. |
Anaphalis nepalensis |
+ |
Leaves 3 or 5 (-7) veined, semiamplexicaul, some of the leaves more than 2 cm wide. Inflorescence with more than 15 capitula. |
Anaphalis triplinervis |
6 (2) |
Phyllaries 55-80 (-100), (7-) 8-10-seriate, glabrous. |
Anaphalis royleana |
+ |
Phyllaries <50, 5-6-seriate, outer phyllaries hairy. |
(7) |
7 (6) |
Upper leaves subopposite, phyllaries usually laciniate. |
Anaphalis kashmiriana |
+ |
Leaves alternate. Phyllaries entire, slightly undulate but not laciniate. |
(8) |
8 (7) |
Stem bright green, glandular not covered with white tomentum, upper surface of the leaves bright green. |
Anaphalis scopulosa |
+ |
Stem and leaves covered with white tomentum, eglandular. |
(9) |
9 (8) |
Capitula in subglobose densely contracted corymbs, sessile or sometimes very shortly peduncled. Leaves usually with strong revolute margins. |
Anaphalis contorta |
+ |
Capitula arranged in campanulate not densely contracted corymbs, mostly pedunclate. Leaves either without revolute margins or weakly so. |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Phyllaries pinkish. |
(11) |
+ |
Phyllaries white. |
(13) |
11 (10) |
Leaves up to 5 mm broad, bisexual florets 2(-3) per capitulum. |
Anaphalis roseo-alba |
+ |
Leaves 1-2 mm broad, bisexual florets 25-40 per capitulum. |
(12) |
12 (11) |
Leaves erect – spreading or appressed to branches. Branches 35-40 cm tall. |
Anaphalis staintonii |
+ |
Leaves horizontally spreading, branches (10-) 15-20 cm tall. |
Anaphalis patentifolia |
13 (10) |
Leaves erect – spreading or appressed with the branches. |
(14) |
+ |
Leaves horizontally spreading. |
Anaphalis boissieri |
14 (13) |
Stem and branches with large and discontinuous clumps of hairs, hairs discotinuously distributed. Phyllaries eglandular.
14. A. chitralensis |
Anaphalis chitralensis |
+ |
Hairs neither in clumps, not discontinuous. Phyllaries glandular or papillose. |
Anaphalis virgata |
List of lower taxa
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