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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 11 | Rutaceae | Glycosmis

5. Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retzius) Candolle, Prodr. 1: 538. 1924.

山小橘 shan xiao ju

Limonia pentaphylla Retzius, Observ. Bot. 5: 24. 1789; Glycosmis arborea (Roxburgh) Candolle; G. chylocarpa Wight & Arnott; G. quinquefolia Griffith; Limonia arborea Roxburgh; Myxospermum chylocarpum (Wight & Arnott) M. Roemer.

Trees to 5 m tall. Leaves (3 or)5-foliolate; petiolules 2-10 mm; leaflet blades oblong, 10-25 × 3-7 cm, papery, base cuneate, margin serrate, apex mucronate. Inflorescences axillary or terminal, paniculate. Flowers globose in bud. Sepals broadly ovate, less than 1 mm. Petals white or pale yellow, 3-4 mm, caducous. Stamens 10. Ovary globose to broadly ovoid; style extremely short; stigma slightly expanded. Fruit reddish, subglobose, 8-10 mm in diam. Fl. Jul-Oct, fr. Jan-Mar. 2n = 36, 54.

Hillside and valley woods; 600-1200 m. S and SW Yunnan [Bhutan, Cambodia, NE India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, NW Vietnam].


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