4. Agrimonia eupatoria Linnaeus subsp. asiatica (Juzepczuk) Skalický, Feddes Repert. 79: 35. 1968.
大花龙芽草 da hua long ya cao
Agrimonia asiatica Juzepczuk, Weeds URSS 3: 138. 1934.
Herbs 35–120 cm tall. Rhizome ± short, rather thick. Stems densely hirsute. Stipules semiorbicular, herbaceous, margin coarsely acutely serrate or lobed; petiole pilose and pubescent; leaf blade interrupted imparipinnate with 3–5 pairs of leaflets, on uppermost leaves with 1 or 2 pairs; leaflets sessile or occasionally shortly petiolulate, elliptic, oblong, or obovate-elliptic, 2–7 × 1.5–4 cm, abaxially pubescent and pilose, adaxially appressed pilose, base rounded or broadly cuneate, margin coarsely crenate, apex obtuse or acute. Inflorescence usually simple; rachis thick, pubescent and villous. Flowers 12–13 mm in diam.; pedicel ca. 1 mm; bract 3- or 4-parted with segments fasciated; bracteoles in 1 pair, ovate, margin 3-serrate. Sepals 5, triangular-ovate. Petals yellow, obovate-elliptic. Stamens 11–12. Stigma prominently dilated. Fruiting hypanthium campanulate, 8–10 × ca. 5 mm including prickles, abaxially 10-ribbed, pilose, with a multiseriate crown of prickles; outer prickles reflexed, inner ones spreading. Fl. Jun, fr. Jul.
Mountains, river banks; 500--1300 m. Xinjiang [C and SW Asia].
Agrimonia eupatoria subsp. eupatoria occurs in N and W Africa (including Macaronesia) and Europe.