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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 2-3 | Polypodiaceae | Arthromeris

4. Arthromeris tatsienensis (Franchet & Bureau in Christ) Ching, Contr. Inst. Bot. Natl. Acad. Peiping. 2(3): 93. 1933.

康定节肢蕨 kang ding jie zhi jue

Polypodium tatsienense Franchet & Bureau in Christ, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 52(Mém. 1): 19. 1905.

Rhizome 4-7 mm in diam., densely scaly; scales brown, ca. 6 × 1.2 mm, margin irregularly toothed, apex long caudate. Stipe stramineous to castaneous, 20-30 cm, glabrous; lamina imparipinnate, oblong, 30-40 × 20-25 cm, or simple and ovate-lanceolate; pinnae (1-)3-8 pairs, subopposite, sessile, ascending to spreading, oblique, ovate-lanceolate, 15-18 × 3-4 cm, base broadly cuneate to rounded or rarely subcordate, margin entire, apex caudate; terminal pinna larger, usually narrowed from base to apex; lamina herbaceous or subleathery, abaxially pale green or glaucous, adaxially green, both surfaces glabrous. Sori orbicular, ca. 2 mm in diam., in 1 row on each side of costa, medial or slightly nearer to costa, solitary between lateral veins.

Terrestrial on dry slopes or epilithic; 1000-1600 m. Sichuan, Yunnan [Bhutan, India (Sikkim), Nepal, N Thailand].

The record of Arthromeris tatsienensis from Sikkim is based on the determination by Fraser-Jenkins (Taxon. Revis. Indian Subcontinental Pteridophytes, 59. 2008) of the only collection of "Arthromeris lungtauensis var. sikkimensis S. R. Ghosh" (not validly published, Melbourne Code, Art. 40.7) as this species.


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