54. Astragalus hancockii Bunge, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg. 26: 471. 1880.
短花梗黄耆 duan hua geng huang qi
Astragalus saxicola Ulbrich.
Plants 20-35 cm tall, vegetative parts subglabrous, with hairs 0.3-0.5 mm. Stems at base up to 3 mm thick. Leaves 4-9 cm; lowest stipules acuminately ovate, ca. 6 mm, upper ones narrowly triangular, 8-12 mm, all or only lower ones high vaginate-connate behind stem; rachis subglabrous, only at insertion of leaflets mostly with a small tuft of short white or rarely blackish hairs; leaflets in 3-7 pairs, elliptic, 10-22 × 3-10 mm, abaxially grayish green with darker venation, adaxially dull green, apex rounded to emarginate. Racemes densely many flowered, strongly elongated, up to 12 cm in fruit; peduncle 8-14 cm, glabrous; bracts whitish, linear-acuminate, 5-6 mm, sparsely black hairy. Bracteoles sometimes present, minute. Calyx campanulate-tubular, 6-7 mm, loosely to densely covered with short blackish and whitish hairs; teeth 3-3.5 mm. Petals pale yellow to whitish or purplish; standard oblong to elliptic, 14-17 × 5-6 mm; wings 11-13 mm; keel 8-10 mm. Legumes with a stipe 5-6 mm, obliquely elliptic to nearly narrowly semicircular as seen from side, with strongly curved ventral edge and nearly straight dorsal edge, strongly compressed laterally, 10-15 mm, 5-6 mm high, sharply keeled ventrally, 1-locular; valves glabrous, brownish.
● Hebei.
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