Glycosmis pentaphylla Correa in Ann. Mus. Par. 6:386. 1805. Hook. f., l.c. 499; Cooke, l.c. 192; Talbot, l.c. 191; Parker, l.c. 65.
Vern.: Ban Nimbu.
Small glabrous tree or shrub. Leaves 3-5-foliolate; leaflets glandular-punctate, sessile, c. 68-145 x 24-48 mm, elliptic to ovate-lanceolate or obovate, entire to crenate, undulate; acute to obtuse. Panicles bracteate; peduncles and pedicels pubescent, (more when younger). Calyx lobes ovate, with scarious margins. Petals white, free, orbicular, imbricate. Ovary 5-locular, glabrous; style short. Berry white or pink, globose, c. 6 mm in diameter.
Fl. Per.: Spring, Feb.-May.
Type: Probably described from Malaysia.
Distribution: Throughout tropical and subtropical Himalayas up to 2300 m, Malaysia, Australia, China, India, Pakistan and Phillipine Islands.
Cultivated throughout Pakistan. The wood is used for making tools, handles and tent pegs.