1 |
Fronds simple or 2- or 3-forked |
(2) |
+ |
Fronds pinnatipartite or more divided |
(21) |
2 (1) |
Fronds 2- or 3-forked into linear segments |
(3) |
+ |
Fronds simple, not forked |
(4) |
3 (2) |
Average exospore length less than 37 µm; plants sexual diploids: n = 36II or 2n = 72. |
1 A. caucasicum |
+ |
Average exospore length more than 37 µm; plants sexual tetraploid: n = 72II or 2n = 144. |
2 A. septentrionale |
4 (2) |
Veins free, rarely connected near margin, never united into a marginal vein |
(5) |
+ |
Veins anastomosing, connected near margin, or united into a marginal vein |
(13) |
5 (4) |
Sori double (paired). |
8 A. komarovii |
+ |
Sori simple |
(6) |
6 (5) |
Lamina reniform, ca. 1 ?1 cm |
(7) |
+ |
Lamina not reniform, larger than ca. 1 ?1 cm |
(8) |
7 (6) |
Average exospore length 35-40 µm; plants diploid: 2n = 72. |
67 A. dolomiticum |
+ |
Average exospore length 41-49 µm; plants tetraploid: 2n = 144. |
68 A. ruta-muraria |
8 (6) |
Stipe shiny black; lamina less than 10 cm, apex obtuse, margin black. |
3 A. speluncae |
+ |
Stipe not shiny black; lamina more than 10 cm, apex acute to acuminate, margin not black |
(9) |
9 (8) |
Most sori more than 12 mm, at an angle less than 40° to midrib (rachis); lamina margin repand to entire |
(10) |
+ |
Most sori less than 12 mm, at an angle of 40°80°to midrib (rachis); lamina margin crenate to sinuate, often notched |
(11) |
10 (9) |
Fronds lanceolate, 6-10 x longer than wide, apex acute-acuminate; midrib raised, semiterete adaxially; sori at angle of 30°40°to rachis. |
6 A. holosorum |
+ |
Fronds narrowly lanceolate, 10-25 x longer than wide, apex acuminate-caudate; midrib sulcate adaxially; sori at angle of 15°30°to rachis. |
7 A. ensiforme |
11 (9) |
Frond stalked; stipe 8-16 cm. |
32 A. formosae |
+ |
Frond subsessile; stipe 0.5-6 cm |
(12) |
12 (11) |
Frond linear to narrowly lanceolate, up to 2 cm wide or more than 13 x longer than wide. |
4 A. scortechinii |
+ |
Frond lanceolate, 2-2.5 cm wide or less than 13 x longer than wide. |
5 A. griffithianum |
13 (4) |
Lamina orbicular or ovate, base cordate |
(14) |
+ |
Lamina lanceolate to oblanceolate, base cuneate, rarely cordate |
(15) |
14 (13) |
Rhizome short and erect; fronds clustered; lamina orbicular; most sori double. |
9 A. delavayi |
+ |
Rhizome long and creeping; fronds remote; lamina ovate; most sori simple. |
9 see Hymenasplenium cardiophyllum (p. 309) |
15 (13) |
Mature fronds less than 20 cm, herbaceous to subleathery, apex usually flagelliform, proliferous and rooting; veins anastomosing, forming 1 or 2 rows of areoles but not ending in a marginal vein. |
16 A. ruprechtii |
+ |
Mature fronds more than 20 cm, subleathery to leathery, apex not proliferous; veins ending in a marginal connecting vein (A. subg. Thamnopteris) |
(16) |
16 (15) |
Frond distinctly spatulate, widest above middle; midrib stramineous to pale brown |
(17) |
+ |
Frond lanceolate, widest near middle; midrib pale or grayish brown to brownish black |
(18) |
17 (16) |
Stipe distinct; midrib semiterete abaxially; lamina reduced at base; plants hexaploid. |
10 A. humbertii |
+ |
Stipe very short or absent; midrib keeled abaxially; lamina very gradually reduced into a long broadly winged basal part; plants tetraploid. |
11 A. antrophyoides |
18 (16) |
Stipe basal scales subulate to very narrowly triangular-ovate, more than 10 x longer than wide |
(19) |
+ |
Stipe basal scales triangular-ovate, less than 10 x longer than wide |
(20) |
19 (18) |
Midrib abaxially flat; sori covering up to 1/2 of their subtending vein; perispore winged. |
12 A. nidus |
+ |
Midrib abaxially prominent, obtusely carinate; sori covering more than 1/2 of their subtending vein; perispore echinate. |
13 A. oblanceolatum |
20 (18) |
Stipe basal scales > 15 mm; lamina with many small scales at base; midrib semiterete abaxially. |
14 A. antiquum |
+ |
Stipe basal scales < 15 mm; lamina subglabrous at base; midrib obtusely keeled abaxially. |
15 A. phyllitidis |
21 (1) |
Lamina pinnatipartite-pinnatisect |
(22) |
+ |
Lamina 1-4-pinnate |
(28) |
22 (21) |
Lamina densely covered with scales abaxially; veins anastomosing; indusia reduced to a rim of a few cells. |
22 A. ceterach |
+ |
Lamina (sub)glabrous abaxially; veins free; indusia distinct, not reduced to a rim |
(23) |
23 (22) |
Several pairs of basal pinnae widely separated from more apical ones |
(24) |
+ |
Basal pinnae not widely separated from more apical ones (A. subg. Ceterachopsis) |
(25) |
24 (23) |
Rachis green, without scales. |
17 A. castaneoviride |
+ |
Rachis dark brown, with dark filiform scales. |
39 A. adnatum |
25 (23) |
Segments acute, adaxially often with submarginal gemmae at acroscopic side of pinnae. |
21 A. qiujiangense |
+ |
Segments obtuse, without submarginal gemmae at acroscopic side of pinnae |
(26) |
26 (25) |
Middle segments up to 10 mm wide; mean exospore length < 35 µm. |
18 A. dalhousiae |
+ |
Middle segments more than 10 mm wide; mean exospore length > 35 µm |
(27) |
27 (26) |
Plants up to 20 cm; mean exospore length < 50 µm; plants tetraploid. |
19 A. paucivenosum |
+ |
Plants more than 20 cm; mean exospore length > 50 µm; plants octoploid. |
20 A. magnificum |
28 (21) |
Rhizome long creeping; lamina 1-pinnate |
(29) |
+ |
Rhizome erect or shortly creeping; lamina 1-4-pinnate |
(30) |
29 (29) |
Rhizome less than 0.6 cm in diam., with few scales; venation with several basal basiscopic veins absent. |
see Hymenasplenium (p. 308) |
+ |
Rhizome more than 0.6 cm in diam., densely scaly; all basal basiscopic veins present. |
37 A. lepturus |
30 (28) |
Ultimate pinnules or segments linear, with a single vein; sorus reaching frond margin |
(31) |
+ |
Ultimate pinnules or segments not linear, with several veins; sorus rarely reaching frond margin |
(37) |
31 (30) |
Stipe and rachis shiny dark brown to black on both sides |
(32) |
+ |
Stipe and rachis not shiny dark brown to black on both sides |
(33) |
32 (31) |
Lamina widest at base. |
84 A. pulcherrimum |
+ |
Lamina not widest at base. |
85 A. cornutissimum |
33 (31) |
Plants with minute gemmae on costae or costules. |
66 A. tenuifolium |
+ |
Plants not gemmiferous |
(34) |
34 (33) |
Lamina bipinnate |
(35) |
+ |
Lamina 3-pinnatifid to 3-pinnate |
(36) |
35 (34) |
Rachis apex flagelliform gemmiferous, often rooting and functioning as a runner; pinnae ascending. |
86 A. prolongatum |
+ |
Rachis apex not flagelliform; pinnae spreading, attached at right angle to rachis. |
87 A. sampsonii |
36 (34) |
Pinnae less than 10 cm. |
89 A. ritoense |
+ |
Pinnae more than 10 cm. |
90 A. trigonopterum |
37 (30) |
Lamina 1-pinnate |
(38) |
+ |
Lamina pinnate-pinnatifid to 4-pinnate |
(61) |
38 (37) |
Stipe and rachis shiny, castaneous to dark brown or black |
(39) |
+ |
Stipe and rachis dull, not shiny, green, stramineous, or gray-brown |
(46) |
39 (38) |
Rachis adaxially without brown membranous wings or fingerlike papillae |
(40) |
+ |
Rachis adaxially with distinct wings or rows of fingerlike papillae |
(41) |
40 (39) |
Lamina less than 2 cm wide; rachis semiterete; pinnae 1-2 x longer than wide. |
30 A. kiangsuense |
+ |
Lamina more than 2 cm wide; rachis with deep furrow adaxially; pinnae 2 or more x longer than wide. |
31 A. normale |
41 (39) |
Rachis with brown to yellowish brown wings |
(42) |
+ |
Rachis adaxially with 2 rows of fingerlike papillae |
(44) |
42 (41) |
Rachis with 2 adaxial and 1 abaxial wings, often proliferous near apex |
24 A. tripteropus |
+ |
Rachis with 2 adaxial wings, abaxial wing absent, never proliferous |
(43) |
43 (42) |
Plants diploid with average exospore length < 31 µm and average guard cell length < 39 µm. |
25 A. trichomanes |
+ |
Plants tetraploid with average exospore length > 32 µm and average guard cell length > 40 µm. |
26 A. quadrivalens |
44 (41) |
Rachis gemmiferous at its base; pinnae (slightly) reduced below apex. |
27 A. microtum |
+ |
Rachis not gemmiferous; pinnae not reduced near apex |
(45) |
45 (44) |
Rachis papillae closely set and often coalescent at their base; basal pinnae orbicular-ovate. |
28 A. humistratum |
+ |
Rachis papillae separated and rarely coalescent at their base; basal pinnae hastate-deltoid. |
29 A. glanduliserrulatum |
46 (38) |
Costa raised and semiterete on adaxial surface of pinna |
(47) |
+ |
Costa flat or depressed (grooved) on adaxial surface of pinna |
(50) |
47 (46) |
Frond apex a single pinna, conform with lateral ones. |
32 A. formosae |
+ |
Frond apex a pinnatisect or pinnatifid terminal segment different from lateral pinnae |
(48) |
48 (47) |
Frond apex of 1 or 2 basal segments attached to single terminal pinna; indusia not rolling back at maturity; costa with first basiscopic vein lacking and more distal veins simple. |
33 A. matsumurae |
+ |
Frondapex pinnatifid and consisting of several confluent segments; indusia rolling back at maturity; costa with all veins present and forking |
(49) |
49 (48) |
Pinnae obtuse, usually less than 5 cm. |
88 A. tenerum |
+ |
Pinnae acuminate to caudate, usually larger. |
34 A. wrightii |
50 (46) |
Frond apex similar to one lateral pinna |
(51) |
+ |
Frond apex pinnatifid and not similar to a lateral pinna |
(54) |
51 (50) |
Plants less than 10 cm tall |
(52) |
+ |
Plants more than 10 cm tall |
(53) |
52 (51) |
Average exospore length 35-40 µm; plants diploid: 2n = 72. |
67 A. dolomiticum |
+ |
Average exospore length 41-49 µm; plants tetraploid: 2n = 144. |
68 A. ruta-muraria |
53 (51) |
Stipe and rachis pale yellow-green to gray; veins irregularly anastomosing near margin. |
35 A. finlaysonianum |
+ |
Stipe and rachis brown to dark brown; veins free. |
36 A. polyodon |
54 (50) |
Lamina more than 10 cm wide |
(55) |
+ |
Lamina less than 10 cm wide |
(56) |
55 (54) |
Frond herbaceous; rhizome creeping; rachis often gemmiferous near apex; spores pale, perispore echinate. |
38 A. trapezoideum |
+ |
Frond papery; rhizome erect; rachis not gemmiferous; spores dark brown-black, perispore lophate. |
47 A. saxicola |
56 (54) |
Rachis dark brown to black, with many dark brown to blackish scales with long filiform apex |
(57) |
+ |
Rachis gray-stramineous to green, with few narrowly triangular, reddish brown scales without filiform apex |
(58) |
57 (56) |
Frond shorter than 30 cm, less than 3 cm wide; pinnae oblong, obtuse. |
40 A. asterolepis |
+ |
Fronds longer than 30 cm, more than 3 cm wide; pinnae narrowly ovate, acute |
41 A. crinicaule |
58 (56) |
Lamina less than 1.5 cm wide; stipe and rachis green, never gemmiferous. |
23 A. viride |
+ |
Lamina more than 1.5 cm wide; stipe dull grayish brown, rachis green in apical part and occasionally gemmiferous |
(59) |
59 (58) |
Gemmae on adaxial surface near pinna apex; scales costate with dark brown central zone and pale hyaline margin; perispore cristate-alate (with narrow crests on thin wings). |
44 A. gueinzianum |
+ |
Gemmae on rachis or close to rachis on pinna stalk; scales not costate; perispore costate (with rounded crest on broad ridges) |
(60) |
60 (59) |
Plants tetraploid: 2n = 144; average exospore length less than 36µm. |
42 A. indicum |
+ |
Plants octoploid: 2n = 288; average exospore length more than 36µm. |
43 A. yoshinagae |
61 (37) |
Stipe entirely shiny dark brown to black. |
83 A. coenobiale |
+ |
Stipe not entirely shiny dark brown to black |
(62) |
62 (61) |
Stipe dark gray to dark brown |
(63) |
+ |
Stipe green, abaxially at base and higher up often castaneous to black |
(82) |
63 (62) |
Fronds pinnate-pinnatifid to almost 2-pinnate |
(64) |
+ |
Fronds more divided, up to 4-pinnatifid |
(70) |
64 (63) |
Gemmae present |
(65) |
+ |
Gemmae absent |
(66) |
65 (64) |
Bud on adaxial surface of pinnae. |
44 A. gueinzianum |
+ |
Bud on adaxial surface of rachis below apex. |
50 A. cuneatiforme |
66 (64) |
Rachis densely scaly |
(67) |
+ |
Rachis not densely scaly |
(68) |
67 (66) |
Fronds widest near base; stipe more than 5 cm; scales with filiform apical tail. |
45 A. aethiopicum |
+ |
Fronds widest near middle; stipe less than 5 cm; scales without filiform apical tail. |
51 A. rockii |
68 (66) |
Plants less than 20 cm tall, usually less than 10 pinnae pairs. |
48 A. oldhamii |
+ |
Plants more than 20 cm tall, usually more than 10 pinnae pairs |
(69) |
69 (68) |
Fronds herbaceous; pinna stalk less than 4 mm. |
46 A. pseudopraemorsum |
+ |
Fronds leathery; pinna stalk more than 4 mm. |
47 A. saxicola |
70 (63) |
Fronds 3-pinnate or 4-pinnatifid |
(71) |
+ |
Fronds 2-pinnate to 3-pinnatifid |
(75) |
71 (70) |
Plants less than 50 cm |
(72) |
+ |
Plants more than 50 cm |
(73) |
72 (71) |
Ultimate soriferous segment cuneiform, with several veins and sori. |
56 A. wilfordii |
+ |
Ultimate soriferous segment linear with 1 vein and 1 sorus. |
89 A. ritoense |
73 (71) |
Fronds herbaceous; indusia elliptic, ca. 4 mm; indusium margin with glandular hairs. |
55 A. bullatum |
+ |
Fronds papery to subleathery; indusia linear, most than 4 mm; indusium margin without glandular hairs |
(74) |
74 (73) |
Pinnules broadly ovate, less than 2 x longer than wide. |
57 A. sublaserpitiifolium |
+ |
Pinnules triangular-ovate, more than 2 x longer than wide. |
58 A. pseudolaserpitiifolium |
75 (70) |
Gemmae present on rachis |
(76) |
+ |
Gemmae absent |
(77) |
76 (75) |
Pinnae with more than 3 pairs of free pinnules. |
49 A. affine |
+ |
Pinnae with less than 3 pairs of free pinnules. |
50 A. cuneatiforme |
77 (75) |
Stipe less than 5 cm; rachis densely scaly. |
51 A. rockii |
+ |
Stipe more than 5 cm; rachis not densely scaly |
(78) |
78 (77) |
Largest pinnae with less than 3 pairs of free pinnules, most decurrent on costa |
(79) |
+ |
Largest pinnae with more than 3 pairs of free pinnules |
(80) |
79 (78) |
Sori more than 5 mm. |
47 A. saxicola |
+ |
Sori less than 5 mm. |
52 A. austrochinense |
80 (78) |
Plants less than 50 cm tall. |
53 A. hainanense |
+ |
Plants more than 50 cm tall |
(81) |
81 (80) |
More than 5 free pinnules per pinna; veins close together and almost parallel; free margin of indusium glabrous. |
54 A. subspathulinum |
+ |
Less than 5 free pinnules per pinna; venation different; free margin of indusium with glandular hairs. |
55 A. bullatum |
82 (62) |
Fronds lanceolate, reduced at base |
(83) |
+ |
Fronds ovate-triangular, not reduced or not much reduced at base |
(87) |
83 (82) |
Pinnae with minute gemma or plantlet at apex |
(84) |
+ |
Pinnae not gemmiferous at apex |
(85) |
84 (83) |
Average exospore length less than 29 µm; plants diploid: 2n = 72. |
59 A. lushanense |
+ |
Average exospore length more than 29 µm; plants tetraploid: 2n = 144 |
60 A. exiguum |
85 (83) |
Fronds thinly herbaceous; stipe and rachis with thin, green lateral wings |
61 A. incisum |
+ |
Fronds firmly herbaceous; stipe and rachis without thin, green wings |
(86) |
86 (85) |
Marginal teeth usually slender, obtuse to subacute. |
62 A. nesii |
+ |
Marginal teeth short, subacute to mucronate. |
A. fontanum |
87 (82) |
Small gemmae present on pinnae stalk, costa, costule, or rachis tip |
(88) |
+ |
Gemmae absent |
(90) |
88 (87) |
Pinnae usually with more than 3 pairs of free pinnules; gemmae on costa or costule. |
66 A. tenuifolium |
+ |
Pinnae with less than 3 pairs of free pinnules; gemmae on pinnae stalk or on flagelliform apex |
(89) |
89 (88) |
Lamina triangular, without extended gemmiferous rachis. |
64 A. capillipes |
+ |
Lamina oblong-linear with flagelliform gemmiferous apex. |
65 A. fugax |
90 (87) |
Fronds deltoid to broadly triangular |
(91) |
+ |
Fronds triangular to ovate; indusial margin not fimbriate |
(93) |
91 (90) |
Margin of indusium not fimbriate. |
69 A. interjectum |
+ |
Margin of indusium fimbriate (with long uniseriate hairs) |
(92) |
92 (91) |
Average exospore length 35-40 µm; plants diploid: 2n = 72. |
67 A. dolomiticum |
+ |
Average exospore length 41-49 µm; plants tetraploid: 2n = 144. |
68 A. ruta-muraria |
93 (90) |
Stipe green or only brown at very base; rachis entirely green |
(94) |
+ |
Stipe and often base of rachis brown on abaxial side |
(95) |
94 (93) |
Fronds thinly herbaceous; average exospore length less than 32 µm; plants diploid: 2n = 72. |
81 A. sarelii |
+ |
Fronds firmly herbaceous to subleathery; average exospore length more than 32 µm; plants tetraploid: 2n = 144. |
82 A. pekinense |
95 (93) |
Fronds 3-pinnate at base; pinnae with more than one free acroscopic pinnule |
(96) |
+ |
Fronds 2-pinnate at base; pinnae with 1 free acroscopic pinnule |
(99) |
96 (95) |
Plants diploid; average exospore length less than 32 ?. |
70 A. tenuicaule |
+ |
Plants polyploid; average exospore length more than 32 ? |
(97) |
97 (96) |
Lamina triangular; stipe base swollen. |
79 A. adiantum-nigrum |
+ |
Lamina narrowly triangular to ovate; stipe base not swollen |
(98) |
98 (97) |
Pinna stalk wiry; perispore with many wide pori (reticulate) and almost no ridges. |
76 A. kansuense |
+ |
Pinna stalk not wiry; perispore with ridges and few minute pori (cristate). |
80 A. anogrammoides |
99 (95) |
Plants diploid; average exospore length less than 32 ? |
(100) |
+ |
Plants polyploid; average exospore length more than 32 ? |
(101) |
100 (99) |
Pinna stalk wiry; marginal teeth broad, mucronate; average exospore length 29-32 ?; perispore reticulate or cristate. |
70 A. tenuicaule |
+ |
Pinna stalk not wiry; marginal teeth slender, acute; average exospore length 24-27 ?; perispore alate. |
71 A. semivarians |
101 (99) |
Lamina triangular, widest at base; largest pinnae broadly ovate-deltoid |
(102) |
+ |
Lamina ovate, widest just above base; largest pinnae ovate to narrowly triangular |
(103) |
102 (101) |
Plants hexaploid; average exospore length 38-42 ?. |
72 A. aitchisonii |
+ |
Plants tetraploid; average exospore length 33-36 ?. |
73 A. neovarians |
103 (101) |
Lamina thin, membranous; largest pinnae triangular to narrowly triangular. |
74 A. mae |
+ |
Lamina more firm, herbaceous; largest pinnae ovate to triangular |
(104) |
104 (103) |
Lamina acuminate to shortly caudate; scales with inner part of cell walls warty. |
75 A. kukkonenii |
+ |
Lamina not shortly caudate; scales with inner part of cell walls smooth |
(105) |
105 (104) |
Lamina firmly herbaceous to subleathery; basal pinnae deltoid to flabellate. |
78 A. altajense |
+ |
Lamina herbaceous; basal pinnae oval-triangular |
(106) |
106 (105) |
Pinna stalk wiry; perispore with many wide pori (reticulate) and almost no ridges. |
76 A. kansuense |
+ |
Pinna stalk not wiry; perispore with ridges and few minute pori (cristate). |
77 A. varians |