1 |
Petals 5--7-cleft, longer than sepals |
58 S. radians |
+ |
Petals 2-cleft either apically or often to base, longer or shorter than sepals, seldom absent. |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Styles 2(or 3) or 4; capsules 4(or 6)-valved. |
(3) |
+ |
Styles usually 3; capsules usually 6-valved. |
(7) |
3 (2) |
Styles 4. |
(4) |
+ |
Styles 2(or 3). |
(5) |
4 (3) |
Sepals rounded apically |
64 S. strongylosepala |
+ |
Sepals long acuminate apically |
45 S. oxycoccoides |
5 (3) |
Petals and sepals 4; stamens 8; petals ca. 1.5 × as long as sepals; styles 2 |
59 S. martjanovii |
+ |
Petals and sepals 5; stamens 10; petals shorter than the sepals; styles 2(or 3). |
(6) |
6 (5) |
Stems 0.1--0.3 m, tufted; leaves oblong-lanceolate, 0.1--0.2 cm |
63 S. bistyla |
+ |
Stems 1--2 m, diffuse; leaves ovate-lanceolate, (2--)3--10 cm |
61 S. ovatifolia |
7 (2) |
Seeds 1--3(--8), ovules few or many; capsules shorter than sepals, often globose; stamens (5--)8--10. |
(8) |
+ |
Seeds and ovules many (rarely few); capsules usually subequaling or longer than sepals, often ovoid; stamens (2--)10, hypogynous or perigynous. |
(19) |
8 (7) |
Stems 15--20 cm tall, not tufted; inflorescence bracts absent; petals ca. 2 × as long as sepals |
25 S. ebracteata |
+ |
Stems 2--200 cm, tufted if less than 30 cm; inflorescence bracts present; petals shorter than sepals or absent. |
(9) |
9 (8) |
Stems 50--200 cm, diffuse; leaves lanceolate to oblong- or ovate-lanceolate, (2--)3--11(--23) cm; young ovary 3-loculed, with 3 or 4 ovules. |
(10) |
+ |
Stems 2--30(--60) cm, tufted, plants often cushionlike; leaves linear or ovate, 0.3--3.5 cm; ovary 1-loculed, ovules many. |
(12) |
10 (9) |
Stamens 5; capsule with 2 or 3 mature seeds; petals subequaling sepals |
62 S. delavayi |
+ |
Stamens 5 or 10; capsule with 1 mature seed; petals shorter than sepals. |
(11) |
11 (10) |
Plants glandular hairy; leaves lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, base rounded, semiclasping; petals ca. 2/3 as long as sepals |
60 S. monosperma |
+ |
Plants pubescent with curved hairs; leaves ovate-lanceolate, base narrowed into petiole; petals minute, ca. 1/3 as long as sepals |
61 S. ovatifolia |
12 (9) |
Petals 2-cleft to middle; plants glandular hairy; stamens 10. |
(13) |
+ |
Petals 2-cleft nearly to base or absent; plants densely cushionlike, glabrous or pubescent or woolly; stamens 5 or (8--)10. |
(14) |
13 (12) |
Sepals lanceolate, apex acuminate, margin narrowly membranous; stems terete |
22 S. dichotoma |
+ |
Sepals oblong, apex obtuse, margin broadly membranous; stems quadrangular |
23 S. amblyosepala |
14 (12) |
Petals subequaling sepals; stamens 5 |
12 S. petiolaris |
+ |
Petals shorter than sepals or absent; stamens (8--)10. |
(15) |
15 (14) |
Leaves ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 3--6 mm. |
(16) |
+ |
Leaves linear to linear-lanceolate, 4--20(--25) mm. |
(17) |
16 (15) |
Plants 5--7 cm tall; stems glabrous basally, pubescent apically |
53 S. arenarioides |
+ |
Plants 10--20 cm tall; stems densely white pubescent, rarely glabrous |
56 S. decumbens |
17 (15) |
Stems glabrous |
55 S. petraea |
+ |
Stems pubescent, either with curved hairs or white pilose apically. |
(18) |
18 (17) |
Stems pubescent with curved hairs; flowers few in loose cymes |
54 S. cherleriae |
+ |
Stem white lanate apically; flowers many in dense cymes |
57 S. congestiflora |
19 (7) |
Sepals distinct; stamens hypogynous or perigynous. |
(20) |
+ |
Sepals connate at base into obconic calyx; stamens perigynous. |
(41) |
20 (19) |
Leaves linear-lanceolate; petals ca. 1.5 × as long as sepals |
24 S. henryi |
+ |
Leaves broader, usually ovate or ovate-lanceolate; petals of varying lengths. |
(21) |
21 (20) |
Leaves sessile or subsessile, base sometimes slightly clasping. |
(22) |
+ |
All leaves or only leaves of lower stems petiolate. |
(29) |
22 (21) |
Plants glabrous |
17 S. gyirongensis |
+ |
Plants hairy. |
(23) |
23 (22) |
Plants stellate hairy |
16 S. infracta |
+ |
Plants pubescent, hairs not stellate. |
(24) |
24 (23) |
Plants pubescent, hairs short, not dense; abaxial leaf midvein prominent. |
(25) |
+ |
Plants glandular hairy, woolly, or hairs long filiform; abaxial leaf midvein prominent or not. |
(26) |
25 (24) |
Leaves with inconspicuous reticulate abaxial veins, only basal margin ciliate; sepals 2--2.5 mm |
14 S. omeiensis |
+ |
Leaves with conspicuous reticulate abaxial veins, margin ciliate; sepals ca. 2.5 mm |
15 S. reticulivena |
26 (24) |
Plants densely glandular hairy. |
(27) |
+ |
Plants woolly or with long hairs. |
(28) |
27 (26) |
Leaves ovate, 5--15 mm, margin ciliate; petals 2-cleft to base; seeds rugulose |
18 S. zangnanensis |
+ |
Leaves oblong, 12--18 mm, margin not ciliate; petals 2-cleft to middle; seeds tuberculate |
19 S. tibetica |
28 (26) |
Plants densely white woolly; petals shorter than sepals; stamens 8; capsules ca. 2 × as long as persistent sepals |
20 S. lanata |
+ |
Plants long filiform hairy; petals nearly as long as sepals; stamens 10; capsules shorter than persistent sepals |
21 S. patens |
29 (21) |
Cymes with few flowers or flower solitary and axillary; petals slightly longer than sepals, 2-cleft to base or 2-lobed. |
(30) |
+ |
Cymes usually with numerous flowers; petals shorter than or subequaling sepals, sometimes very small or absent. |
(34) |
30 (29) |
Stems glabrous; petals apically 2-cleft only to 1/3; flowers of 2 types: lower axillary flowers lacking stamens (and petals) |
5 S. wushanensis |
+ |
Stems hairy; petals 2-lobed or 2-cleft to base; flowers uniform. |
(31) |
31 (30) |
Stems glandular hairy; leaves ovate or ovate-oblong, 2--8 cm. |
(32) |
+ |
Stem hairs not glandular; leaves ovate to rhombic, 0.5--1.5 cm. |
(33) |
32 (31) |
Capsule slightly longer than sepals; stem with 1 line of multicellular glandular hairs; sepals ovate-oblong to ovate-lanceolate, apex obtuse |
1 S. bungeana var. stubendorfii |
+ |
Capsule 1.5--2 × as long as sepals; stem sparsely glandular hairy; sepals lanceolate, apex acute |
2 S. nemorum |
33 (31) |
Stems with appressed hairs; leaves ovate, apex obtuse, base rounded, shortly petiolate or sessile; petals 2-cleft nearly to base |
3 S. nepalensis |
+ |
Stems sparsely stiffly hairy; leaves rhombic or triangular-ovate, apex acuminate, base rounded or nearly cordate; petals 2-lobed |
4 S. arisanensis |
34 (29) |
Plants with 1(or 2) lines of hairs on stems or basal margin of leaves and nodes, not pilose or stellate hairy. |
(35) |
+ |
Plants stellate hairy or pilose, rarely glabrous. |
(37) |
35 (34) |
Petals absent or very small; stamens 3--5; seeds 0.7--0.8 mm in diam., with tiny protuberances |
8 S. pallida |
+ |
Petals present, shorter than or subequaling sepals; stamens 3--10; seeds ca. 1 mm or more in diam., with conic or semiglobose protuberances. |
(36) |
36 (35) |
Stems somewhat stout, 30--80 cm tall; petals subequaling sepals; stamens (6--)8--10; seeds ca. 1.5 mm in diam., with conic protuberances |
6 S. neglecta |
+ |
Stems slender, 10--30 cm tall; petals shorter than or subequaling sepals; stamens 3--5; seeds 1--1.2 mm in diam., with semiglobose protuberances |
7 S. media |
37 (34) |
Plants stellate hairy |
9 S. vestita |
+ |
Plants pilose or only petioles pilose, rarely glabrous. |
(38) |
38 (37) |
Leaves ovate to ovate-lanceolate, glabrous on both surfaces, sometimes reddish green |
10 S. chinensis |
+ |
Leaves narrowly ovate to oblong-lanceolate, white hairy on both surfaces, rarely glabrous. |
(39) |
39 (38) |
Petals absent; leaves lanceolate to linear-lanceolate |
13 S. lanipes |
+ |
Petals present; leaves oblong-lanceolate to narrowly ovate. |
(40) |
40 (39) |
Leaves oblong-lanceolate, 2.5--4 cm; petals slightly shorter than sepals; stamens 10 |
11 S. pilosoides |
+ |
Leaves narrowly ovate, 1.5--2.5 cm; petals subequaling sepals; stamens 5 |
12 S. petiolaris |
41 (19) |
Flowers solitary, axillary or terminal; bracts herbaceous, without membranous margin; pedicels filiform, curved after anthesis; stems glabrous. |
(42) |
+ |
Flowers in cymes or umbels, rarely solitary; bracts all herbaceous or with membranous margin; pedicels not filiform; stems glabrous or not. |
(43) |
42 (41) |
Plants usually less than 5 cm tall; stamens subequaling petals |
26 S. winkleri |
+ |
Plants 5--14 cm; stamens shorter than petals |
27 S. crassifolia |
43 (41) |
Flowers in cymose umbels; petals absent or small. |
(44) |
+ |
Flowers in dichotomous cymes, rarely solitary; petals present (rarely absent), usually conspicuous. |
(47) |
44 (43) |
Petals small; inflorescence compact; stems less than 5 cm tall |
49 S. irrigua |
+ |
Petals absent; inflorescence loose; stems 5--20 cm tall. |
(45) |
45 (44) |
Stems pilose; leaves ovate-lanceolate to ovate |
50 S. parviumbellata |
+ |
Stems glabrous; leaves elliptic or linear to linear-lanceolate. |
(46) |
46 (45) |
Stems tufted; leaves linear to linear-lanceolate; stamens 5 |
52 S. subumbellata |
+ |
Stems solitary; leaves elliptic; stamens 10 |
51 S. umbellata |
47 (43) |
Leaves lanceolate to narrowly ovate, base semiclasping. |
(48) |
+ |
Leaves narrower, linear to linear-lanceolate; base semiclasping or not. |
(53) |
48 (47) |
Plants glabrous; leaves lanceolate. |
(49) |
+ |
Plants pubescent; leaves lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate. |
(51) |
49 (48) |
Leaf margin herbaceous; stamens 10 |
28 S. discolor |
+ |
Leaf margin cartilaginous, crisp; stamens 5(--10). |
(50) |
50 (49) |
Leaves (2--)5--20 mm; stamens 5(--10) |
33 S. alsine |
+ |
Leaves 30--60 mm; stamens 10 |
38 S. salicifolia |
51 (48) |
Leaves lanceolate or narrowly ovate, 4--12 mm, base narrowed; inflorescences with 1--3 flowers |
30 S. pusilla |
+ |
Leaves ovate-lanceolate, 3--10 mm; inflorescences with numerous flowers. |
(52) |
52 (51) |
Leaf apex acute; stems with retrorse hairs; petals slightly longer than sepals; pedicel 5--30 mm, longer than sepals |
31 S. mainlingensis |
+ |
Leaf apex obtuse; stems minutely pubescent; petals shorter than sepals (rarely absent); pedicel 3--4 mm, subequaling sepals |
32 S. depressa |
53 (47) |
Flower solitary; mature capsule black |
48 S. soongorica |
+ |
Inflorescences with numerous flowers; mature capsule yellow. |
(54) |
54 (53) |
Stems pubescent. |
(55) |
+ |
Stems glabrous or nearly so. |
(59) |
55 (54) |
Stems pubescent, hairs retrorse |
44 S. alaschanica |
+ |
Stem pubescence not retrorse. |
(56) |
56 (55) |
Stems not tufted. |
(57) |
+ |
Stems tufted. |
(58) |
57 (56) |
Stems minutely pubescent; leaves linear, sickle-shaped |
29 S. gyangtseensis |
+ |
Stems with 2 lines of hairs; leaves linear to linear-lanceolate, not sickle-shaped |
34 S. graminea |
58 (56) |
Stems densely tufted, 5--15 cm tall, with one line of recurved hairs; petals ca. 2/3 as long as sepals |
46 S. uda |
+ |
Stems sparsely tufted, 20--30 cm tall, sparsely hairy; petals slightly shorter than or subequaling sepals |
47 S. souliei |
59 (54) |
Petals 1/2--2/3 as long as the sepals; leaves lanceolate, 1--2 cm |
35 S. brachypetala |
+ |
Petals slightly shorter than to 2 × as long as sepals; leaves linear to lanceolate. |
(60) |
60 (59) |
Abaxial midvein of leaf blade inconspicuous, not raised. |
(61) |
+ |
Abaxial midvein of leaf blade conspicuously raised. |
(63) |
61 (60) |
Leaves oblong-lanceolate, ca. 1 cm, apex obtuse, margin glabrous; flowers 1 or 2; petals slightly longer than sepals |
41 S. imbricata |
+ |
Leaves linear to lanceolate, 0.5--7 cm, apex acute, margin usually ciliate; flowers numerous; petals slightly shorter to longer than sepals. |
(62) |
62 (61) |
Leaves 0.5--4 cm, margin ciliate at base; seeds black-brown, granulose |
34 S. graminea |
+ |
Leaves 3--5(--7) cm, margin ciliate; seeds brown, sparsely tuberculate |
36 S. yunnanensis |
63 (60) |
Stems rough; leaf margin finely papillate roughened, rarely sparsely ciliate. |
(64) |
+ |
Stems smooth; leaf margin often ciliate, especially near base of blade. |
(65) |
64 (63) |
Sepals ca. 3 mm or less at anthesis, apex obtuse, veins inconspicuous; mature capsule black-brown; seeds smooth |
40 S. longifolia |
+ |
Sepals (4--)5 mm or more at anthesis, apex acuminate, veins conspicuous; mature capsule yellowish; seeds rugulose |
37 S. palustris |
65 (63) |
Pedicels ca. 15 mm or less; sepals 6--7 mm; petals shorter than sepals |
39 S. dianthifolia |
+ |
Pedicels ca. 14 mm or longer; sepals 4--5.5 mm; petals subequaling to 2 × as long as sepals. |
(66) |
66 (65) |
Seeds orbicular-reniform, tuberculate; petals 1.5--2 × as long as sepals |
42 S. nipponica |
+ |
Seeds ellipsoid, rugulose; petals subequaling to 1.5 × as long as sepals |
43 S. filicaulis |