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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 2-3 | Aspleniaceae | Asplenium

33. Asplenium matsumurae Christ, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo). 24: 241. 1910.

兰屿铁角蕨 lan yu tie jiao jue

Asplenium wightianum Wallich ex Hooker var. microphyllum Matsumura & Hayata (1906), not Beddome (1864); Diplazium matsumurae (Christ) Kodama.

Plants 40-80 cm tall. Rhizome erect. Fronds caespitose; stipe greenish stramineous, ca. 15 cm, base with subulate scales; lamina narrowly elliptic to ovate, ca. 35 × 12 cm, 1-pinnate, terminal apical segment similar to subapical pinnae or with 1 or 2 additional basal segments, ca. 4 cm; pinnae ca. 16 pairs, alternate, obliquely spreading, shortly stalked, lower pinnae not reduced, middle pinnae narrowly ovate-trullate, 7-10 × 1-1.3 cm, base asymmetrical, acroscopic side truncate to cuneate, basiscopic side narrowly cuneate, margin crenate-serrate, apex acuminate-caudate. Veins hardly visible, first basal basiscopic vein on costa lacking, suprabasal veins simple. Fronds herbaceous, grayish green when dry, subglabrous; rachis greenish stramineous. Sori linear, 3-4 mm, rarely diplazioid, medial; indusia linear, hyaline, entire, opening toward costa and persistent but not rolling back at maturity.

● Epiphytic or on rocks in forests; 400-700 m. Probably endemic to Taiwan.

This rare species was confused with Asplenium vulcanicum Blume in De Vol and Kuo (Fl. Taiwan 1: 491. 1975). More recently, A. matsumurae was treated as a synonym of S Indian A. serricula Fée (Kuo, Taiwania 30: 37. 1985; Shieh et al., Fl. Taiwan, ed. 2, 1: 461. 1994; Knapp, Ferns Fern Allies Taiwan, 48, 55. 2011), but that species has a more creeping rhizome, fewer pinnae, and a terminal pinna perfectly conform with the lateral ones. Asplenium matsumurae is also superficially similar to members of the A. wrightii complex, but it differs in its venation pattern with the first basal basiscopic vein lacking and more distal veins simple (not forked), its terminal pinna relatively similar to the subapical lateral pinnae, and its indusia not rolling back at maturity.


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