22. Cremanthodium brunneopilosum S. W. Liu, Acta Biol. Plateau Sin. 3: 63. 1984.
褐毛垂头菊 he mao chui tou ju
Plants grayish green or bluish green. Stem solitary, erect, to 100 cm tall, to 1.5 cm in diam. at base, proximally glabrous, distally white and brown pilose. Basal leaves numerous, broadly petiolate; petiole 6-15 × 1.5-2.5 cm, pinnate-parallel or parallel veined, glabrous, base broadly sheathed; leaf blade narrowly elliptic to lanceolate, 6-40 × 2-8 cm, abaxially shortly pilose along veins, adaxially glabrous, base cuneate, narrowed into a petiole, margin entire or minutely denticulate, apex acute. Middle to distal stem leaves 4 or 5, smaller distally, elliptic, base sheathed. Distalmost stem leaves bracteal, lanceolate, apex acuminate. Capitula 1-13, in raceme, rarely solitary, nodding; peduncles 1-9 cm, brown pilose. Involucre hemispheric, 1.2-1.6 × 1.5-2.5 cm, outside densely brown pilose; leaflike bracts green, lanceolate to linear, herbaceous; phyllaries 10-16, in 2 rows, lanceolate or oblong, 3-5 mm wide, apex long acuminate; inner phyllaries brown membranous at margin. Ray florets yellow; lamina linear-lanceolate, 25-60 × 2-5 mm, membranous, translucent, apex long acuminate or caudate; tube 5-7 mm. Tubular florets numerous, brownish yellow, 8-10 mm; tube ca. 2 mm; limb narrowly cylindric. Achenes yellowish brown, cylindric, ca. 5 mm. Pappus white, as long as tubular corolla. Fl. and fr. Jun-Sep. 2n = 58*.
● Alpine swamp meadows, stream banks and associated meadows; 3000-4300 m. SW Gansu, W Qinghai, NW Sichuan, NE Xizang.