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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 18 | Scrophulariaceae | Pedicularis

44. Pedicularis salviiflora Franchet in Forbes & Hemsley, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 26: 215. 1890.

丹参花马先蒿 dan shen hua ma xian hao

Herbs perennial, to 1.3 m tall, not drying black. Stems erect, often woody basally; branches spreading, slender, often somewhat repent, pubescent. Petiole to 1.5 cm; leaf blade ovate to oblong-lanceolate, to 7 X 3.5 cm, densely pubescent, pinnatipartite to pinnatisect; segments 10--14 pairs, ovate-lanceolate to oblong, serrate. Inflorescences to 25 cm. Pedicel slender, pubescent. Calyx 1--1.5 cm, cleft anteriorly to 2/5 length, densely glandular pubescent; lobes 5, ± equal, serrate. Corolla rose to red, 3.3--5 cm, sparsely pubescent; tube 1.4--2.4 cm; galea ca. as long as lower lip, falcate, villous near apex; lower lip 1.5--2 cm, lobes rounded. Filaments glabrous. Capsule ovoid, 1.2--1.5 cm, densely pubescent or glabrous, apiculate. Fl. Aug--Sep, fr. Oct--Nov.

* Grassy slopes, forests; 2000--3900 m. Sichuan, NW Yunnan

1 Capsule densely pubescent   44a var. salviiflora
+ Capsule glabrous   44b var. leiocarpa

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