1 |
Annual herbs |
(2) |
+ |
Perennial herbs or shrublets |
(8) |
2 (1) |
Legumes narrowly linear, curved, terete, 1-locular, slightly constricted between seeds; stipules minute, free; racemes sessile to subsessile, few flowered. |
5 A. sect. Ophiocarpus (p. 335) |
+ |
Legumes never linear and curved, never constricted; other characters different |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Calyx teeth very unequal in length; keel always longer than wings |
(4) |
+ |
Calyx teeth ± equal in length; keel shorter than wings |
(5) |
4 (3) |
Petals whitish or yellowish; legumes falcate to screwlike twisted. |
3 A. sect. Cycloglottis (p. 334) |
+ |
Petals violet; legumes curved. |
4 A. sect. Heterodontus (p. 335) |
5 (3) |
Standard in middle distinctly transversely dilated; legumes with a hooked or bent beak, with an indumentum of short appressed and longer spreading hairs. |
1 A. sect. Ankylotus (p. 333) |
+ |
Standard never dilated in middle; other characters different |
(6) |
6 (5) |
Standard without distinct claw; legumes with sharp edges or wings on sides. |
6 A. sect. Oxyglottis (p. 336) |
+ |
Standard with a distinct claw; legumes without sharp edges or wings |
(7) |
7 (6) |
Racemes elongated. |
2 A. sect. Haematodes (p. 334) |
+ |
Racemes densely capitate. |
7 A. sect. Onycholobium (p. 336) |
8 (1) |
Plants with medifixed or asymmetrically bifurcate hairs |
(9) |
+ |
Hairs of plants simple, basifixed, or plants completely glabrous |
(37) |
9 (8) |
Strongly branched, subspherical spiny shrublets. |
55 A. sect. Bulimioides (p. 443) |
+ |
Plants never spiny |
(10) |
10 (9) |
All stipules or rarely only those of lower leaves distinctly vaginate-connate behind stem |
(11) |
+ |
All stipules free from each other |
(23) |
11 (10) |
Plants acaulescent or nearly so |
(12) |
+ |
Plants with a well-developed stem |
(14) |
12 (11) |
Calyx soon after beginning of anthesis enlarging and becoming bladderlike inflated; legumes included in persistent calyx. |
59 A. sect. Laguropsis (p. 448) |
+ |
Calyx tubular up to fruiting time, ruptured by legume |
(13) |
13 (12) |
Legumes bladderlike inflated, membranous. |
48 A. sect. Cystium (p. 428) |
+ |
Legumes not bladderlike inflated, leathery. |
45 A. sect. Helmia (p. 421) |
14 (11) |
Calyx soon after beginning of anthesis enlarging and becoming bladderlike inflated; legumes included in persistent calyx |
(15) |
+ |
Calyx tubular up to fruiting time, ruptured by legume |
(16) |
15 (14) |
Plants shrubby to subshrubby. |
57 A. sect. Cysticalyx (p. 444) |
+ |
Plants herbaceous. |
58 A. sect. Hypsophili (p. 447) |
16 (14) |
Flowers in loose, rather elongated racemes |
(17) |
+ |
Flowers in capitate or subumbelliform racemes, rarely elongated |
(20) |
17 (16) |
Petals yellowish green. |
36 A. sect. Uliginosi (p. 405) |
+ |
Petals lilac or violet |
(18) |
18 (17) |
Calyx mostly long tubular; legumes linear. |
40 A. sect. Ornithopodium (p. 409) |
+ |
Calyx campanulate or shortly campanulate-tubular; legumes ovoid to oblong |
(19) |
19 (18) |
Shrubby or subshrubby psammophytes; leaflets in 1-3 pairs or solitary; legumes up to 8 mm, with ± long spreading hairs, if legumes longer and appressed hairy, then leaflets in only 1 pair or solitary. |
54 A. sect. Ammodendron (p. 442) |
+ |
Plants herbaceous; leaflets usually in at least 5 pairs, if in only 3 pairs, then legumes 11-16 mm and covered with appressed hairs. |
38 A. sect. Craccina (p. 407) |
20 (16) |
Dwarf pulvinate plants with short, prostrate stems; flowers 1 or 2 in leaf axils, subsessile; stipules completely connate into a tubular sheath surrounding stem and base of petiole. |
43 A. sect. Ammodytes (p. 419) |
+ |
Plants with erect stems |
(21) |
21 (20) |
Calyx tubular, at least 9-10 mm, slightly inflated after anthesis. |
46 A. sect. Ammotrophus (p. 425) |
+ |
Calyx campanulate, 5-8 mm, never inflated |
(22) |
22 (21) |
Bracteoles present. |
37 A. sect. Brachycephali (p. 406) |
+ |
Bracteoles absent. |
39 A. sect. Onobrychides (p. 409) |
23 (10) |
Plants always with a well-developed stem (sometimes some stems of a plant short) |
(24) |
+ |
Plants acaulescent or nearly so, rarely with a short stem |
(30) |
24 (23) |
All petals appressed hairy. |
50 A. sect. Tanythrix (p. 429) |
+ |
All petals glabrous |
(25) |
25 (24) |
Legumes bladderlike inflated, valves membranous. |
47 A. sect. Leucophysa (p. 426) |
+ |
Legumes not bladderlike inflated, valves leathery |
(26) |
26 (25) |
Calyx soon after beginning of anthesis enlarging and becoming bladderlike inflated. |
56 A. sect. Chaetodon (p. 443) |
+ |
Calyx tubular, unchanged until fruiting time, ruptured by peduncle |
(27) |
27 (26) |
Ovary and legumes covered with appressed to subappressed hairs, rarely also with some ascending hairs. |
41 A. sect. Xiphidium (p. 413) |
+ |
Ovary and legumes villous with ascending to spreading hairs |
(28) |
28 (27) |
Racemes subsessile. |
50 A. sect. Tanythrix (p. 429) |
+ |
Peduncles slightly shorter to longer than leaves |
(29) |
29 (28) |
Legumes shortly acuminate or with a beak up to 2 mm. |
44 A. sect. Erioceras (p. 419) |
+ |
Legumes with a beak ca. 10 mm. |
53 A. sect. Cytisodes (p. 441) |
30 (23) |
Calyx soon after beginning of anthesis enlarging and becoming bladderlike inflated; legumes included in persistent calyx |
(31) |
+ |
Calyx tubular, unchanged until fruiting time, ruptured by legume |
(32) |
31 (30) |
Leaves with ascending to spreading hairs. |
56 A. sect. Chaetodon (p. 443) |
+ |
Leaves with appressed hairs. |
59 A. sect. Laguropsis (p. 448) |
32 (30) |
Raceme ovoid to cylindric, with a long peduncle |
(33) |
+ |
Raceme loosely subumbelliform or flowers subradical |
(34) |
33 (32) |
Leaflets linear to very narrowly elliptic, to 3(-4) mm wide; peduncle 5-14 cm. |
42 A. sect. Corethrum (p. 417) |
+ |
Leaflets elliptic, 4-15 mm wide; peduncle up to 30 cm. |
52 A. sect. Podochreati (p. 440) |
34 (32) |
Legumes bladderlike inflated. |
49 A. sect. Paracystium (p. 428) |
+ |
Legumes not bladderlike inflated |
(35) |
35 (34) |
Legumes with a prominent, rigid, long beak 5-8 mm. |
53 A. sect. Cytisodes (p. 441) |
+ |
Legumes shortly acuminate or with a very short beak |
(36) |
36 (35) |
Racemes with peduncle 3-8 cm; legumes linear, 3-4 cm. |
44 A. sect. Erioceras (A. yangchangii; p. 419) |
+ |
Racemes subsessile or more rarely with a peduncle up to 2 cm; legumes shorter. |
51 A. sect. Trachycercis (p. 429) |
37 (8) |
Plants spiny, shrubby, mostly cushionlike; leaves paripinnate. |
34 A. sect. Aegacantha (p. 404) |
+ |
Plants herbaceous or subshrubby; leaves imparipinnate, rarely becoming spiny with age |
(38) |
38 (37) |
Style with a distinctly hairy stigma |
(39) |
+ |
Style glabrous at and below stigma, rarely below stigma with a row of short hairlets, very rarely stigma very minutely hairy |
(41) |
39 (38) |
Bracteoles absent; stipules often vaginate-connate, at least lower ones. |
12 A. sect. Skythropos (p. 353) |
+ |
Bracteoles always present, at least at beginning of anthesis; stipules always free from each other |
(40) |
40 (39) |
Bracts caducous and mostly missing at fruiting time; plants often tall with thick stems; legumes inflated. |
10 A. sect. Coluteocarpus (p. 347) |
+ |
Bracts persistent, always present at fruiting time; plants often smaller with slender stems; legumes distinctly to strongly compressed laterally. |
9 A. sect. Pseudosesbanella (p. 346) |
41 (38) |
Standard hairy |
(42) |
+ |
All petals glabrous |
(44) |
42 (41) |
Inflorescence cylindric, 7-9 cm, densely many flowered. |
30 A. sect. Alopecias (p. 396) |
+ |
Inflorescence not as above, mostly loosely few flowered |
(43) |
43 (42) |
Leaflets adaxially with long, flexuous, cottonlike hairs. |
33 A. sect. Erionotus (p. 403) |
+ |
Leaflets adaxially glabrous or appressed hairy. |
31 A. sect. Myobroma (p. 397) |
44 (41) |
Leaflets verticillate in several mostly remote whorls. |
32 A. sect. Gontscharoviella (p. 402) |
+ |
Leaflets all opposite or subopposite |
(45) |
45 (44) |
Upper edge of keel limbs for whole length or in upper part furnished with minute teeth. |
31b A. "Purpurascentes group" (p. 401) |
+ |
Margins of keel limbs entire, never furnished with minute teeth |
(46) |
46 (45) |
Calyx at anthesis tubular to slightly ventricose, soon bladderlike inflated and distinctly netlike nerved; legumes stalked, included in calyx. |
35 A. sect. Eremophysa (p. 405) |
+ |
Calyx never inflated after anthesis, ruptured by ripe legume |
(47) |
47 (46) |
Inflorescences large, subsessile to shortly pedunculate, ovoid to cylindric, densely many flowered. |
30 A. sect. Alopecias (p. 396) |
+ |
Inflorescence not as above |
(48) |
48 (47) |
Hairs mostly with a very short, subacute, basal appendix and therefore extremely asymmetrically bifurcate; leaflets 2-4 × 2-3 mm, both surfaces rather densely spotted with minute blackish dots. |
27 A. sect. Irinaea (p. 391) |
+ |
Hairs basifixed; leaflets without blackish dots |
(49) |
49 (48) |
Plants acaulescent or subacaulescent; stems, if present, at most up to 4 cm |
(50) |
+ |
Plants distinctly caulescent |
(58) |
50 (49) |
Stipules embracing stem but not connate behind it, high connate around petiole; legumes 25-50 mm, strongly compressed laterally, glabrous. |
15 A. sect. Hookeriani (p. 356) |
+ |
Stipules and legumes not as above |
(51) |
51 (50) |
Petals pale yellowish; stipules 1-2 mm. |
23 A. sect. Poliothrix (A. yangii; p. 381) |
+ |
Petals purple to violet, yellow, or white; stipules distinctly longer |
(52) |
52 (51) |
Stipules vaginate-connate behind stem or before petiole; petals purple to violet; ovary and legumes sessile or subsessile |
(53) |
+ |
Stipules never vaginate-connate; petals yellow or white, or if violet then ovary and legumes long stipitate |
(55) |
53 (52) |
Stipules free from petiole; racemes 1- or 2-flowered. |
17 A. sect. Komaroviella (A. damxungensis; p. 357) |
+ |
Stipules adnate to petiole; racemes with more flowers |
(54) |
54 (53) |
Plants at most up to 10 cm tall; calyx 3-6 mm. |
26 A. sect. Pseudotapinodes (p. 390) |
+ |
Plants more than 10 cm tall; calyx 7-9 mm. |
12 A. sect. Skythropos (p. 353) |
55 (52) |
Ovary and legumes with a stipe at least 4 mm |
(56) |
+ |
Ovary and legumes sessile or subsessile |
(57) |
56 (55) |
Stipules distinctly adnate to petiole. |
31a A. "Caprini group" (p. 397) |
+ |
Stipules free from petiole. |
12 A. sect. Skythropos (p. 353) |
57 (55) |
Plants with spreading hairs; petals white. |
14 A. sect. Lithophili (p. 355) |
+ |
Plants with appressed hairs; petals bright yellow. |
28 A. sect. Lotidium (p. 392) |
58 (49) |
Stems stout, 3-10 mm or more in diam., ± erect; plants mostly tall with long erect stems |
(59) |
+ |
Stems ± slender, at most up to 3 mm in diam., often prostrate to ascending |
(65) |
59 (58) |
Stipules vaginate-connate behind stem |
(60) |
+ |
Stipules free from each other |
(61) |
60 (59) |
Standard 34-39 mm; legumes ± globose, 15-22 mm in diam., with very thick walls and a narrow, hollow, very densely long hairy. |
29 A. sect. Lithoon (p. 395) |
+ |
Standard up to 17 mm; legumes not as above. |
11 A. sect. Chlorostachys (p. 347) |
61 (59) |
Keel distinctly longer than wings; legumes nut-shaped, 9-14 mm, glabrous. |
13 A. sect. Nuculiella (p. 355) |
+ |
Keel shorter or at most as long as wings; legumes not nut-shaped |
(62) |
62 (61) |
Racemes subsessile or with a short peduncle; plants densely spreading hairy all over. |
14 A. sect. Lithophili (p. 355) |
+ |
Racemes with a distinct, long peduncle; plants in most parts appressed hairy or subglabrous |
(63) |
63 (62) |
Plants completely glabrous; stipules distinctly longitudinally nerved; ovary and legumes subsessile. |
31 A. sect. Myobroma (A. luculentus; p. 397) |
+ |
Plants in most parts appressed hairy or subglabrous; stipules not distinctly nerved; legumes mostly with a distinct to long stipe; bracteoles sometimes present |
(64) |
64 (63) |
Legumes 1-locular; bracts persistent. |
8 A. sect. Cenantrum (p. 338) |
+ |
Legumes incompletely to completely 2-locular; bracts persistent or soon falling. |
11 A. sect. Chlorostachys (p. 347) |
65 (58) |
Leaves 6-10 cm, at end of vegetation period elongating up to 25 cm; petiole 1-3 cm, later up to 6 cm, like rachis slender, later thickened and hardened, persistent, glabrous or very sparsely subappressed hairy; leaflets in 13-15 pairs, often caducous. |
16 A. sect. Pelta (p. 357) |
+ |
Leaves with other characters |
(66) |
66 (65) |
Stipules free from each other and mostly free from petiole |
(67) |
+ |
Stipules all or at least of lower leaves distinctly vaginate-connate behind stem |
(75) |
67 (66) |
Plants with long, prostrate to erect or creeping stems; racemes subumbellate, few flowered; legumes linear, erect. |
28 A. sect. Lotidium (p. 392) |
+ |
Plants with ascending to erect stems; racemes not subumbellate; legumes of other form |
(68) |
68 (67) |
Wing limbs with linear-acute auricle 2-4.5 mm, sometimes as long as claw |
(69) |
+ |
Auricles of wing limbs mostly shorter, never linear and acute |
(70) |
69 (68) |
Plants up to 60 cm tall; stipules mostly 3-5 mm; inflorescences several on 1 stem; standard ovate or obovate, abruptly contracted at base into very short claw; legumes 8-12 mm. |
24 A. sect. Chrysopteri (p. 389) |
+ |
Plants 8-18 cm tall; stipules 6-15 mm; inflorescence solitary on 1 stem; standard widely obovate to nearly orbicular, gradually narrowed at base; legumes 15-28 mm. |
25 A. sect. Ebracteolati (p. 389) |
70 (68) |
Leaves with a distinct petiole 2-4.5 cm. |
12 A. sect. Skythropos (p. 353) |
+ |
Leaves subsessile, with a petiole up to 1(-2) cm |
(71) |
71 (70) |
Plants mostly tall, conspicuously leafy; ovary and legumes with a distinct, slender stipe, often distinctly longer than 10 mm |
(72) |
+ |
Plants often low, not conspicuously leafy; ovary and legumes sessile or very shortly stipitate |
(73) |
72 (71) |
Legumes 1-locular; bracts persistent; bracteoles absent. |
8 A. sect. Cenantrum (p. 338) |
+ |
Legumes 2-locular or incompletely so; bracts persistent or soon falling; bracteoles present or absent. |
11 A. sect. Chlorostachys (p. 347) |
73 (71) |
Racemes long, remotely many flowered; legumes globose to subglobose. |
20 A. sect. Melilotopsis (p. 370) |
+ |
Racemes at anthesis short, dense, sometimes elongated in fruit; legumes globose to narrowly ovoid |
(74) |
74 (73) |
Legumes globose to widely ovoid, at most up to 2 × as long as wide, often cross-wrinkled. |
21 A. sect. Brachycarpus (p. 373) |
+ |
Legumes ovoid to narrowly ovoid, at least 2 × as long as wide but mostly longer, very rarely cross-wrinkled. |
19 A. sect. Oroboidei (p. 365) |
75 (66) |
Keel longer than (rarely as long as) wings, limbs always large, wider than those of wings. |
17 A. sect. Komaroviella (p. 357) |
+ |
Keel distinctly shorter than wings, rarely to as long as wings, with narrower limbs |
(76) |
76 (75) |
Wing limbs distinctly emarginate to deeply bilobed |
(77) |
+ |
Wing limbs rounded at apex to rarely slightly emarginate |
(79) |
77 (76) |
Ovary and legumes with a long, slender stipe. |
22 A. sect. Hemiphragmium (p. 380) |
+ |
Ovary and legumes sessile or subsessile |
(78) |
78 (77) |
Legumes globose to widely ovoid, at most up to 2 × as long as wide, often cross-wrinkled, hairy. |
21 A. sect. Brachycarpus (p. 373) |
+ |
Legumes ovoid to narrowly ovoid, at least 2 × as long as wide but mostly longer, never distinctly cross-wrinkled, glabrous or rarely very sparsely hairy. |
19 A. sect. Oroboidei (p. 365) |
79 (76) |
Inflorescence subumbellate, few flowered or a loose raceme; legumes linear, erect. |
28 A. sect. Lotidium (p. 392) |
+ |
Inflorescence at anthesis a dense, many-flowered raceme, often elongating in fruit; legumes of other form |
(80) |
80 (79) |
Standard at least 14 mm, at base with a sometimes short, but mostly distinct, cuneate claw |
(81) |
+ |
Standard 6-10 mm, rarely up to 12 mm, mostly without distinct claw |
(82) |
81 (80) |
Stems, stipules, and rachis with ± spreading hairs; ovary with a stipe 3.5-5 mm. |
12 A. sect. Skythropos (p. 353) |
+ |
Stems, stipules, and rachis with appressed to slightly ascending hairs; ovary and legumes sessile or subsessile. |
18 A. sect. Glycyrrhizi (p. 363) |
82 (80) |
Inflorescence ovoid to shortly cylindric; legumes narrowly ellipsoid to narrowly oblong, distinctly curved to sometimes semicircular curved, sessile to stipitate, 1-locular or rarely very incompletely 2-locular. |
23 A. sect. Poliothrix (p. 381) |
+ |
Inflorescence capitate to shortly ovoid; legumes globose to ovoid, sessile, 1-locular or 2-locular |
(83) |
83 (82) |
Legumes globose to widely ovoid, at most up to 2 × as long as wide, often cross-wrinkled. |
21 A. sect. Brachycarpus (p. 373) |
+ |
Legumes ovoid to narrowly so, at least 2 × as long as wide, mostly longer, never distinctly cross-wrinkled. |
19 A. sect. Oroboidei (p. 365) |