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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae


木蓝族 mu lan zu

Authors: Xinfen Gao, Hang Sun & Brian D. Schrire

Shrubs or herbs, often gray or silvery with medifixed (T-shaped) trichomes. Stipules usually small. Leaves generally impari­pinnate, sometimes 3-foliolate, 1-foliolate, or leaflets absent; stipels present or absent. Flowers in axillary racemes; bracteoles absent. Corolla papilionaceous, usually reddish or purple but sometimes white or yellow. Stamens mostly diadelphous, vexillary filament free from base or rarely connate with others into a sheath split above or a closed tube; anthers uniform or dissimilar, mostly gland-tipped. Ovary with 1 to many ovules; style glabrous. Legume 2-valved, septate between seeds, rarely jointed or leathery, turgid and indehiscent. Seeds globose to rectangular, without a caruncle.

Six genera and ca. 800 species: tropical and subtropical regions worldwide but mainly in tropical Africa and Asia; two genera (one introduced) and 80 species (45 endemic, three introduced) in China.

1 Leaflet blade margins entire; legume less than 3 mm wide, erect, spreading, or reflexed, not longitudinally ridged.   63 Indigofera
+ Leaflet blade margins dentate; legume 3-8 mm wide, erect, longitudinally ridged.   64 Cyamopsis

Lower Taxa


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