15. Buddleja nivea Duthie, Gard. Chron., ser. 3. 38: 275. 1905.
金沙江醉鱼草 jin sha jiang zui yu cao
Buddleja macrostachya Wallich ex Bentham var. yunnanensis Dop; B. nivea var. yunnanensis (Dop) Rehder & E. H. Wilson; B. stenostachya Rehder & E. H. Wilson.
Shrubs 1--3 m tall; branchlets, leaves abaxially, petioles, and inflorescences densely stellate tomentose. Branchlets terete or 4-angled. Petiole 0.5--1.5 cm; leaf blade narrowly ovate to elliptic, 5--26 X 1.5--11 cm, adaxially glabrous or with spreading hairs and/or stellate tomentose on midvein, base cuneate, rounded, or subcordate, margin serrate to crenate, apex acuminate, lateral veins 12--16 pairs. Inflorescences terminal and often also in axils of upper leaves, spicate or thyrsoid cymes, mostly narrow and almost cylindrical, 10--30 X 2--5 cm. Calyx campanulate, 3--4 mm, outside densely stellate tomentose, inside glabrous. Corolla purple, 6--8 mm, outside densely stellate tomentose; tube 5--6 X 1.8--3 mm, inside pilose on apical half; lobes suborbicular, 1.2--2 X 1.2--2 mm, inside pilose. Stamens inserted near corolla mouth; anthers narrowly ovate, 1.3--1.5 mm, apex reaching corolla mouth. Ovary ovoid, ca. 2 X 1--1.5 mm, stellate tomentose. Style 1--1.5 mm, glabrous or basally stellate tomentose; stigma capitate. Capsules ellipsoid, 5--8 X 2--3 mm, stellate tomentose. Seeds fusiform to oblong-ellipsoid, 2--3.5 mm, both ends with wings. Fl. Jun-Sep.
* Open woodlands and border of forests, thickets on mountains; 700--3600 m. Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan.