28. Rheum tibeticum Maximowicz ex J. D. Hooker, Fl. Brit. India. 5: 56. 1886.
西藏大黄 xi zang da huang
Herbs short, 15-25 cm tall. Rhizome stout. Petiole of basal leaf short, 3-5(-10.5) cm, muricate, pubescent, or glabrous; leaf blade subcordate or cordate, 12-20(-28) × 13-21(-27) cm, leathery, abaxially pubescent near veins, adaxially glabrous, basal veins 5, base cordate or rounded, margin entire, apex obtuse. Panicle from tip of rhizome, branches spreading, pubescent or nearly glabrous; bracts very small. Pedicel short, 2-3.5 mm. Tepals light purple-red to yellowish green, elliptic, ca. 2.5 mm. Anthers yellow or dark brown. Fruit ovoid, ca. 10 × 8-9 mm, both ends retuse; wings red-brown to light brown, broader than achene, with longitudinal veins near margin. Seeds black-brown, narrowly ovoid. Fl. Jul, fr. Aug. 2n = 22.
Slopes; 4000-4600 m. Xizang [Afghanistan, Kashmir, Pakistan].
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