11. Stellaria pilosoides Shi L. Chen et al., Novon. 11: 302. 2001.
长毛箐姑草 chang mao qing gu cao
Stellaria pilosa Franchet, Pl. Delavay. 99. 1889, not Dulac (1867).
Herbs annual, grayish white villous. Stems sparsely tufted, diffuse, decumbent or ascending, 20--30 cm tall, apically branched, villous. Basal leaves smaller, middle and distal ones larger. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, 2.5--4 cm × 3--10 mm, both surfaces villous, rarely glabrous, base narrowed into short petiole or sessile, apex acute or acuminate. Flowers numerous in sparse cymes; bracts lanceolate, 2--3 mm, densely villous. Pedicel 1--4 cm, slender, densely villous. Sepals 5, lanceolate, 5--6 × ca. 1 mm, margin narrowly membranous, apex long acuminate. Petals 5, slightly shorter than sepals, 2-cleft nearly to base. Stamens 10, nearly as long as petals; filaments linear; anthers yellow-brown, ellipsoid. Styles 3, linear. Capsule oblong-ovoid, nearly as long as persistent sepals, 6-valved. Seeds brown, compressed orbicular, tuberculate. Fl. Jun--Jul, fr. Aug--Sep.
* Forest margins, grasslands; 2200--2800(--3700) m. Sichuan, Yunnan.