6. Campanula austroxinjiangensis Y. K. Yang, J. K. Wu & J. Z. Li, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 30: 92. 1992.
南疆风铃草 nan jiang feng ling cao
Plants perennial, ca. 10 cm tall. Roots carrot-shaped. Stems single, simple, sparsely puberulent. Basal leaves rosulate, blade elliptic, petiole 1-1.2 cm, winged; cauline leaves shortly petiolate, blade ovate or elliptic, 1-2.2 × 1.1-1.5 cm, both surfaces ± puberulent, base slightly ovate or subrounded, margin obtusely serrate, apex obtuse or acute. Flowers sessile in terminal and axillary capitula of 3-5 (rarely 1 or 2), terminal ones sessile, axillary ones ± pedunculate, both bractless. Calyx lobes linear-lanceolate, 7-9 × 1-1.2 mm, with hooked hairs along midvein and margin. Corolla blue, tubular-campanulate, ca. 2.7 × 7 mm; lobes linear-lanceolate, 12-14 × 4-5 mm, equaling tube, acuminate at apex. Stamens 5 or rarely 4; filaments dilated at base, 1-1.5 × 1-1.5 mm; anthers 10-13 × 1-1.2 mm. Ovary ovoid, 1.5-2 mm in diam.; style ca. 1.5 cm, included. Fl. Jul.
● Grassy slopes; ca. 2300 m. Xinjiang (Hejing).
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