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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae | Astragalus

80. Astragalus batangensis E. Peter, Acta Horti Gothob. 12: 35. 1938.

巴唐黄耆 ba tang huang qi

Astragalus cinerascens H. T. Tsai & T. T. Yu (1940), not Candolle ex Steudel (1840), nor (Rydberg) Tidestrøm (1937).

Plant hairs appressed to subappressed, white, in inflores­cence also black, 0.3-1 mm. Stems solitary or several, branched, slender, prostrate to ascending, up to 15 cm, loosely to rather densely white hairy. Leaves 3-7 cm; stipules greenish, 3-4 mm, all shortly connate behind stem or upper free, all rather densely hairy; petiole 1-1.5 cm, like rachis loosely to rather densely hairy; leaflets in 5-7 pairs, elliptic to obovate, 4-13 × 2-8 mm, abaxially somewhat densely and adaxially sparsely to rather loosely covered with subappressed hairs up to 1 mm, apex subacute to rounded or slightly retuse. Racemes short, rather loosely 8-10-flowered; peduncle 3-8 cm, rather densely white hairy; bracts whitish membranous, 1-1.5 mm, white hairy. Calyx 3-4 mm, rather densely appressed white hairy; teeth 1-2 mm. Petals blue to violet; standard widely ovate, 8-11 × 5-8 mm, apex emarginate; wings 6-7 mm; keel 8-10 mm, limbs 6-7 × ca. 2.5 mm. Legumes with a stipe 2-5 mm, nodding, ellipsoid, 7-13 mm, 3-3.5 mm high and wide, keeled ventrally, deeply grooved dorsally, with a short beak, 1-locular or nearly so; valves thin, loosely to rather densely cov­ered with appressed to ascending white or black hairs.

● Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan.


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