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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae | Flemingia

9. Flemingia mengpengensis Y. T. Wei & S. K. Lee, Guihaia. 5: 167. 1985.

勐板千斤拔 meng ban qian jin ba

Shrubs, erect, ca. 1 m tall. Branchlets robust, densely ad­pressed villous. Leaves digitately 3-foliolate; stipules lanceo­late, up to 2 cm, densely adpressed villous, apex long acumi­nate, deciduous; petiole 6-13 cm, wingless, adpressed villous; petiolules 5-7 mm, densely hirsute; leaflets papery; terminal leaflet broadly elliptic to lanceolate, 12-19 × 5-10 cm, both surfaces densely adpressed villous, abaxial surface with sparse black sessile glands, basal veins 3, lateral veins 7-13 pairs, base rounded to broadly cuneate, apex acuminate, with slender mu­cro; lateral leaflets smaller, obliquely lanceolate to obliquely elliptic. Raceme axillary, in clusters of 3-6, ca. 3 cm; peduncle absent. Flowers 1.7-2.1 cm, densely clustered; bracteoles ovate to ovate-elliptic, 4-5 mm; pedicel 2-4 mm. Calyx 15-17 mm, densely hirsute; tube ca. 3 mm; lobes linear-lanceolate, lower one longest. Corolla subequal to calyx; standard suborbicular, ca. 11 mm, clawed, auriculate; wings similar to standard, ca. 9 mm, clawed, one with auricle; keel subobovate, long clawed, apex obtuse. Ovary elliptic, sparsely pubescent; style linear, glabrous. Legume obliquely elliptic, 10-12 × ca. 7 mm, apex shortly beaked, curved. Seeds 1 or 2, black, orbicular. Fl. Jan.

● Mixed forests; 500-600 m. Yunnan.


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