51. Alpinia jingxiensis D. Fang, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18: 224. 1980.
靖西山姜 jing xi shan jiang
Pseudostems 50--60 cm. Ligule 2-cleft, 3--4 mm, thick, densely pubescent; petiole 0.3--2 cm; leaf blade elliptic-lanceolate, 28--50 × 5--9 cm, adaxially glabrous, abaxially densely pubescent, base cuneate, apex caudate. Spikes sessile, 7--9 cm; rachis pubescent; involucral bracts 2, ovate-lanceolate, 4.5--13 cm; bracts red, ovate-deltoid, 2.4--3 cm, sericeous, 3-flowered; bracteoles ovate-deltoid, 1.5--1.8 cm, sericeous. Calyx pale red, slightly split on 1 side, sericeous, apex 2-toothed. Corolla tube ca. 2 cm, pubescent; lobes oblong, ca. 1 cm × 4 mm, central one larger than lateral ones, sericeous. Lateral staminodes subulate, ca. 2 mm, densely glandular hairy. Labellum red striped, ovate, ca. 7 mm wide, apex 2-cleft. Filament ca. 5 mm; anther ca. 4 mm, densely and shortly glandular hairy. Ovary glabrous. Capsule subglobose, ca. 8 mm in diam., apex with persistent calyx. Fl. Jun--Jul.
* Forests; 1400--1500 m. W Guangxi (Jingxi Xian).
The spelling of the specific epithet follows the protologue; in FRPS it was given as “Alpinia chinghsiensis.”